Will Non-Cloud Networks Even Exist in the Future?

Cloud vs. data center: which one will win?
Host of Extreme Networks Tim Harrison argues that our use of cloud technologies has passed a tipping point, and it’s important to understand how cloud will look going forward. Will non-cloud networks become irrelevant? Tune into this episode of Extreme Networks for thoughts on that and more.
You’ll learn
Why service providers need to take advantage of cloud technologies or risk being outpaced
Why the Cloud is the core building block for anyone managing an enterprise network today, according to Extreme’s Bill Lundgren
What does cloud really mean anyway and the business outcomes of moving to cloud
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:00 [Music] welcome to inflection points join hosts
0:08 carlo gazzetti and tim harrison as we explore extreme's vision of the infinite enterprise
0:14 we see a world where people have become infinitely distributed around the globe which means businesses must work at
0:20 scale and focus increasingly on becoming consumer-centric to connect with each
0:25 and every one of them
0:31 [Music]
0:37 carla we're here to talk about cloud yeah we are i think we know one or two
0:43 things about cloud i mean i might spend maybe i don't know 90 of my day talking about cloud maybe maybe 95 maybe maybe
0:52 i feel like you can have a good combo on that i spend most of my time talking to you through cloud so
1:00 because we're in the infinite enterprise that's right that was fantastic
1:06 uh in you know full disclosure uh for anybody who doesn't know um some outlets
1:12 have identified us as uh number two in cloud managed networking and the fastest growing and
1:19 not bad it's not bad it's not bad uh but we are not here to advertise to you um that's
1:26 that's an important part of the podcast is that that's not our goal no but uh we do know quite a lot about it seeing as
1:32 um you know our teams are always thinking about what's next in cloud right that's how you end up being number
1:37 two is uh constantly thinking about what's next and how can we innovate am i right
1:42 you are right um and uh you know a few short years ago if
1:48 you will um uh cloud was uh sort of seen as just another business model another another
1:55 technology another way of of delivering some services but yeah you know certainly with the pandemic what we've
2:01 seen is that cloud has become uh quite a necessity in in the ability to deliver services um and
2:08 you know we've gone through a tipping point if you will on uh an inflection point on on our our use of cloud
2:16 technologies and i think that it's an important time for us to be understanding how this is going to look
2:22 going forward right i i agree because you know i haven't been in technology all of that long i've i've only been
2:28 really you know working in traditional tech now for two years prior to that i was in the media industry and
2:34 you know i think one thing i noticed about cloud you know maybe not that long
2:39 ago in your millennial days in my millennial days as an older elder millennial um i
2:45 would say you know i remember when cloud first happened it was really just about like storage and you know itunes was
2:50 like store your songs in the cloud and even though i knew that napster was in the cloud because yes i'm that old uh i
2:57 hadn't really yes you're that young we did not call it the cloud but it was really just storage back in
3:04 the day and then as time went on i could see that the cloud was becoming more and more
3:10 relevant and it made it easier for me to collaborate with teams from around the
3:16 world whether they were in europe australia asia the united states i used it to manage teams you know major
3:23 products like salesforce all cloud managed and that became table stakes in business
3:28 continuity the way that we collaborated over google became table stakes and you
3:34 can start to see it really become just part and core to everyday business but
3:40 yet it still feels very new and very kind of trendy and you know i i think to your point tim
3:47 i i don't think it's a trend anymore i think it might be here to stay i i think so too and you know i'm possibly
3:54 slightly older than you and maybe we won't talk about that though uh and
4:01 uh we've seen these uh sort of trends and people have seen trends in the industry where we started off with
4:06 centralized computing and then it became decentralized and then there was back to more centralization and now this
4:12 decentralized sort of centralized decentralization if you will you know you're putting your stuff into the cloud and people look at
4:19 the cloud as a as a single sort of um amorphous thing out there um
4:24 but what i think is really important about that is that those who feel that this is all going to swing back to
4:30 everything on prem are missing the point because it's not about placement per se it's about the technologies that
4:37 are used to deliver this so those technologies i feel will continue to expand and and add significantly greater
4:44 value no matter where they live and i just wrote about a blog recently on
4:50 on the extreme network site about service providers and how service
4:55 providers need to change or they'll become irrelevant they need to be able to take advantage of these cloud
5:01 technologies or they're going to find themselves being outpaced not only by their competitors but by their customers
5:07 and i think it's it's it's a huge lesson to learn as we look at these adoptions
5:13 of cloud and where cloud is going to go right and if i mean if massive industries like service providers
