What Is Edge Computing, Why Is It in Demand, and Will It Replace Cloud Computing?

Watch: Will edge computing replace cloud computing?
In this era of IoT and 5G, edge computing is growing faster than ever — and becoming more important all the time. Watch this video to learn more about edge computing and discover why your enterprise should move toward an edge computing-enabled future.
You’ll learn
Real-life examples that explain edge computing
Why we need edge computing
How exactly edge computing works
Who is this for?

0:00 But, is it fair to say that?
0:02 Edge Computing will replace Cloud Computing ?
0:04 Hello friends.
0:05 Welcome to IT k Funde
0:06 Your own channel where we make I.T. interesting for
0:08 everyone. And in this video,
0:10 we will understand about Edge Computing,
0:12 after cloud
0:14 computing, rocking the IT world for the last decade.
0:16 Now is the time in Edge Computing is picking up pace.
0:20 As we are seeing the Advent of IoT (Internet of things)
0:23 and 5G network so in this video will understand.
0:27 What is Edge Computing?
0:28 Again with a real-life example,
0:30 we will understand why we needed and how exactly it
0:34 works.
0:34 So without further ado,
0:35 let's get started.
0:37 Thank you,
0:51 So lets take an example
0:53 suppose this is a new startup named ABC
0:56 And this guy is the owner of this startup
0:58 Now to manage the financials of this particular startup,
1:02 he contats a consultancy,
1:04 and accountancy firm XYZ and over the course of the
1:09 next 4-5 years.
1:10 This guy used to manage all the financial data within
1:15 its company and then send it over on email or over the
1:18 phone. Or he used to take advice from this consultancy
1:22 and accountancy firm.
1:23 And this accountancy used to maintain all the balance
1:26 sheets P&L,
1:27 and profit & loss statements.
1:29 All those things for this particular startup but in the
1:33 span of five years,
1:34 this startup has grown into a big enterprise,
1:38 with thousands of employees.
1:39 And now,
1:40 the business model has become complex the financial
1:43 information, which is getting processed has become
1:45 much more complex.
1:46 It has grown into a complex model and now managing
1:50 this financial health of this company is not possible
1:54 with this remote consultancy.
1:56 So what happens that this startup talks to this particular
2:01 consultant company and ask that if we can have some
2:05 dedicated service with us all the time because we
2:08 need to take crucial business decisions day in and day out
2:10 out, and we need someone to guide us as far as the financials
2:14 are concerned.
2:16 So this particular head of the company deploy 1 chartered accountant full time
2:20 in this firm
2:23 And this particular person who is sitting here
2:26 his role is to guide the CEO of the company
2:30 in day-to-day activities,
2:32 as far as financial health,
2:34 is concerned or managing
2:36 the financial data is concerned,
2:38 or taking some crucial business decisions are concerned,
2:42 this particular chartered accountant helps in that so its become very quick and fast
2:46 And this particular chartered accountant also takes all the data
2:49 and send it back to the firm.
2:52 So that the firm manages,
2:54 the overall health of the company.
2:56 So yeah,
2:57 this is a layman example or a real life example of cloud computing
3:01 So, if you see this as a system and see this as a cloud
3:06 provider so what used to happen is all the data in the
3:10 processing used to go to the cloud and come back to
3:13 the. you know,
3:13 to that particular system?
3:15 Now, it was good for a while.
3:17 But now as we are moving into real time data
3:19 and IoT applications
3:21 this processing needs to be very quick
3:24 and that's where edge computing is a now coming into picture.
3:27 So what we'll do,
3:28 we'll now go and understand the architecture of edge
3:31 Computing, and we will now understand what "Edge" it provides
3:35 over cloud computing,
3:36 so friends now let's understand high level architecture overview of edge Computing.
3:41 What you see on this board is how edge computing is
3:45 playing a pivotal role in ensuring that all the devices
3:49 which are now processing iot data.
3:51 Real-time data,
3:52 Big Data are actually connected to the main cloud
3:56 data center
3:56 via these edge cloud computing platforms
4:00 But even before we understand this why we want it or why
4:03 we need edge computing is there are two main factors
4:07 one is latency and second is processing.
4:10 So if you have if you if you see sometimes when you were
4:13 talking to your Alexa device,
4:14 you might see some sort of a delay.
4:16 It might be because it is going to your cloud provider
4:20 getting the data from there and downloading it.
4:23 So how we can reduce these kinds of latencies because
4:26 it is just a device right?
4:28 Where you want to listen to your favorite song.
4:30 But what about if you are driving a,
4:33 you know,
4:33 a connected car,
4:34 or self automated car and there's an obstacle,
4:37 which is coming on the way on this car and suppose.
4:40 This car is now talking to the cloud,
4:41 you know,
4:42 the cloud provider.
4:43 The cloud data center to give the instructions back,
4:45 what they should do,
4:46 because there's a wall in front and you're sitting
4:49 back on the back seat terrified,
4:51 what should happen because these kind of systems can not afford these types of delays
4:56 Can have a very severe impact.
4:58 edge computing came into picture and the driving force
5:02 for these edge.
5:03 computing technologies is the 5G network.
5:08 because now you have all the speed is becoming so fast that
5:11 the data processing can be done very quickly.
