Shelly Kramer, Principal Analyst and Founding Partner, Futurum Research

The 5G Factor - A Look at Juniper Cloud Metro and The Role it Can Play in 5G Evolution

Industry Voices 5GCloud Metro
Shelly Kramer
Still image shows a split screen with an image of Shelly Kramer, Principal Analyst and Founding Partner, Futurum Research on the left and Ron Westfall, Senior Analyst and Research Director, Futurum Research on the right. Images are overtop a teal background. The words “The 5GFactor” is in the top left corner, ‘FUTURM.’ is in the top right corner. On the bottom with white copy inside an orange rectangle it says ‘The 5G Factor: A Look at Juniper Cloud Metro and the Role it Can Play in 5G Evolution’
Mar 29, 2023

On this episode of The 5G Factor, part of The Futurum Tech Webcast, Shelly Kramer is joined by fellow analyst and colleague Ron Westfall to talk about 5G network builds and some of the things 5G network decision-makers should consider when they are focused on things like streamlined builds, operational capabilities that provide AI-powered intelligence and end to end automation, along with all things sustainability, which is a key business focus today. And when we mention sustainability, that includes sustainability in operations, sustainable systems overall, and sustainable architecture.

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You’ll learn

  • Juniper’s cloud metro offering

  • The role it plays in all things related to 5G network builds

Who is this for?

Business Leaders Network Professionals


Shelly Kramer
Shelly Kramer
Principal Analyst and Founding Partner, Futurum Research

Guest speakers

Ron Westfall Headshot
Ron Westfall
Senior Analyst and Research Director, Futurum Research


0:00 foreign

0:05 [Music] G factor I am Shelley Kramer principal analyst here at Future research and for

0:12 this series that is focused on all things 5G and the 5G ecosystem and which

0:18 is part of our uh futurium Tech webcast I am joined by my colleague and fellow analyst here at futurem Ron Westfall

0:25 hello Ron good night good yes thank you Shelly good day and uh of course it's

0:31 great to be here especially after the momentous Mobile World Congress 2023

0:36 event yeah it was just great to see everybody again under the same Ruth uh basically everybody being able to talk

0:44 normally communicate normally and up to 90 000 people where it attended so that

0:49 was just a thumbs up all around it was thumbs up all around absolutely so what

0:54 we are going to talk about today on this episode of the 5G Factor we're going to take a look at Juniper's Cloud Metro

1:03 offering and kind of take a dive into the role that we see it playing in 5G

1:11 Evolution so 5G Network builds 5G Network builds when it comes to 5G

1:18 Network builds there are some key things that that decision makers should consider when they're focusing on things

1:24 like streamline builds operational capabilities that provide AI powered

1:29 intelligence and end-to-end automation we also know decision makers are paying

1:35 attention to all things sustainability which is a key business focus today and when I mention sustainability that

1:41 includes sustainability and operation sustainable systems overall and of

1:47 course sustainable architecture so thinking all things 5G networks

1:53 um we're naturally going to highlight Juniper's Cloud Metro offering and so let's talk a little let's start a little

1:59 bit by talking about the 5G ecosystem as a whole so we as we move from 2G to 3G

2:07 to 4G to 5G and 6G we're looking at more

2:12 connected devices than ever before anyone listening to this probably this show probably knows that right more

2:18 connected devices than ever before we're looking at a thousand times uh increase

2:25 in Mobile volume data and amazing increases in data rates and latency is

2:32 also a part of this equation and and we're looking at a 5x

2:37 lower latency performance so we've got lots of things that are going on here and that's really where Juniper Cloud

2:45 Metro comes in and Juniper positions this as being all about volume velocity

2:52 and variety okay and Metro sits in the middle of apps that are shift shifting

2:57 Service delivery into the Metro platform and it's a place where things like video caching is being distributed and we'll

3:04 see 5G user planes and security gateways being distributed and we'll also have a

3:10 massive increase in workloads that are residing in Edge Cloud applications being moved to the

3:16 edge all of these things will be pushing into Metro and that's I think part of