5:20 are realizing that they have to go to cloud or we're asserting that they need to go to cloud in order to keep up in
5:26 order to keep pace with everything that's happening as a result of the pandemic and everybody being more
5:31 infinitely distributed and being able to scale um we have to i mean they have it this
5:38 means it's no longer a trend it's a thing it's a cure it's here to stay it's not going to have a pendulum backswing
5:43 we are going to forever leverage this technology in the future and i think what now the question is what does that
5:50 future look like right yeah and and with with the the infinite enterprise and that ability to scale the ability to
5:57 have that uh infinite distribution and a consumer-centric view we now know how it applies to people how
6:04 do we continue to apply that and how does it grow how does it how does it change as we look you know 10 20 50
6:11 years into the future and i know exactly who we should talk to for that crystal ball i think i know who you're talking
6:16 about sir bill lundgren here at extreme networks he is our
6:21 portfolio architecture cloud data and app operations at extreme he's also the pride of wisconsin i'm very excited to
6:29 talk to him me too let's uh let's have that conversation [Music]
6:36 so bill can we talk about cloud and how it's applied today do you see cloud as table
6:43 stakes for any business doing business today absolutely i think it's a a huge part of modern technology
6:52 we've gotten to the point with distributed enterprise and especially during the pandemic we start to see you know efficiencies
6:58 gained with the cloud we start to see people downsizing data centers because now there's less to maintain
7:04 at this point in in the technology evolution cloud makes absolute sense for just about every organization
7:10 so do you think it would be fair to say that in the future you can't survive if
7:15 you have an only on-prem solution i think if you're large enough certainly for small business cloud may not make
7:22 sense just because their needs might not be there but for the for most enterprises um
7:31 the the the need of cloud i think is going to be able to work around the fact that we have a staffing shortage in the world
7:37 right now people aren't working it's hard to find talent so i don't need server folks i don't
7:42 need to worry about procurement all of the chip shortages all of the shipping issues that that happen
7:47 uh right now all go away when you start looking at cloud so it's it is one of those things that for certain businesses yeah might
7:54 not but those are going to be the minority not the majority bill we're cloud believers um at extreme we have
8:01 lots of experience in the cloud we've we've done a lot of work in the cloud and we're looking to continue doing that
8:07 to support businesses but uh help help me and help the rest of the listeners understand um you know what is cloud is
8:14 cloud a business model is cloud a technology architecture what does cloud really mean and and how
8:21 can we define that in such a way that that we have a frame of reference going forward it's a really good question tim
8:27 and and uh you know we've talked earlier about you know i think if you ask 10 different people what cloud is you get 11 different answers uh but the
8:34 uh it is absolutely all of everything that you just mentioned it's it's a business model especially for us here at
8:41 extreme you know there are processes involved in making the cloud a reality both in backend
8:46 processes in front end processes in terms of sales from a business usage perspective
8:52 because here at extreme we use sas services for things like salesforce and marketing tools and things just like
8:59 any other business would so it cloud is really about not a it's an adoption of a
9:05 of a new workflow in your business it's about whether or not you're designing cloud or consuming cloud you're really
9:12 changing the way and the paradigm that you're working within your business not only from a procurement perspective but
9:17 a software maintenance perspective hardware maintenance it's it's really kind of adopting a lifestyle i think
9:23 what's really interesting about what you just said and where my mind immediately jumps to is you know what are some of
9:28 the business outcomes of adopting that style of work for businesses
9:35 one thing that leaps to mind for me is clearly business continuity is one um i
9:40 know we've we briefly talked about before everybody's more distributed right now and cloud is one of the
9:45 easiest ways to do that can you talk a little bit about you know some of the business outcomes that that uh are a result of moving to this
9:53 oh absolutely there are huge impacts that you can do you know i remember back in my enterprise career i worked for an
9:58 insurance company and we spent 10 million dollars building just a data center that wasn't the equipment that
10:04 went in it that was just air conditioning generator and a building because you have to start thinking about
10:09 and it was not a big data center we're talking i think it was just a little under 20 or 30 000 square feet
10:15 so when you start looking at the cost savings of that and looking at what you can do from now you know especially when
10:20 you're to your point is high availability and redundancy and making sure business continuity is there if i
10:26 go off to amazon i instantaneously can build servers that are redundant in two different places and not just it not
