PTX10001-36MR Hardware Introduction

PTX10001-36MR in one minute
One minute description of a 9.6Tbps, 1RU router optimized for 100GE and 400GE.
You’ll learn
What this router can do
How the PTX10001-36MR is designed
Who is this for?
0:00 the Juniper PTX 10001 36 Mr in one
0:04 minute it's a one audio router that can
0:06 forward 9.6 terabytes per second we
0:08 designed it around Express 4 chipset to
0:10 provide deep buffering maxac encryption
0:12 on all ports large routing tables and
0:15 tons of counters 8 million the potentity
0:17 is 12 times 100 Gigi and 24 times 400
0:20 gig it's a fixed form factor with fan
0:23 and power redundancy on the back we have
0:25 five plus one fan modules and OnePlus
0:27 One AC or DC power supply blocks
0:30 internally a ZF fabric engine
0:32 interconnects free Express 4 npus if you
0:35 don't use all the npus you can shut them
0:38 down and save power also a 12 core CPU
0:41 with 64 gigabytes of RAM guarantees fast
0:43 convergence and parallel processing of
0:45 large bgp policies with high bandwidth
0:48 in a compact form factor the PTX 1001
0:51 36mr can suit many use cases you want to
0:54 know more you'll find a link to the tech
0:56 Post article in the description