Provide the Best In-Store Experience and Improve Sales Associate Productivity and Sales with AI

Don’t let in-store Wi-Fi issues hurt your bottom line.
If your sales associates can’t access Wi-Fi, you won’t be able to provide a quality user experience and productivity will suffer. Here’s how Juniper can help.
You’ll learn
How artificial intelligence (AI) can improve in-store connectivity
How Juniper can support retailer IT teams
Who is this for?
0:00 i.t director martin was called in yet
0:02 again to another one of clothesmart
0:04 stores
0:05 how can we provide the best in-store
0:07 experience if our associates can't
0:09 access the wi-fi
0:11 the it team was really feeling the
0:13 pressure
0:14 we implemented a proof of concept in a
0:16 handful of stores with juniper networks
0:19 and found out immediately something that
0:21 would have been next to impossible to
0:23 find without the help of real artificial
0:25 intelligence for more information
0:27 contact juniper networks