10:33 just in a geographic region but across the world i can put a site in europe i can put a site in the u.s i can back up
10:38 i can archive i can do all of this stuff without ever procuring hardware um you
10:44 know and it's it's a matter of minutes sometimes to to do these types of things and then you set it forget it the old
10:49 ron popeil type of scenario where you just you once it's built and once you have someone that knows what they're doing it can be done very very quickly
10:57 and even more importantly it can be scripted it can be automated it can be built around a set of standards to help
11:03 eliminate the human error components of it especially with modern day cloud architecture and orchestration tools so
11:09 there's the cloud does have some distinct advantages over the the legacy hard data
11:15 center in that you just you don't have to worry about having duplicates of everything because you can build it into
11:21 your cloud architecture maybe this is a bit of a basic question and uh you know i'm i'm interested in
11:28 the answer in multiple ways but one the question i'm i'm thinking of is how hard is it to change your workflows so
11:35 we you talked about cloud as a new way uh to have workflows and the workflows need to change for you to be able to
11:41 become a part of the the cloud generation if you will um so how hard is
11:46 it to get from a legacy model into a cloud model oh that's it it can be
11:53 as difficult or as easy as you want it to be the great answer yeah the the uh the iet
12:01 workflows from management perspective do change uh you're now talking about devops and security ops because you're
12:07 now dealing with services that are quite literally in the cloud um so you've got to have some some talent and some skill
12:14 sets that might be a little different than what you traditionally would employ on an on-premises data center um but the
12:21 overall you know once the once that that infrastructure is built the the maintenance of it and the the the usage
12:28 of the applications you know your users that the the actual customers of of your own it operation aren't going to know
12:34 the difference there to them it's just an application they're using so they don't care how you're getting there um
12:40 but just there's some subtle differences i think in in just terms of that generalized it
12:45 maintenance because it is cloud-based and you're going to be somewhat constrained at times around certain
12:51 services a certain capability you know perfect example of that is ipv6 support um and recently you know
12:58 we've been looking at this here at extreme and while aws just recently added some
13:03 support for it google and azure both are still you know there's plans for it but they lag behind
13:08 so you you do have to adapt your it organization sometimes around constraints of the cloud which might not
13:14 exist in an on-premises data center but the good news is the cloud adapts pretty quickly so as long as there's a demand
13:20 for a particular feature within it you usually don't have to wait long in order to get it so what what happens if you're
13:26 not moving to the cloud like if we're if we're looking at you know changing
13:32 how people are doing business like we are obviously our world has changed over the past two years um you know what
13:40 happens to an organization that doesn't move to the cloud what is going to be the impact i think you're going to start to see
13:45 everything that we've got going on right now if you look at the cost of shipping uh my my wife
13:51 actually works in a in a heavy industry with shipping parts on on very large
13:56 container ships uh they bring a bunch of stuff over and what cost three thousand dollars a year or two ago to ship is now
14:04 thirty thousand dollars to bring a container over on a ship wow and when you think about having um
14:10 you know a lot of the manufacturing of these components whether it be servers hard drives you know all all varying
14:17 pieces of you know the right down to the chip level all overseas and then trying to get that hardware your you might not
14:24 be able to move as agilely as you could before the pandemic versus the cloud those servers are
14:30 sitting there you know amazon and microsoft they've got contracts and if it you know they've got
14:35 excess capacity so even if it takes them six months to get a new server it doesn't matter because there's still one
14:41 sitting there waiting for you right now to be able to keep moving forward with your same progress
14:46 so i think anybody who's not cloud is going to very quickly find themselves behind and having to slow their i.t
14:53 development down because of staff shortages because of hardware availability shipping constraints and
14:59 just overall you know the complexity of getting and procuring things in the it industry right now at least until things
15:05 settle down and get somewhat back to normal also too i think it's um you know if we ever have another
15:11 situation we've we've proven very very well that the cloud works when the pandemic hit and everybody
15:18 started working from home you didn't see zoom suddenly say oh sorry we can't handle the load
15:24 you didn't see microsoft go oh everybody stopped for a minute um the business continued
15:30 everybody was able to scale effectively right right absolutely people that used um you know cloud-based uh remote access
15:38 type solutions or were already doing some cloud type things they they didn't have a bit of a problem but if you talk
15:43 to vars who sold traditional you know legacy uh box based