3:22 what makes this such a valuable solution Ron you know essentially the way that I

3:28 look at it is that Metro kind of becomes the new Edge what do you think about that well I think that's a very at

3:34 characterization I think we're seeing that not just at mobile of Congress where Juniper raised both its profile

3:41 and its game I believe but also we're looking at various critical industry trends that are driving the metro to

3:48 becoming uh the new Edge you know we're really where all the action is going on or certainly critical portions of the

3:56 action is going on and so uh I view it as this is where our connectivity Edge

4:01 Cloud hosting and service experience outcomes are really converging and this

4:07 includes I think information that we're seeing that's basically a consensus for example sample on the consumer side we

4:14 see that many of them are willing to pay for a premium service that is to have quality of experience assurances that

4:21 can guarantee something like cloud gaming or video surveillance and things of that nature but I think it's not just

4:28 about consumers it's certainly about the business side the Enterprise side absolutely and what I think is important

4:34 here is that Enterprise data will be increasingly distributed throughout Edge

4:39 clouds in fact by the year 2025 over half of this traffic will be residing in

4:46 that uh environment and so this is why it really becomes imperative to know

4:52 what is going on with Metro cloud in terms of for example that we can

4:57 anticipate that Metro traffic will increase by five-fold that is 500

5:03 percent over the next few years through 2027. so that reinforces the fact like

5:09 yes this is the new Edge Metro cloud is where the action is happening and this

5:14 is a resulting in projections like uh by the end of the decade uh this will be a

5:20 500 billion dollar business let me rephrase that it'll be a half trillion dollar business by the end of the

5:27 Decades already we're talking multi-billions in the very near turn and so this is definitely a space that one

5:33 supplier needs to bet on but it's also a very smart solid bet and that's why I see the Juniper Cloud Metro portfolio is

5:41 really teed up to really take advantage of these opportunities yeah absolutely you know to follow on your comments with

5:48 some additional stats that I think are interesting um is you know uh by well by

5:54 2022 right we're already there 82 percent of video IP traffic

6:01 um video caching is getting distributed into Metro right and so we're seeing

6:06 mobile data traffic which will increase 54 by 2 2025 and by 2025 30 of workloads

6:16 will reside in Edge Cloud so what you've got is you've got Metro and then you've got all of these things around it kind

6:24 of feeding into it and that's really where um I think the key part of the value proposition there is you know

6:31 oh I agree wholeheartedly and I think it's important to first of all understand like Cloud Metro yeah it's

6:37 definitely the space that people have to pay attention to but also it's important to understand why the Juniper Cloud

6:43 Metro portfolio is very well suited for meeting these uh demands but also in

6:50 particular to 5G Network Innovation but also builds and scaling and so forth and

6:56 so this is an opportunity to take a snapshot of the Juniper Cloud Metro portfolio and and the areas where it

7:02 excels I think first of all we have to have a portfolio that is purpose-built and purpose developed to support

7:08 sustainable operations that includes automation capabilities we I think

7:13 understand that automation is going to be critical to enable uh scaling at these massive levels there's just no way

7:20 around it you cannot do it with manual Legacy approaches and that has to be combined with AI enabled engines that is

7:28 using AI to assure that you know know uh what is going on with the network but

7:34 also to be able to proactively respond to emerging say security threats or to

7:41 be able to assign distributed workloads on the most intelligent real-time basis

7:46 and then finally taking advantage of all these Cloud capabilities that is as a service flexibility that many

7:53 organizations appreciate when it comes to for example meeting time to Market

7:58 challenges and so forth but it's not just about sustainable operations it's about sustainable systems and I see like

8:06 the ACX 7000 family that Juniper offers really addresses this all the way from

8:12 the low end to the high and in terms of meeting sustainable systems demands for

8:17 example we have the ACX 7024 pizza box type solution that meets uh for example

8:23 small business requirements or you know branch office requirements and other important

8:29 requirements it just depends on what the the customer needs certainly when it comes to CSP they want to be able to use

8:36 these types of products to meet a broader array of customers but also at the high end you have the new AC K

