Wired Assurance: Day 0 - Greenfield Onboarding

Onboard your Greenfield Switch
Onboarding a Greenfield EX Switch is simple. Watch this Wired Assurance Day 0 demo to see how to onboard your ZTP-enabled, cloud-ready EX Switch to Juniper Mist Cloud by entering a claim code.
You’ll learn
Locating the switches tab on your inventory page
Entering your switch’s unique claim code
Onboarding your EX Switch to Juniper Mist Cloud
Who is this for?
0:00 [Music]
0:06 onboarding a green field cloud ready ex
0:09 switch is simple
0:10 in your inventory page find the switches
0:13 tab
0:15 click on claim switches type in your
0:17 switch's unique claim code
0:18 which can be found near the qr code at
0:21 the front of the switch
0:22 alternatively you can also enter an
0:24 activation code
0:26 which pulls all your newly purchased
0:27 juniper hardware from one order
0:29 rather than adding individual switch
0:31 codes
0:32 add and check for your desired settings
0:34 such as site assignment
0:36 and configuration management click claim
0:39 and the switch has been added to the
0:42 site
0:45 the ex3400 has been added
0:49 in the site view you should see the
0:51 switch appropriately assigned
0:53 notice that red indicates the switch is
0:55 offline but will turn green once it
0:57 comes
0:58 online the switch is cloud managed and
1:00 accounted for as part of the health
1:02 metrics above