15:49 let's say vpn solutions for instance their phones lit up like christmas trees because they're oh my god i have 500
15:56 people working from home and i have 100 licenses on this device you know i need to unlock it and and you know some of
16:02 our extremes competitors were doing wonderful things for customers giving them you know temporary licenses to get
16:07 by until they could you know cut the pos and there's a lot of good spirited things that happened in the industry but
16:13 you know again when you're fixed on localized hardware that can be problematic
16:19 right so so scale is a massive game changer when it comes to cloud
16:25 the ability to distribute that amongst different clouds or even different areas around the world to be
16:32 able to address the needs of the user uh in different regions it sounds like you know the
16:38 cloud effectively has has taken away a lot of the constraints around somebody who's built themselves into a particular
16:45 data center or a particular architecture it really it's it's a hundred percent scale both horizontal and vertical um
16:52 because if you look at your traditional i want to spin up an application uh when you do that on physical hardware
16:58 in a physical data center you've now got that server and you hope that it's big enough well what happens if your
17:04 application's really great and suddenly everybody and their brother wants to use it well now you're buying bigger servers
17:10 right versus cloud i can stop the instance move it to a bigger instance turn it back on again and the only thing
17:15 i've really done is a brief interruption and a bigger bill so it does give you the extreme flexibility
17:22 and what's really great about cloud and what we like with our dev our own development is the fact that
17:27 you effectively have a license to screw up what i mean by that
17:33 is you have the ability to gamble so if i come up with an idea and i want
17:39 to know if it's going to work we can go off in a test environment and spin one up in minutes we can test it for pennies
17:45 quite literally i could spend 20 bucks for an afternoon spin up a whole bunch of servers test it and go that's a really great idea this
17:52 might actually work or oh you know that's really not a great idea we should just forget about this and i've spent 20
17:58 bucks versus going to the boss and buying servers and discs and storage only to figure out that your idea really
18:04 doesn't work um so from an r d perspective and a a of keeping velocity of innovation there
18:10 cloud i think is is absolutely on the forefront of that well and i i think you really you just hit exactly what i was
18:16 thinking which is it allows for a velocity of innovation um and it sounds to me pretty much that
18:23 as we started out this conversation cloud is basically table stakes for business at this moment in time and i
18:30 think that the pandemic is just increased adoption of it for all the reasons that you've just outlined but my
18:35 big question is where do you see this going how is all of this innovation this speed of
18:41 business and also everything that's changed about our day-to-day because of the pandemic
18:48 what what holds in the future for cloud because i think a lot of people think it might be fairly mature at this point in
18:53 time where do we go from here and what else is out there in the next 10 20 50 years
19:00 oh that's uh that's wow look into your crystal ball and tell me all you know yes yes so
19:06 i think you know the traditional business you know for for large service providers we've been working in the world of containerization and micro
19:12 services and and kubernetes for a number of years now uh traditional
19:18 business is still very much vmware centric and virtualized application centric so i think you know the future
19:25 of cloud is as adoption increases uh one of the best ways you can get your bang for the buck is is much like we did in
19:32 traditional data center you know you had server after server after server running individual apps and then
19:38 vmware and virtualization came along and everyone started buying you know half as many servers and putting twice as many
19:44 apps on them well now we can get even further efficiencies if businesses are willing to adopt
19:51 the kubernetes and container driven environments the problem with those environments is they can be somewhat
19:56 difficult to set up unless you're in cloud and with cloud there's all sorts of auto magic services
20:02 that you can just enable like amazon the the kubernetes services that they have
20:08 you can just turn them on and start loading containers and poof it's all just kind of magic
20:14 so it saves in that regard to to being able to optimize and efficiencies so i
20:19 think you know crystal ball is further clouded option further adoption of containerization businesses starting to
20:25 look at optimizing their in-house applications to run even in a lot of times serverless
20:31 environments where you have workloads that are not necessarily critical maybe something that needs to run every so
20:37 often you don't need a server to run those you can mod you can modernize with cloud environments do serverless compute
20:44 to where you just pop these things off every so often and you're paying pennies on the dollar to have a process execute
20:51 and give you this reliable you know processing also too i think you know if we start to
20:56 look at the future as more and more data goes to cloud you start to get more and more of a
21:02 target on your back it's much like in the old days when people would buy max because there's aka no viruses for a mac
