The Role of AI in Networking

At Juniper Networks, AI isn’t just a buzzword, it’s delivering value and great user experiences to our customers. This year at AI in Action, our VP of Enterprise Marketing, Jeff Aaron, showcased the potential of AI and how Juniper is delivering the future of AI.
2:00 The History of Mist
3:43 What is Happening with AI Right now?
5:22 Why a VNA is Still Required Today
6:36 VNA Requirements
9:04 Driving Sustainability with Innovation and AIOps
10:06 What’s Next?/Closing Statements
You’ll learn
There are 5 things that are needed in an AI VNA solution to make it real
Who is this for?

0:00 [Music]
0:11 thank you
0:12 God I hate falling sweet here
0:15 welcome everybody we're so excited to be
0:17 kicking off our second annual and action
0:20 Vegas and for those that were here both
0:22 years thank you for coming back I was
0:24 really stoked when I was asked to kick
0:26 this off but I was also honestly a
0:29 little stumped right how do I get you
0:31 guys as excited as that how do I explain
0:35 what we're gonna have coming in terms of
0:37 how to make AI real right or how to use
0:40 AI how to differentiate with AI how to
0:42 get real outcomes right there's a lot I
0:44 wanted to do but I didn't know how to
0:46 start so I actually called sudir and I
0:49 said so dear how would you do this this
0:50 presentation but I think most you guys
0:52 know Cedar has like no opinions on
0:54 anything so didn't get me anywhere I was
0:56 I was I was lost so I called Bob Friday
0:58 our chief AI officer and you guys know
1:00 this engineering is from Venus marketing
1:02 is from Mars
1:03 didn't really understand what the hell
1:05 he was talking about either so hopefully
1:06 you guys can understand him later so but
1:08 then I realized you mentioned sheriff in
1:10 town there is actually a new sheriff in
1:11 town that's better than all of us so I
1:13 actually booted up my computer and I
1:16 asked chat GPT
1:18 how the hell would you do this thing if
1:20 you know if you were in my shoes it
1:22 actually has some pretty good advice you
1:23 know the first thing is said is start
1:25 with a thought-provoking stat okay you
1:26 know that's like presentation 101 so
1:29 let's let's Okay chat gbt Overlord what
1:31 do you got first here what's a good stat
1:32 so 11 billion dollars in two years AI
1:36 Ops will be 11 billion dollar market
1:37 with a 25 kagger that's pretty cool but
1:40 I'm guessing you guys probably don't
1:42 care about stats and you probably
1:43 already know AI Ops is crushing it
1:45 otherwise you wouldn't be at AI in
1:47 action Vegas to learn more about AI Ops
1:49 so come on chat GPT you got to give
1:51 something a little bit more than that
1:53 all right cool share a personal story I
1:55 like that I can do that
1:57 um the one that immediately comes to
1:59 mind which you're also going to hear
The History of Mist
2:00 from from Tom Wilburn as well so I'll
2:02 touch on the personal experience of this
2:04 is the founding of Miss Right Miss was
2:06 actually founded back in 2014 to
2:09 transition the industry from Network
2:11 experiences
2:12 to user experiences right and that's
2:14 what you're going to hear a lot about
2:15 throughout the course of the day
2:17 um and again Tom will walk you through
2:18 that Journey a little bit more but
2:20 there's one story that actually really
2:22 stuck with me when I joined Mist about a
2:23 year or two after they they had first
2:25 started and we're working with one of
2:26 the the fortune 10 retailers who's
2:28 actually in the room right now and they
2:30 actually were telling a story about
2:31 robots believe it or not that was their
2:32 user for experience robots and their
2:35 robots were going around their
2:36 warehouses and fulfillment centers and
2:38 doing what robots do
2:40 and the problem is if one of those
2:41 robots went down it's millions of
2:43 dollars lost every minute it was down
2:45 and they had a great line robots can't
2:47 call for help the robot's not going to
2:49 pick up the phone and call your help
2:50 desk and say the Wi-Fi sucks right so in
2:53 that instance there's a great example of
2:54 you have to really hone in on user
2:56 experiences and optimize the network for
2:58 that so I love that example right or
3:01 another way to put it is as it guys you
3:03 got to be able to take the blinders off
3:04 and transition from looking at just that
3:07 the fact that the aps are up and running
3:08 or the Network's up and running to how
3:10 are the users on that Network having an
3:12 experience here's a funny example of
3:14 that
3:15 that's strange a ton of Wi-Fi service
3:18 tickets just rolled in but I can't see
3:19 any network issues
3:22 well the lights on so it must be fine
3:24 they're saying the Wi-Fi sucks
3:27 but the light is on
3:30 that was an example of some of the ads
3:31 that we run again to get people to focus
3:33 on the fact that AI is real delivering
3:35 real value and focusing on user
3:37 experiences so thanks Chester PT I think
3:39 we got in a good direction there
3:42 um what else this is the last last
What is Happening with AI Right now?