8:43 7908 product that it can meet all of these intense scaling demands on a

8:50 flexible agile basis with the security assurances and so this is I think

8:55 reinforcing the ability for Juniper to meet sustainable architecture needs so I

9:01 see that they've done a lot of good work in terms of investing in for example IP Services fabric capabilities which are

9:07 important for hybrid cloud and multi-cloud implementations but also integrating that with embedded service

9:14 assurance and built-in zero trust security

9:20 baked in security it's my favorite part of any equation exactly amen it's and so

9:26 what is different here is it has to be needed it has to be built in we can't no longer depend on solutions that are you

9:34 know more bolted in or only applicable to specific applications specific

9:40 networks and so forth it really has to be based on this IP Services fabric

9:45 approach so these are I think are you know key characteristics that distinguish the Juniper portfolio but

9:51 more importantly differentiate it from competing Solutions I agree absolutely well and I think it's worth mentioning

9:58 too that some of these um members of the ACX 7000 family are

10:03 actually somewhat new uh you know the AC ACX 7024 which is the one you mentioned

10:09 first which is kind of a smaller system going all the way up to the acx7908

10:16 um which is you know a much bigger system so it these are kind of new offerings and I think they're definitely

10:22 worth knowing about and taking a look at as you assess your own needs you know I

10:27 agree yeah I think the ACX family is just that it's flexible it's able to not

10:33 only uh address any deployment scenario uh that a CSP or a cloud provider or any

10:39 other player who is addressing the 5G networking builds but again it's about

10:45 all of these uh capabilities combined together in a package that definitely is

10:51 I think optimal for enabling all of these capabilities that we've already

10:56 highlighted in terms of cloud Metro environments right well and I think too for me uh something that's incredibly

11:03 important is that you know based on this um family of offerings what you've got

11:10 is a situation where Juniper's meeting you where you are in your journey you

11:17 know um there's there's a solution for everyone a solution for your specific needs for your specific business size

11:24 that sort of thing I think that's really important because this isn't a kind of a one size fits-all situation exactly in

11:32 fact when it comes to for example Performance metrics uh what we see is that Juniper is delivering scalability

11:39 that from one gig all the way up to 345 terabytes right so that is you know I think a key breakthrough and it's not

11:46 just at the system level it's also at the per slot line uh card level for example they can deliver 21.6 terabits

11:54 per line card and it's already purpose built uh and ready for 800 gig and 1.6

12:00 terabit scenarios and what's important in addition to that is the fact that it has that flexibility so it can go from

12:08 Port speeds all the way get all the way down to one gig but all the way up to 800 gig plus so we know that customers

12:15 need that for their evolving deployment series and that certainly applies to 5G

12:20 Network deployments particularly a standalone kicks in and 5G Advance it kicks in later on but I think it's also

12:27 about the fact that you have I think a clear differentiation when it comes to the highest for example 400 gig density

12:34 that's up to 54 ports and this I think is something that differentiates Juniper from players like Cisco and I think it's

12:42 also important to note that it supports highest timing Precision accuracy that is class D verification and where this

12:50 is important is again about syncing across multi-network scenarios across

12:55 multi-cloud scenarios multi-vendor implementations but also Upstream applications and so forth and I think

13:03 also it's very impressive it has adaptive power capabilities so it's modular removable power shelves that can

13:10 meet each scenario that we already touched on but what I think is equally impressive it has titanium grade power

13:16 efficiency ratings so what's not to like in that particular regard but I think

13:21 where the rubber really hits the road is like okay these capabilities are built in but what is the wow factor what is it

13:27 delivering well for example up to 70 power consumption improvements uh so

13:32 hello sustainability uh that's really yeah I help any csb any organization out

13:39 there in terms of meeting uh their ESG Ambitions uh for example but it's

13:45 also lowering uh total cost of ownership by 70 improving space efficiency by over

13:51 50 and again delivering a longer system life uh cycles and so forth that again

13:57 reinforces that need to uh meet sustainability goals so I think you know

14:02 these are the highlights these I think are the key reasons why uh Juniper has the goods when it comes to enabling 5G