21:08 only works until everybody has a mac right so you know if your if your idea is i'm
21:15 going to reduce my security footprint by putting everything in the cloud and hiding it well that only works so often
21:22 or so far before the the people that that are really good at getting in
21:27 start trying to own amazon or own azure we've already seen this happen with the
21:32 solarwinds attacks and some of these other attacks that have occurred so i think security is going to be on the forefront of innovation here in terms of
21:40 optimization of containers tools and and facilities to tell you what's going on log what's going on um
21:48 also to encryption is going to become more and more important things like homomorphic encryption and more widespread adoption of tools like that
21:55 to allow you to encrypt data but still use the data in its encrypted
22:00 format and get results in an encrypted format and have software still work without truly decrypting the data um all
22:07 of those types of things are going to become more and more important this cloud evolves and i think too
22:14 you know we start to look at all of the different players in cloud they're all very similar but have enough
22:19 subtle differences to where yeah you might want to run something in azure or you might want to run something in aws
22:25 well what if you want to run something in both of them now you're maintaining two cloud environments and now you need
22:30 staff that's trained in two different clouds right so the you know as we revolve it will be interesting to see
22:36 what the industry does in terms of standardization unification and maybe
22:41 even a little bit of inter-cooperation so that i can have a manager of cloud or
22:46 a cloud of clouds if you will or something along those lines out of clouds yes the layered clouds
22:53 stratosphere or something but that that i think is going to become
22:58 important as well as as we start to look at some of these the evolutions
23:03 quick question about that in particular bill like there are there are applications out there that allow you to
23:08 orchestrate different clouds but that doesn't necessarily mean that workloads work equivalently across
23:16 different clouds so when you talk about um a cloud of clouds what do you foresee
23:23 as being the um the actual cloud of clouds what would that look like to you how would how would you
23:29 describe that if you would i think it's going to come down to what the industry has already started to do
23:35 and that is apis api api api is give me a centralized
23:42 architecture that i can use to command workloads across
23:47 all the platforms without having to learn how does microsoft do this how does oracle do this how does ibm do this
23:53 just uh essentially an open api or an open config-like universally standardized api that will
24:00 allow me to programmatically start stop and manage workloads you know kubernetes gives us some of that flexibility
24:06 because it is at least a unifying standard but not but it's all of the infrastructure building pieces the the
24:13 things similar like terraform that can build and construct this these these things and then manage those workloads
24:20 are still very much um provider specific so if we get uh get to a point of that of that cloud of clouds
24:27 it would simply be a way of unifying and linking the workloads together so that i can
24:32 i can create and and build that infrastructure but at the same time
24:38 monitor that infrastructure that's going to become more and more important is now that you have these loads in places
24:43 where you can't necessarily see if the lights are on how do you how do you determine that because
24:48 if it takes me 15 minutes to get notified from amazon that their data center overheated
24:54 which actually happened uh here a few months ago they had a amazon had an outage just like microsoft's had outages
24:59 but you know amazon overheated a data center in tokyo and parts of their data center went down well it takes them time
25:05 to understand what that issue is take some time to notify you what that issue is um and by the time you get notified well
25:11 now you're 10 minutes into wondering hey dude where's my computer
25:17 so we need to have far more rapid respect just like you would in your own data center right if something
25:23 suddenly went down you'd just walk downstairs or walk over and open the door and see what's going on we don't have that visibility right now in the
25:29 cloud at least an immediate real-time response it sounds like there's still
25:34 quite a bit for us to learn in the cloud and particularly a lot of work to do around security
25:40 but in a world where we've solved these problems and what the future looks like obviously 5g and connectivity play a
25:47 huge piece in making sure that in ensuring the success of cloud particularly as we
25:52 end up being more and more distributed in the future but i guess my question to
25:58 you is is what is life like where everything is cloud-based where you can
26:05 work from anywhere you can shop from anywhere you can have that experience from from anywhere and you have the
26:11 level of connectivity to provide a really you know hyper individualized experience
26:17 what is what is life like and do you think the cloud is going to be able to scale for that sort of future
26:22 i absolutely think it can scale uh it's going to take uh an adoption though uh like we were
26:27 talking about earlier is it needs to become table stakes so that every business every ins