3:44 recommendation that chat GPT has is pose
3:46 a question or or challenge the audience
3:48 and actually I thought this one was
3:49 really interesting right there's so many
3:51 questions you can go down like is it
3:53 real or how do I trust it Etc but I
3:56 thought the more interesting question
3:57 right now for us to talk about in my
3:59 setup and and again folks we'll double
4:01 click on that is
4:03 why now what's happening right now right
4:05 why is it that all sudden llm GPT AI is
4:09 on everyone's tongues right now why are
4:11 there that kids in Little League are
4:12 coding against open Ai and grandmothers
4:15 in Safeway actually are talking about AI
4:16 so what what happened recently that
4:18 changed things so dramatically so for
4:20 those that don't know Chachi PT is
4:23 generative pre-trained Transformer so
4:26 what that means is you're basically
4:27 creating a large language model of a lot
4:29 of data moving into a system using deep
4:31 learning where I can actually prompt it
4:33 and get real human answers back that's
4:35 the marketing definition of this that's
4:36 the best you're going to get from me but
4:38 the general concept here is very easy to
4:40 use it's very creative has a whole host
4:42 of internet data that it can pull from
4:44 so you can do some really cool things
4:46 like for example hypothetically I may
4:49 have sent my wife a Valentine's Day card
4:51 written by Tupac Shakur
4:54 she appreciated it she works in AI loves
4:56 Tupac I wouldn't necessarily recommend
4:57 it but that was an example where chat
4:58 GPT hooked me up right or here's another
5:00 example right
5:02 I asked chat GPT write a haikub at AI
5:05 because I know you guys are all into
5:06 poetry right so
5:08 should I take my shoes off for this one
5:09 Studio because it's so Zen right
5:11 artificial mind learning evolving
5:13 growing future at your door that's Zen
5:16 is right come on
5:18 TV all right
5:20 good stuff
5:21 um but seriously you know there is a
Why a VNA is Still Required Today
5:23 difference in what llm can provide and
5:25 VNA and actually llm is an augmentation
5:27 to the right software architecture the
5:30 right virtual Network assistant and
5:31 that's one of the things we're going to
5:32 talk about right so while an llm is
5:34 great for certain use cases it actually
5:36 is only um it's hard to validate the
5:39 answers is it accurate is it not
5:40 accurate and it's a snapshot of time
5:42 right it's a specific thing so if you
5:45 want to ask you know what is wrong with
5:46 my network today right or what was wrong
5:48 with Jeff's laptop yesterday or show me
5:51 all unhappy users you're not going to be
5:53 able to do that you need a virtual AI
5:55 driven assistant like junipers Marvis
5:59 I heard I was going to be punked
6:03 there we go Marvis meet Marvis also
6:06 known as Mike Bouchon
6:09 he'll be here all night remember to tip
6:11 your waders
6:13 uh but in all seriousness you know
6:14 Marvis our VNA leveraged a whole host of
6:17 AI driven Technologies you know whether
6:19 it's you know natural language
6:20 processing anomaly detection event
6:22 correlation there's a lot you can do
6:24 with a VNA but I think if you guys are
6:28 down the road at Cisco if you're at
6:29 Aruba atmosphere you've probably heard a
6:32 boatload of buzzwords right all those
6:33 words I just mentioned are probably
6:35 words that you've heard before so if
VNA Requirements
6:37 there's anything that you walk away from
6:38 my presentation is that there's five
6:41 things that are needed in aip's VNA
6:43 solution that really make it real and
6:45 again you're going to hear these
6:46 reinforced by your customers by Bob by
6:48 sudir by Tom as we go down the path but
6:50 the first thing is data bad data in bad
6:55 data out you need the right data to
6:57 build an AI model and again that's why
6:59 back in the days when when Bob and sujay
7:02 hajela created Juniper they rewrote the
7:05 control plane to collect 150 user States
7:07 that's why Juniper acquired Miss because
7:09 now you can bring a Telemetry data from
7:11 routers from switches from firewalls to
7:13 complete the picture so it's all about
7:14 not just the quantity of the data but
7:17 the quality of the data okay secondly
7:19 that has to go somewhere where you can
7:21 process it I am sorry with all due
7:23 respect to the guys that rhyme with
7:25 misco you cannot do AI on premises
7:28 that's not how Amazon does it that's not
7:30 how Google does it that's not how you
7:32 know the world of AI does it you need a
