Wired Assurance: Day 2 - Wired Service Level Expectations (SLEs)

Get full visibility into your network.
Service level expectations give you the operational visibility to better understand the wired experience. This Wired Assurance Day 2 demo will show you how to enforce throughput, successful connects, and switch health with key pre- and post-connection performance metrics.
You’ll learn
Enforcing throughput, successful connects, and switch health
Tracking pre- and post-connection metrics
Viewing root cause analysis
Who is this for?
0:00 [Music]
0:07 one of the coolest features of wired
0:08 assurance is the service level
0:10 expectations or sles
0:12 sles were first introduced with wi-fi
0:15 assurance to help you understand the
0:16 client experience
0:20 now the sle framework has been extended
0:22 to juniper ex switches
0:24 you can see what the performance and
0:26 experience for wired devices is
0:28 categorized into throughput successful
0:30 connect and switch health
0:32 in the throughput sle there are
0:34 classifiers congestion
0:36 interface anomalies storm control etc
0:39 this is where you can drill down to get
0:41 an accurate sense of what is going on in
0:43 the network
0:44 the distribution table breaks it down by
0:46 clients vlans
0:47 interfaces and switches you can also
0:50 sort by failure rate or biggest overall
0:52 impact
0:55 double-click into affected items by
0:57 switches vlans
0:59 interfaces and clients
1:03 going over to the switch health sle we
1:05 immediately see there are cpu issues
1:09 the ex4300 shows the overall impact at
1:12 74
1:14 the screen shows cpu utilization spiking
1:16 over 100
1:18 mapped to a time graph to help you
1:19 narrow in on the issue
1:22 wired sles measure wired experience with
1:25 pre
1:25 and post connection performance metrics
1:27 to help you understand how the network
1:29 experience is
1:30 for your users wired devices and iot
1:34 [Music]
1:38 endpoints