26:33 every possibility is accounted for by by using that cloud data but that is the beauty of it is once
26:39 it's in a place where as long as i have connectivity i should be able to get to it now you're talking about ubiquitous
26:46 access you're talking about your refrigerator being able to have you know remind your telephone that you need to
26:51 buy this at the store you're talking about just this you know i don't want to say utopia uh because it's a blessing
26:58 and a curse right you're not you now have no excuse to disconnect um or or to tell the boss you know i i was
27:04 in a place where there was a dead spot now you don't have that anymore yeah the pager doesn't work though sorry no
27:11 wi-fi on the plane can't talk to you yeah remember pagers build nice well that you know that's a perfect example
27:17 uh carlos is the the idea of well the you know the airplanes now that starlink is becoming uh popular
27:23 you know the military's done tests with elon musk starlink and they're they were proving out six and seven hundred
27:30 megabits on in a moving aircraft so to be able to deliver that kind of data rate and and in a moving aircraft
27:37 that's moving 600 miles an hour is amazing so as we start to get faster and better and more especially you know
27:43 wireless is going to be that driver to to that utopian kind of uh
27:49 data access methodology is because now i can i can be anywhere i can do anything from any device and
27:55 still get the same speeds as my laptop i mean that's that that kind of access is going to give us
28:01 just i think a much broader capability for you know especially things like you know
28:07 self-driving cars until as much as i love the idea of a car that can drive itself let's put it this way
28:14 until every car is self-driving you'll never account for the fact that there's going to be some goober that's going to be you know fumbling in his seat looking
28:20 for the penny drop how do you how do you program a car for that you know you you need to have
28:26 access so that every car can talk to every other car and there's got to be some way of controlling that which again
28:31 is cloud so it's it's it's connectivity and it's it's the business continuity of keeping it up and the infrastructure in
28:38 the cloud that's going to enable these these new technologies now specifically to that um and you know
28:44 i wouldn't want to cast aspersions on any self-driving car making companies but um you know as as there is that
28:51 journey and we look at the the utopian refrigerator of the future um what is
28:56 the limitation that's that's causing uh some limited adoption in certain parts of the the business world that that are
29:03 still sort of struggling with virtualization is it the availability of applications is it resistance to wanting
29:09 to give up control of that what what holds us back from this this utopian future
29:15 it's i more so you do the latter part is that willing to willingness to give up
29:20 the control there is a self-preservation i think in i.t of you know as long as there's a
29:26 data center i have a job um that and people see that you know that hey there's no more servers in my data
29:32 center so therefore they're not going to need me i think that's that's a that's a wrong way to look at it i think if if
29:38 you're in it right now and you don't have cloud skills get them it's not hard to go out and get certified or it's not
29:44 hard to figure out you know like how they mean it's not it's still a computer right it's still the cloud is is that old joke you're
29:50 using someone else's computer but you're using it with with a lot more bells and whistles uh but it's a hundred percent letting go
29:58 of that data and understanding that you're not in possession of it there's nothing to go down in the data center and hug there's no more breathing
30:04 there's no blinky lights but even on top of that and kind of bolding into that is is the security aspect of
30:10 it it's there's been so many very very public um hacks lately uh and and more
30:16 and more and more of these ransomware type things and and people are getting way you know now you have states and you
30:21 don't have to worry about this the script kitty it's the state sponsored stuff that just terrifies people right and
30:27 trusting your data to someone else just much like the the solarwinds issue right is you you trust that when you download
30:33 a piece of software it's not going to be have a piece of secret code that's been signed by a certificate
30:38 so you know the the fact that you're now trusting your data and literally the livelihood of your business your ability
30:44 to order product ship product manage your machinery manage your time scale your timetables and and payroll and
30:51 benefits you put all that in the cloud and then it gets compromised that's a big deal and so there are
30:57 people people that just don't want to let go of that yet or they're worried that there are
31:03 issues if they do or or who's responsible for keeping that data private and then two you have the fact that uh
31:09 the big players in this industry can be somewhat competitive with certain businesses i mean if i'm a retailer the
31:15 last person i want to give my money to is amazon definitely so you know or even google
31:22 now is is that is some of the retailers see google as a direct competitor which leaves me with
31:28 microsoft so there's there is some of that too is is uh the biggest players in this space are sometimes direct
31:34 competitors for the people that want to use the product well i think we've covered a lot of ground