7:34 modern microservices Cloud for agility
7:36 for scale resiliency that's what we
7:39 built from scratch that's what the whole
7:40 Juniper portfolio is leveraging together
7:42 in a unified front
7:45 you need Rich data science I was
7:47 standing up just like this at an event
7:48 not too long ago a field day event and I
7:51 said we were the first to do AI driven
7:52 operations the first to do age of an I.T
7:54 and someone chimed in and said does
7:57 being first really matter you know we
7:58 hear vendors say that all the time and
8:00 my answer is with AI yeah it actually
8:03 does right because the algorithms get
8:05 better there's less false positives you
8:07 add more algorithms to do things like
8:09 service levels or find persistently
8:11 failing clients so actually having a
8:13 Seventh Generation AI algorithm that you
8:15 can now add things like yellow and on
8:17 top of it absolutely matters and that's
8:19 one of the things that we've done
8:20 the fourth pillar is continuous learning
8:23 again Bob Friday compliments to him
8:25 always says this if you want to
8:26 understand if your vendor is using real
8:28 AI ask them where their support
8:30 organization assists with respect to
8:32 their data science Engineers are they
8:34 taking the information back from
8:35 customers like these guys and putting
8:37 you back into the system to learn better
8:38 that's what Juniper is doing that's
8:40 continuous learning pulling in data from
8:42 applications like Zoom that's how you
8:44 build a real VNA
8:45 and then lastly we kind of talked about
8:47 this the full stack portfolio you can't
8:49 do AI in a silo if a team's call goes
8:51 down is it the wireless is it the wired
8:53 is it the WAN is it is it teams is it
8:56 the cloud you need the ability to
8:58 correlate all that information and do it
8:59 on their full stack portfolio so those
9:01 are some of the requirements of a VNA
Driving Sustainability with Innovation and AIOps
9:04 I think what goes into a VNA though may
9:07 be less interesting than what comes out
9:08 of a VNA right what are the actual
9:10 outcomes and again we're going to talk a
9:12 lot about that through this show whether
9:14 it's you know just lower cost savings
9:15 through better Opex whether it's just
9:17 better patient experiences when someone
9:19 shows up at a VA hospital where there's
9:21 better student experience like the folks
9:23 at Dartmouth who just don't want people
9:24 tweeting that the Wi-Fi in the dorm room
9:26 sucks and I can't get at my Xbox running
9:29 right so there's a variety of different
9:31 reasons that you want to leverage a VNA
9:33 and a Ops to deliver Better Business
9:34 outcomes and they're all here and you're
9:36 going to hear from this more Tom's going
9:37 to drill into this as well as the
9:39 customers
9:41 and also an interesting one is about
9:42 sustainability right if the Gap can
9:44 reduce 85 percent of their truck rolls
9:46 to their stores that saves not only I.T
9:48 time but that saves gas and Emissions
9:51 right our friends of service now right
9:53 if they can eliminate which they did 128
9:56 000 metric tons of their carbon
9:58 footprint that's not shabby right and
10:00 that's what comes from again being able
10:01 to do more Automation and more insight
10:03 from your network
10:05 so
What’s Next?/Closing Statements
10:06 enough with chat gbt we have lots of
10:08 human experts here to talk about that as
10:11 we said we got uh sudir mentioned we got
10:13 servicenow we got University of
10:14 Washington HEB ratty children's Lobos
10:17 granted talk about all the different
10:19 ways that they're deploying it and using
10:21 it within their networks we've got Tom
10:22 Wilburn and suder Mata head of sales
10:24 head of products for the a German
10:26 Enterprise they're going to talk about
10:27 the campus Branch we got my good friend
10:29 bhushan Mike Bouchon who your time will
10:32 come up just wait he's going to talk
10:34 about Data Center and we got kicked out
10:36 and talk about security so with all due
10:38 respect
10:39 we're done with you
10:42 really all right we don't need AI driven
10:45 photos I think we're good so with that
10:47 you know Tom why don't we get you on
10:48 sale or should I say Anderson Cooper
10:49 because AI I think makes you think
10:51 thinks you look like Anderson Cooper no
10:52 who thinks Bob looks like Anderson
10:54 Cooper in that picture
10:55 there we go all right
10:57 or top about Tom not bomb sorry so Tom
11:00 come on up stage
11:03 [Music]