14:10 Network optimization across Cloud Metro environments yeah I agree so I wanted to

14:16 touch here on you know basic Cloud principles and how this applies to Metro

14:22 networks and I think that you know I think we would all agree that the beauty of cloud is in agility and in things

14:31 like resource pooling and automated operations and scalability and you know

14:38 security and measured services and things like that so those are basic Cloud principles and that's exactly

14:46 um what cloud Metro provides for Juniper customers and you know again resource

14:51 pooling they've got one converged Metro instance for all use cases and when it

14:57 comes to automated operations you've got a full service one network provisioning with Cloud native tools and you've got

15:03 the ability to easily scale and optimize for East-West traffic and then you've

15:09 got as we talked about earlier you've got built-in Security Service SLA qoe

15:15 all of which are actively tested and assured so these are the like this is

15:21 um Juniper doing the heavy lifting for you you know for for operators you don't

15:27 have to worry about all of these separate pieces it's all part of the

15:33 cloud Metro offering it's all part of the lift that Juniper that Juniper covers for customers and I think that's

15:40 really I mean as somebody who is charged with making technology

15:46 um decisions for our family of companies what I'm looking for as a customer is I

15:52 need you to make it as easy as possible for me I need you to solve all of my problems at one fail swoop and I also

16:00 need to know that you're there for me from a service level agreement from a support level agreement all of that sort

16:06 of thing and so when I see offerings like this that encapsulate exactly what

16:12 it is I need um it moves me a lot closer to the buy button

16:18 right off and I think he really touched on the core principles here resource pooling That's essential that is

16:24 leveraging Sir server storage and switching capabilities throughout uh Cloud Fabrics uh multi-cloud uh

16:31 implementations and yeah I like the fact that efsi's elastic scalability the fact that it's not about just scaling up but

16:38 scaling out to support network slicing and supporting uh microservices and so

16:43 forth so all these I think are going to be key capabilities that are going to drive 5G Network Innovation and

16:50 monetization yeah and that's really what csps are looking for right yes indeed

16:55 the whole theme of Mobile World Congress it was really um I felt like I did a

17:01 wrap-up presentation with gsma the team at gsma and one of the things one of the things that came out in our

17:07 conversations was that you know we collectively felt like the winner at

17:13 Mobile World Congress 2023 was the ecosystem as a whole you know there was so many solutions that really fit into

17:20 this is how we level up this is how solutions that serve the ecosystem this

17:26 is solutions that really serve what we know customers want and need and and I

17:32 think this fits into that yeah I agree I think it wasn't just about sustainability sustainability and

17:39 sustainability it was definitely about the ecosystem and how it can help fulfill those goals but in terms of

17:44 again driving uh applications that are meeting customer needs being able to again use uh capabilities that

17:54 um basically the CSP is allowing developers to take advantage of and so forth so I mean a lot of key takeaways

18:01 came out of the show uh that uh addressed you know uh what the cloud Metro is uh so well suited for and I

18:09 think this is an opportunity to you know shine a little more Spotlight on the cloud Metro and why it's so different

18:15 from what could be characterized as the Retro the Retro Metro and that was my next that was our next

18:22 uh thing I was going to bring up so let's talk about what how can we

18:28 distinguish the cloud Metro offering from retro metro metro

18:34 yeah I think it really touches on three areas uh one is operations one is at the

18:40 systems level and finally the architecture and we've already teased this I think we've addressed this um but

18:45 now we can crystallize it even more I think with the Retro Metro we're still dealing with you know this focus on

18:52 devices and yes devices are important but we also need to be able to optimize

18:57 devices in terms of how they uh work in within a service experience so really

19:04 it's about experience first networking I think that's one way to definitely look at it and this is I I believe

19:10 correlating strongly with moving away from those manual operations that are definitely not going to be able to meet

19:16 the new demands of 5G networks particularly a standalone implementations really take off it's

19:23 really about Cloud delivered Automation and there's just no way around that and what's interesting is that I think we've

19:29 definitely saw the cloud players step up also at the show that there's more keen interests in working with the operators