5:14 And secondly,
5:14 IoT obviously
5:17 so basically we have three different players in edge computing
5:20 first is your cloud data center
5:23 second is your edge gateway server
5:25 and third, you see these blue logos
5:28 on top of every system.
5:30 These are edge clients
5:32 So what happens in edge computing is that there is a smart
5:35 device or edge client device,
5:37 which is installed on all these systems,
5:40 which record all the different kind of data,
5:42 which is being generated by these different devices.
5:46 And then it processes that data.
5:48 It has some sort of intelligence built-in within
5:51 and it has some storage capacity as well and then it processes the data
5:56 and then for higher workloads it sends it to the nearby.
5:59 Gateway server.
6:00 What is the difference between sending it here versus sending
6:03 it directly to the cloud?
6:04 Is, that your edge gateway server would be physically located,
6:09 very near to your device.
6:11 So that reduces the latency and increase the processing power
6:16 That's why all these gateways physically closer to
6:20 all these different systems.
6:23 Now where we are seeing the trend of edge computing coming
6:27 into picture everywhere.
6:28 where we see today
6:29 IoT coming into picture iot being used
6:32 like capturing the plant data or,
6:35 you know, transport intelligent Railways agriculture,
6:39 suppose, for example,
6:40 in agriculture.
6:40 There is a pesticide which,
6:42 you know,
6:43 which is causing harm to the to the crops.
6:46 And there is some some indication which has come in
6:49 and this particular smart device need to stop some
6:52 sort of a spray of the pesticide immediately, Power Systems
6:56 Wherein you have all these devices being installed
6:59 locally and we didn't,
7:01 you know,
7:02 these devices are getting locally installed.
7:04 And then this is sending data to your nearby physically
7:08 located Gateway server,
7:09 similarly connected car very important
7:12 No more and more different car manufacturers are
7:15 installing smart devices with in your car and even
7:21 for self-driving,
7:21 cars in future where
7:23 you will be sitting in your backseat
7:25 These kind of technologies would play a prominent
7:27 role, smart appliances.
7:29 You have some sort of iot installed,
7:34 like, your washing machine your mobile phones.
7:37 Are you smart devices like Alexa,
7:40 smart building now you have houses which are Smart Homes,
7:43 which we call it,
7:44 right? So as soon as you enter the house, the light would go on automatically.
7:47 All those kind of decisions will be enabled through this technology.
7:52 So these are some areas where we have edge computing
7:56 playing an important role or will play an important role in the coming times,
8:01 but there are other areas as well
8:04 so what drives this whole edge computing
8:06 as I said,
8:07 huge data getting generated.
8:09 Advent of 5G Wireless technology and you have iot
8:15 technology coming into picture
8:17 these technologies have enabled Edge Computing
8:20 faster processing because now you need faster processor
8:24 to take good decisions on time intelligence in hand.
8:28 So now you don't have to wait for your
8:31 Chartered accountant to,
8:32 you know,
8:32 give you something one week later.
8:34 When you have your chartered accountant sitting
8:36 next to you,
8:37 as we understood in our previous example,
8:39 similarly, your edge device is there,
8:41 right?
8:42 You add intelligent devices sitting within you and
8:44 you have your Gateway server,
8:46 you would have some racks of servers,
8:48 you know,
8:48 enabling it is.
8:49 Call it a small data center in its own sense,
8:52 which would be sitting very close to your appliance
8:57 or to your device.
8:59 Low latency.
9:00 Again, a very important factor of concerns on data,
9:04 security and privacy again.
9:05 This also is one of the things which are helpful,
9:08 because while the data is being sent to and fro many
9:12 times over,
9:13 you know, your Cloud,
9:14 there could be some hacks of intrusion and there could
9:18 be some data security breaches.
9:19 However, one of the downsides of one of the disadvantages
9:23 of using the edge computing is also security because
9:27 what if someone goes and directly hacks into these
9:30 systems directly where it is installed.
9:32 Maybe just get into your edge Gateway server.
9:35 So I would say security is a 50/50 thing.
9:37 We have something good about Edge Computing,
9:40 but there's a major concern around security and privacy
9:43 as well.
9:44 So, yes,
9:45 this is a high-level overview of what is Edge Computing,
9:49 and how it is becoming so popular.
9:50 Now you would see next ten years or so.
9:53 We will have its Computing in pretty much every area
9:57 between, which we know today and where we are using
10:00 cloud computing.
10:01 but is it fair to say that edge computing will replace
10:05 cloud computing?
10:06 I don't think so.
10:08 It would never happen because cloud computing would
10:11 always be that parent and edge computing would be a subsidiary
10:14 of it,
10:15 both would co-exist both will enable faster Cloud adoption
10:19 as a whole
10:20 So.
10:21 Yes friends
10:21 This brings us to the end of this video.
10:23 I hope you learned something new about Edge Computing.
10:25 Today
10:26 There's going to be one of the prominent technologies
10:29 in coming years and yes if you learnt something please hit the
10:33 like button,
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10:39 I know you know it,
10:41 But I have to say this again because
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10:48 And yes,
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11:02 So until next time guys
11:02 please keep learning
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11:05 and yes as always keep hustling bye for now
11:08 bye for now