Service Management and Orchestration Unlocking the True Potential of Open RAN

Interview: What’s happening with Open RAN, SMO, and RIC
As Juniper goes all in on its efforts to bring openness and innovation to a traditionally closed-off part of the network, join this discussion with Juniper’s Constantine Polychronopoulos to learn about the key considerations and success factors for Open RAN Service Management and Orchestration (SMO) and RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) implementation.
You’ll learn
Why Juniper is active in Open RAN
What Juniper is expecting RIC will deliver for operators
How the RIC will allow operators to offer network slicing
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

00:06 so we're here to talk about openran
00:07 this is a big topic with lots of
00:09 potential i'm here with uh constantine
00:10 from juniper networks
00:12 constantine great to see you why is
00:14 juniper
00:15 active in openran hi gabriele good to
00:17 see you too
00:18 um that's a good question well juniper
00:21 has been a leader in high performance
00:23 performance networking uh focusing on
00:26 delivering sla
00:27 in very complex networking environments
00:30 now in the world of 5g
00:31 now we have a new opportunity to really
00:33 stretch the sla
00:34 and the slos across the infrastructure
00:37 in a
00:38 immense infrastructure highly
00:40 distributed infrastructure
00:41 all the way through the airwaves to the
00:43 devices right
00:44 whether these are iot devices or
00:47 smartphones
00:48 smart cars whatever and oren
00:51 gives us that opportunity because with
00:54 the disaggregation the software driven
00:57 radio think of the radio intelligent
01:00 controller
01:01 as the operating system of the of the
01:03 run
01:05 this is a green field opportunity i
01:08 believe that
01:09 with the moves that juniper did with
01:11 acquisition of natsia perhaps the most
01:14 innovative solution of the radio
01:16 intelligent control in the market today
01:19 we are now in a strong position to
01:21 really bring
01:22 the innovations that juniper is known
01:25 for
01:26 across uh through the radio as i said
01:30 uh and deliver uh strong slash to 5g
01:33 devices
01:35 yeah i think that's a great point about
01:37 bringing across you know expertise and
01:39 knowledge from from
01:40 other domains where there's really been
01:41 a focus on performance and sla and
01:44 programmability determinism everything
01:46 like that
01:47 so this um this rick this ran
01:49 intelligent controller product
01:51 um that's a kind of key part of the oran
01:54 architecture what are you kind of
01:55 expecting that to
01:56 to deliver for for operators right
02:00 um i like to call the radio intelligent
02:03 controllers the operating system of the
02:05 new
02:05 radio disaggregated radio architecture
02:08 right and if we
02:09 think about it as such which i believe
02:12 it is
02:13 then we can start thinking about the
02:15 applications we can run
02:17 on the rig right essentially
02:22 oren specifies apis on the du side that
02:26 allows us to hook into the low level uh
02:30 mac layer scheduler and be able to
02:33 modulate
02:33 how resources over the spec over the air
02:36 are allocated to competing flows
02:39 competing users competing slices
02:42 and therefore using intelligence
02:45 real-time intelligence about
02:47 how users behave how the radio addresses
02:51 demand we can modulate resource
02:55 allocation
02:56 and deliver strong sla right so
02:59 juniper is known for its transport
03:01 networks actually
03:03 it foresaw the need to address some of
03:06 the use cases of 5g in particular
03:08 network slicing
03:10 and today juniper supports network
03:12 slicing across all of its transport
03:14 products right
03:15 so this was a natural evolution for us
03:17 to move into
03:18 a green field opportunity on the radio
03:21 and provide applications
03:22 that address everything from the
03:24 well-known zone
03:26 type of optimizations to
03:29 new capabilities in the radio that have
03:31 to do with
03:32 very fine grain smart admission control
03:37 network slice sla assurance
03:41 strong visibility you know that
03:45 allows us to hook mlai type of
03:48 applications
03:49 and provide opportunities not just to do
03:52 extreme optimization from the device
03:54 perspective from the network perspective
03:56 but also to open up opportunities for
03:59 our customers our operator customers
04:01 to monetize you know the the you know
04:04 investment they have in the radios by
04:06 offering new applications like spectrum
04:08 series
04:09 massive mime optimization and on and on
04:12 and juniper innovates and
04:16 leads in that space not just by uh
04:19 being you know the first in the in the
04:22 world of
04:23 radio access optimization through the
04:26 rig
04:26 but also in terms of some of the
04:29 applications that we're bringing to the
04:30 market
04:32 okay and these these applications these
04:34 x apps and our apps
04:35 that run on the ric platform are these
04:38 being
04:39 internally developed by juniper or you
04:41 look into partners or
04:43 you know different different put it this
04:46 way independent software vendors to come
04:48 and fulfill some of that
04:49 absolutely the success of warren depends
04:51 on
04:52 enabling operators to select the best of
04:56 breed
04:57 right so uh to that end
05:00 we have to support any type of x up or
05:03 our app
05:04 no matter where it comes from so x up
05:06 and r portability is absolutely
05:08 strategic to the success
05:10 of warren and we definitely support that
05:12 through our sdk
05:15 but we're also developing our own x apps
05:18 as well