19:35 and it's going to vary from operator to operator to what magnitude they want to work with the cloud providers they

19:41 already are the magnitude is about how much of the capabilities they want to entrust to a third-party cloud provider

19:49 and so yes for you know customer facing portals and things of that the cloud is very well suited but when it comes to

19:56 core Network functions it's going to vary you have for example one player like ryze and saying we're going to keep

20:01 this in-house you have a player like T saying all right we're going to actually

20:06 act on enabling these capabilities on a with a strategic partner and all kinds

20:12 of various degrees in between and what this is leading to is that you know the systems are no longer about just traffic

20:19 aggregation but enabling these feature sets that make scaling and aggregation a

20:24 lot more flexible that is it's tuned to workload optimization it's like it

20:29 doesn't matter where the workload is we're going to be able to assure that you can make it uh deliver that

20:35 experience first networking that the customer is going to be satisfied with what is going on in terms of their new

20:41 5G Network capabilities it's also about getting away from Monolithic Power designs again having those modular power

20:49 capabilities that are again optimized for Energy Efficiency you know no longer

20:54 are we having to basically try to shoehorn you know a power efficiency

21:00 ratings it's more about new systems like the Juniper Cloud Metro portfolio that enable this and then finally the

21:07 architecture we already touched on being able to scale out and also scale up in a much more massive level but it's also

21:13 about things uh like uh uh not relying on passive Assurance anymore it's about having that active assurance that can

21:21 enable things like proactive monitoring being able to alert uh the CSP

21:26 monitoring teams about emerging cyber security threats because as we know with

21:32 the transition toward clouds they have a more exposed surface attack and so you

21:37 definitely need that zero trust zero architecture built in from the beginning and then also uh it's just those all

21:45 these things uh combine together in a cohesive solution set that definitely

21:51 gives the operator more confidence to be able to accelerate these 5G Network

21:56 builds and focus more on again uh the service Innovation being able to focus

22:02 more on optimizing the experience and getting away with the nuts and bolts

22:07 aspects of uh you know delivering services absolutely absolutely well I wanted to

22:14 move and touch a little bit about you know we've talked about sustainability right we've talked about how you know

22:22 how to think about it and how you get to sustainable business growth and you know part of what Juniper has identified is

22:30 really that sustainable business growth is all about people and planet and profit

22:35 um and it's so it's always interesting to see that because everybody breaks up sustainability in different ways right

22:40 um and so you know part of a challenge as it relates to people is how do you sustain your skilled staff right

22:47 um you know uh in some research done recently 86 percent of Telco execs named

22:53 the skilled staff shortage is the number one industry challenge okay I think across the board in the industry in the

23:01 tech industry in general that's a common challenge right um people want work life balance and

23:08 probably more so now than ever before especially kind of I think some of this is a generational thing some of this is

23:14 coming out of navigating a global pandemic but work-life balance is important to teams the ability to

23:23 transfer knowledge um amongst and within your teams is a

23:29 really important part of the people Challenge and then of course you've got you know manual operations are not

23:36 sustainable you've got you know chances for human error all that sort of thing and so that's really where AI Ops and

23:42 automation especially are so important and then you've got planet and you know everyone is focused on their

23:50 sustainability commitments um the fact that they made them and now what's happening is people are going oh

23:55 my gosh we planted this flag in sustainability and we you know promised that we were going to have such and such

24:01 accomplished by 2025 oh my God that's two years away what are we gonna do or 2030 and so you know you've got

24:08 um you've got you know the new itu standard which is all about reducing greenhouse gas emission from 45 from

24:16 2020 to 2030. well you know I mean we're already on that Journey right so so

24:21 organizations are highly focused on how to do that gsma net carbon emissions are

24:27 focused um on our Net Zero by 2050 seems really far away in a blink of an eye

24:34 we're going to be going oh my gosh and then you've got you know energy and space efficiency and Technology

24:40 longevity and all of those things around you know reducing E-Waste so that's a

24:46 part of the sustainability equation and then you've got sustaining um you've got profit

