Customer Success Story

OzarksGo Brings Broadband to Rural Residents and Boosts Service Agility
Many residents in rural America lack high-speed broadband, cutting them off from vast informational, educational, and economic opportunities. OzarksGo, a nonprofit electric cooperative, wanted to bring fiber to homes in its rural service areas of Arkansas and Oklahoma. To build an integrated optical network, OzarksGo turned to Juniper.

Business Challenge
The service provider needed to bring fast, affordable, reliable, and robust broadband to residents in rural Arkansas and Oklahoma.
Bringing Fiber to the Home
OzarksGo deployed the MX480 Universal Routing Platform in the core and the MX204 Universal Routing Platform for data center aggregation, alongside the QFX5110 Ethernet Switch to aggregate traffic and provide flexible port options for service distribution in the substations.
Business Results
Its integrated packet optical network has enabled OzarksGo to:
- Deliver triple-play services quicker and at a lower cost.
- Sign up 4000 customers in the first year of service.
- Accelerate service agility, lower capital costs, and simplify operations.