05:20 which i think bring a significant
05:22 differentiation in the overall solution
05:24 we
05:24 uh you know we bring to the market no
05:28 yeah okay i wanted to move on to you
05:30 mentioned network slicing that's
05:32 obviously like a
05:33 key capability in 5g particularly we
05:35 think about enterprise services
05:38 um just uh to talk through a little bit
05:41 how
05:41 how the ric will help
05:45 kind of enable operators to offer
05:46 network slicing and over-the-air
05:48 uh kind of service guarantees and things
05:50 like that
05:52 right i like to use
05:55 an analogy that may sound a little
05:57 preposterous
05:58 when it comes to network slicing right
06:00 what is network slicing
06:02 it can be anything from the familiar
06:06 service training on one end of the
06:09 spectrum
06:10 to uh what i call an mvno
06:14 on top of a you know highly distributed
06:17 you know tier one operator including
06:19 public cloud so
06:21 my goal and our goal at juniper is to be
06:24 able to
06:25 programmatically declaratively bring up
06:27 an mvno
06:29 planet scale in a matter of a few hours
06:32 not months and years that's a slice
06:35 that's the other end of the spectrum
06:37 so slice covers pretty much anything
06:41 that you can think of right tenancy so
06:44 you need to have
06:45 separate uh you know different tenants
06:48 uh
06:49 you know with a strong sla per tenant in
06:51 terms of dimensioning
06:53 how many users each tenant what type of
06:56 connection
06:57 is that going to be an emv or a massive
07:01 machine to machine communication type of
07:05 slice or the familiar
07:08 ultra low latency high reliability
07:12 type of slice and everything in between
07:14 those uh
07:15 3gpp defined use cases right so a slice
07:19 can be anything and we need to address
07:20 segmentation
07:21 security and above all sla
07:25 and having the ability to do so in an
07:27 end-to-end
07:29 fashion uh is you know
07:32 uh makes the rick an absolutely
07:35 necessary component to be able to
07:36 stretch the sla to
07:38 deliver the sla over the spectrum um
07:41 so we're taking a very you know broad
07:44 view of
07:45 network slicing and as you're i'm sure
07:48 you know
07:49 uh network slicing has been deemed to be
07:51 the perhaps
07:52 the most important use case in 5g
07:57 and several analysts have attributed or
07:59 have attached
08:00 you know hundreds of billions of dollars
08:03 of monetization
08:05 that will come through the benefit of
08:07 network slicing networks
08:09 for the operators in particular
08:12 yeah yeah i mean um the we
08:15 saw a great example recently actually we
08:17 had a we had an event on openran and one
08:19 of the keynote speakers was from a
08:21 japanese operator
08:22 kddi and they showed a a proof of
08:25 concept they've been running with ram
08:27 slicing using uh
08:28 using a rick and i had a camera on um
08:32 on the front of a train running through
08:33 this really deep kind of urban canyon in
08:35 in tokyo with gantries and metal and
08:38 different moving trains on the one hand
08:40 they showed performance
08:42 you know just on best effort and it was
08:44 up and down every time you went past a
08:45 train came by the
08:47 the performance was dropping and
08:49 bursting all over the place
08:51 they ran the same line the same camera
08:53 on the same train with a with a rick
08:54 enabled
08:55 application and it was just a solid 30
08:57 megabits per second downlink you know
08:59 barely any variation just a proof of
09:02 concept but but a really interesting one
09:04 you
09:04 think what that could mean in in future
09:08 so in the o-ram we have this uh service
09:10 management and orchestration layer
09:12 um i guess what i'm interested in is how
09:14 when you talk about these slas and
09:16 and kind of supporting them end-to-end
09:19 how does the smo
09:20 tying with the wider network
09:22 orchestration picture
09:24 the smo is critical in being able to
09:27 realize to provision
09:28 a slice across across the three semantic
09:31 domains which is the radio the transport
09:33 and the core
09:34 and we have multiple incarnations of the
09:36 transport for example we have the
09:38 you know mid hall front hall backhoe
09:41 we can have multiple instances of the
09:43 core um
09:44 and of course the radio you know can be
09:47 realized
09:48 through the edge cloud a lot of the
09:49 radio components and we count there
09:52 probably in the
09:52 thousands maybe for tier one tens of
09:55 thousands of clouds you know it's clouds
09:57 that uh
09:58 host the duc etc so how do you bring
10:02 the benefit of network slicing across
10:04 such an immense infrastructure
10:06 and uh bring the locality aspect of it
10:09 because you may want to have a slice
10:11 that is local to a particular region or
10:13 it can be across the entire
10:14 infrastructure
10:16 you need to deliver the sla that ties
10:19 how the rick works with a transport to
10:22 ensure that
10:23 you know sla the latency and the
10:25 throughput are delivered across the
10:27 infrastructure
10:28 you need to be able to provision again
10:31 the core network functions to cope with
10:33 the traffic and the dimensionality of
10:35 the
10:36 of the slice so all of that comes
10:38 together
10:39 under the smo uh which is a fairly
10:42 complex problem
10:43 right and you know activity yeah across
10:47 yeah yeah fantastic i look forward to
10:48 seeing how this how this all evolves as
10:50 you know
10:50 as as juniper and your operator
10:53 customers and whole industry works
10:54 through
10:55 uh some of the challenges and puts this
10:57 to work um constantine with juniper
10:59 networks thanks very much