24:52 and about sustaining profitable growth and so you know we touched on this a

24:57 little bit earlier but you've got 5x Metro bandwidth growth from 2021 to 2027

25:03 at the current cost this is not sustainable you've got users who

25:10 increasingly reset their expectations they want better service in every way

25:17 right every Everything across the board and so organizations are focused on reducing churn and then you've got

25:24 expanded security threats and people are very very concerned about protecting

25:29 distributed devices data and users all of these things are an important part of

25:35 sustainable business growth retro Metro addressed some of those but I think the

25:42 the cloud Metro platform really does a

25:47 great job of helping get arms around these issues in a much more comprehensive way

25:54 I agree I think that was a major takeaway for the mobile Congress event a European operators I believe are even

26:01 more focused on you know meeting their sustainability goals and in the process

26:06 avoiding accusations of green washing and I think it really came to the Forefront because of the recent

26:13 geopolitical events for example with the clash between Russia and Ukraine energy suddenly became very important for

26:21 European operators and very expensive yeah exactly exactly and and it slowed

26:26 down some 5G Network builds thankfully I believe we have now more stability in

26:32 that regard that there's been uh the adaptation to getting energy supplies

26:37 from other uh parts of the world and and that I think is a giving the European

26:43 operators more confidence to build but that doesn't take away from the fact that energy is you know very much

26:49 Central to their planning and that certainly feeds into the meeting their ESG Eagles and that's not to say that

26:56 North American and Asia Pacific and other parts of the world are certainly focused on that but it was just more

27:02 acute at Europe and I think that was certainly uh something that was a very uh deep impression from uh you know the

27:08 show you know I have to say every time I'm in Europe um I I walk away impressed and

27:16 embarrassed um impressed by their them and their efforts and embarrassed on behalf of all

27:23 of the United States of America because we are not close we are not close to I

27:29 mean everything across the board from you know when you go to an event like my World Congress I mean you know there's

27:36 composting that's available the um you know there's not water bottles all over the place that plastic cups

27:43 that are in meeting rooms are made of recycled materials you know airports

27:48 when you're on your way to Mobile World Congress you know airports like Heathrow does a terrific job of really

27:55 publicizing you know this entire facility is heated and cooled by way of

28:01 you know sustainable power or whatever so it's it's just really interesting the

28:07 strides that they're making certainly in the European market and so when you're a

28:13 vendor serving that market this is more important than ever you know no doubt and and I think those are you

28:20 know good examples I think you're seeing at uh hotels airports public facilities uh the fact that they are developing uh

28:29 these facilities according to uh ambitious environmental goals and we're

28:35 seeing progress I I believe in other parts of the world including the us but yes Europe is at the Forefront we have

28:42 we have ways to go before we catch up so I want to talk now a little bit about you know

28:49 I touched on automation a little bit and um now I want to go and talk about

28:55 Network builds and operations and how junipers automation capabilities like

29:01 Juniper Paragon automation what kind of role can they play in helping to

29:06 streamline 5G Network builds and operations well I think it's critical and I think this is another area where I

29:14 think the Juniper has done very good work in terms of portfolio development but also marketing and branding

29:19 something that sometimes doesn't get as much attention as it deserves I think by attaching Paragon to their automation

29:27 proposition that is Paragon automation as a service that helps distinguish uh

29:33 Juniper from competing uh Solutions and portfolios where you see automation is

29:38 yeah it's there but it's like it's uh distributed and uh this uh product set

29:44 and it's distributed in another product set in other words the proposition is not as cohesive and so I think this is

29:50 an advantage that Juniper could definitely Drive throughout 2023 and what's important here is that it's Cloud

29:57 delivered I think we are repeating ourselves somewhere but it's just so important because that's the only way

30:04 you're going to get instant and cost efficient deployments uh versus you know the Retro Metro implementations and

30:11 again it's about enabling that platform approach so that all the use cases are

30:16 supported you're not having to again be silent bound and say supporting a particular vertical or supporting a

30:22 specific set of applications it really is uh just that um capability that will make a

30:28 difference and it's not just about the cloud capabilities which also is about