31:39 already in just you know our short time together but i i think one thing that we always try
31:44 to leave everybody with is you know there's a lot to consider as businesses are taking on cloud and trying to
31:52 integrate it either in some small way or in some large way into their day-to-day
31:58 and bill just as our our last question uh to you what do you think is the most important
32:03 first step if you're a business that's struggling with uh cloud adoption or you
32:08 have security concerns where is the easy first entry point for any business
32:14 oh that's a great one is the first step i would tell people to do if you're looking at migrating all of your
32:19 workloads is to understand what those workloads are look at and fully know what systems you
32:25 have and then prioritize the ones that are the oldest prior prioritize the ones that are the least impact um so the the
32:33 the maintenance system or something that's you know it's still important to your business but it won't cause you to not ship product
32:39 and start small move those first few little old workloads where the server is dying and it's been you know needing to
32:46 be replaced what i like to call you run it till it rusts in the rack you know those types of machines are
32:52 the perfect candidate to move over to those workloads and to cut your teeth on managing it understanding it and and
32:59 seeing what can happen and then move to bigger and bigger and bigger machines and and bigger services that
33:06 are more important the the other thing is to look at is how are you getting to the cloud because remember you're moving
33:11 your data loads to another facility you don't have it doesn't matter what kind of high speed connectivity you have
33:17 between your offices you now are relying on the internet or preferably some kind of direct
33:23 connect to that cloud service so you're going to have to understand how am i getting there what types of investment
33:29 do i need to make in either standard internet bandwidth or dedicated bandwidth to my new cloud provider and
33:35 then make sure that your employees know that this is not the end of their job this is not some
33:41 way of of getting rid of them you're still going to need that talent you're still going to need people to run those systems they just need to take up a new
33:47 skill in terms of now they need to be able to run the cloud instead of just know how to run windows
33:54 and if you can make that transition with your employees with start with some basic workloads and then make sure you
33:59 have good connectivity to get there it will be a relatively easy transition
34:04 great so first and foremost migrate your rusty racks to the cloud
34:09 yep make sure your employees are upskilled and um you know think about your
34:15 connectivity and your investment there i mean those seem like three easy steps yep it doesn't take much once you get
34:21 those out of the way that's fantastic well thank you very much bill we really appreciate your insights on this uh the
34:26 future is uh is utopian for my refrigerator and uh i look forward to being safe on the roads yes don't forget
34:33 the self-driving cars perfect thanks so much bill thanks guys [Music]
34:44 carla are you convinced uh yes i am thoroughly convinced uh that
34:50 uh cloud is and not a trend it is a thing it is a thing yes i agree
34:56 um and i i admit that i may have been convinced prior to this but uh
35:02 i think what i heard uh continues to reinforce uh the idea that this is indeed a thing
35:09 it is and also it is key to the infinite enterprise
35:14 right i mean one thing that we we definitely covered and and bill reiterated time and time again is
35:21 that in order to scale in order to work with uh distributed resources and distributed teams you have to have the
35:28 cloud this is just the way it's going to be but i like the fact that you know there's some clear steps on on what to
35:34 do yeah yeah he he absolutely gave us sort of the directions for those who haven't
35:39 made it to cloud yet and how they can get there from here which is fantastic because sometimes we talk about cloud in
35:46 such a nebulous way uh without actually focusing on you know what are the practical ways to get there and then
35:53 that takes us into how do those technologies enable us in the future there are things that we haven't really
35:59 conceived of yet that will that will get us there the the cloud of clouds if you will the ability to uh stop looking at
36:07 clouds as isolated things within uh you know that sort of space out there but
36:13 into something that can be manipulated and controlled and leveraged uh from the
36:19 the organization anywhere we need it so i think that that that direction is really exciting to hear about how we can
36:25 make that a utility for the the consumer to be able to to leverage as they need yeah exactly it's just making it more
36:32 tangible and i i think every business has to make the decision between you know what are what our legacies are
36:38 and what's rusty and what are you gonna move but um i i think that um yeah
36:44 the story's done here it is a thing cloud look into it
36:49 you may want to check it out yeah yeah it's gonna happen that's fantastic
36:55 well that's it for this episode of inflection points [Music]
37:05 join us on our next episode of inflection points where we take to the skies for a discussion about drones have
37:11 drones delivered on their promise episodes drop every other wednesday subscribe wherever you get your podcasts
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38:00 you