30:35 the AI engines and I think once again uh Juniper has done a great job of recognizing this early on and

30:41 distributing across their entire portfolio is not just about okay here's one set of products again so this is

30:47 about detecting issues that humans quite simply can miss so I think we understand that fully especially in these emerging

30:55 5G network uh builds but it's also about identifying the alarms that matter the most and we've seen this so many times

31:02 where you know Ops teams are just overloaded by alarms but a lot of them are faults or they're repetitive and you

31:09 know it gets tied up and it makes it a lot harder to identify a threat when it comes to say for example a ransomware

31:15 threat that could be devastating for an organization uh you know some organizations get shut down uh you know

31:22 up to a third of the workforce could be laid off as a result of that uh attack

31:27 or you know uh many Executives have to uh resign as a result so this is

31:34 something that definitely is at the Forefront and thankfully it's tied into the cloud overall Cloud Metro portfolio

31:41 but it's awesome yeah it's also about maintaining continuous innovation it's not just about devops but net devops and

31:48 second devops so I think these are important because it's about again that collaboration between uh the suppliers

31:55 certainly Juniper and the partners but also the customers so this is something that is uh already built in with the

32:02 Paragon uh proposition and again it's about you know fulfilling a sustainable uh and ESG goals and that is definitely

32:11 something that uh uh is going to drive a lot more purchasing decisions and

32:17 decision making so I think that's something uh that uh will uh resonate

32:22 even more and so you have to stop talking because you've been talking a

32:27 really long time heading up to you now I'm gonna jump in

32:34 and say you know the thing to me that I love about paragon's automation as a service is that you know today

32:41 organizations are focused on on operating with lean teams and doing less with more so what you've got when when

32:47 it's Cloud delivered you've got that it's an instant cost-effective deployment and you've got that the fact

32:55 that it's use case focused for real business outcomes right so again it's

33:00 it's you know there's not this sort of you have to buy into oh we're going to make a difference in some ephemeral way

33:07 this is really really dialed into use case focused instant deployment there's

33:12 an easy button that uh you know and I seriously I always want the Easy Button there's an easy button though with a

33:19 simple ux and UI and guided workflows like who doesn't want that you talked about continuous innovation with devops

33:25 you know the the AI enabled part of this equation is you know AI can detect

33:31 things that humans Miss I mean in a way that we can't possibly do and and to

33:36 your point about you know reducing the Noise by the you know identifying alarms

33:42 that matter and fixing issues before they impact experience and all those things but what we're seeing though is

33:49 you know okay great that sounds great but what are the real outcomes that customers can expect and to me this says

33:55 it all you could you're looking at a 50 reduction in deployment time

34:01 sold you're looking at 70 percent faster newer new case deployment

34:08 even better and you're talking about 40 cost reduction so today again you know

34:14 when we're navigating in a time that is best the world over is best

34:20 characterized as you know challenging macroeconomic conditions right uh when

34:25 when you have a value proposition that's all about shortening time to Value

34:31 easier to deploy and use and significant as in 40 cost reduction like you know

34:40 those are those are attention getters absolutely and in fact I think it also

34:46 aligns directly with AI capabilities again about giving you know the the uh

34:51 the customer the csps the flexibility to use as a service to really I meet uh

34:57 their needs on a uh cost-effective basis but also on a very flexible basis and

35:04 again Meeting those uh time to Market time to Value uh you know goals and uh I

35:11 think what we're seeing now is that when it comes to the use cases that the csps

35:16 are emphasizing that is you know being able to meet vertical needs being able

35:22 to you know develop new capabilities that deliver an experience first networking uh capability that's uh SAS

35:30 automation is pretty much integral to this that you know the clearly you have to have this built in and I think this

35:37 is where Juniper investment and development has really paid off it's about you know again making easier for

35:45 the customer to be able to use these capabilities to purchase these

35:50 capabilities to develop these capabilities and so we're no longer waiting around for software licenses uh

35:57 that are delivered on uh many months basis and if you need to customize it or upgrade it then you know you're stuck

36:03 for another several months and now we're talking uh weeks days you know even hours minutes and so uh that is I think

36:11 going to be vital in terms of you know driving uh 5G Network innovation

36:17 so as we wrap up this show what do you think Juniper's biggest challenge here

36:25 is well I think it's really about you know getting the operators and other you know

36:30 Partners to really focus on what is most important and I think part of that is

36:36 you know Cloud Metro has to be at the Forefront of their Planet they just can't you know be too bogged down and

36:43 you know uh the old school ways of you know planning uh you know how do we

36:48 really make our 5G networks perform better you know it's about again having

36:53 those Cloud native capabilities and these built-in AI engines driving you

36:59 know all of this uh Evolution and being able to meet you know new challenges

37:04 meet new uh opportunities and so forth and so yeah I'll keep uh you know beating the drum on this uh these are

37:12 capabilities that uh you have to have you just can't stop and you know try to catch up on them and so this is what I

37:18 think Juniper is excelling at in terms of their Cloud Metro portfolio and why it's so essential to uh you know the the

37:26 5G network of the future that is certainly having an experienced first networking proposition

37:33 but also it's about you know already having the uh portfolio that can meet

37:39 the demands of the cloud Metro and that's where all of this action is going to be happening at least you know the

37:45 vast majority of it when it comes to any uh enabling any of these capabilities on a scalable flexible level so that I

37:52 think are is one uh major takeaway yeah I agree I agree well and I think that

37:57 you know what Juniper has done with Club Metro is impressive it is uh

38:04 you know you don't have to think a lot about the value proposition here I feel like I've used that word more than it

38:10 more than once or twice but I do think it's it is a significant value proposition and I think really

38:18 um Juniper's biggest challenge is just messaging you know getting that getting

38:24 that value proposition communicated throughout the ecosystem throughout the CSP ecosystem so people can really

38:31 understand this is a solution that's a pretty far-reaching solution you know

38:36 and so before you start making final decisions about your network

38:42 um you need to take a look at this and and I think that that's um you know I think cloud Metro can play a really

38:48 significant role in 5G Evolution um but that a lot of it's going to rely

38:54 on getting the attention of customers yeah I think the Juniper could help the csps get out the schneid or at least get

39:01 more of them off the schneid and into the game at a more impressive level you

39:07 know actually executing on these use cases we've been talking about for a few years taking advantage of the lower

39:13 latency capabilities that you so eloquently emphasize a higher bandwidth capabilities in the massive scale you

39:19 got to take advantage of these capabilities they've invested billions of dollars in these networks and the

39:25 Spectrum and all the capabilities so now this is where the rubber hits the road and that this is where uh I think

39:30 judenburg does have a challenge but I think Juniper already has the portfolio in place and the marketing message that

39:37 can really provide not just differentiation but help catalyze you know uh getting to these monetization

39:44 goals they're going to be essential for csps to really be able to make a difference in the 5G ecosystem yeah I

39:50 agree you know what I think really the next conversation I'd like to have on this topic and we can maybe work with

39:56 the Juniper team to get some information on that but I'd love to at some point in time hear customer success stories you

40:03 know oh yes and and those are always my favorite part of any discussion but you

40:08 know you and I can talk and opine and everything else and we can you know take

40:14 a look at Juniper's messaging and all of that but the reality of it is hearing

40:19 from customers who say you know what I wasn't sure you know maybe part of the story is I wasn't sure but I took a leap

40:26 and oh my gosh this is what happened or so I really look forward to that I think that that's going to be the next

40:31 iteration of our conversation on this topic Ron what do you think I love it I think what's not to like

40:37 well all right and with that we're gonna wrap this episode of the 5G factor to

40:43 our viewing and listening audience thank you as always for hanging out with us we'll see you again next week and uh I

40:49 will include in the show notes some information and some stats on the things that we touched on here as well as a

40:56 link to some of the Articles we've written and uh our coverage of juniper

41:01 and then some information a link for you to find out more so with that thank you Ron and thanks to our audience it's

41:08 always great spending time with you good day

41:15 foreign [Music]

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