New Era of Data Center Management: Any Vendor, Any Topology, Any Data Center

Demand more from your network.
The only data center management software that works with any vendor, including Cisco, Arista, SONiC, and Juniper.
You’ll learn
How Juniper Apstra will improve data center management
Running a complex data center can be easier
Who is this for?
0:00 data runs everything from business deals
0:03 to government contracts from telescopes
0:05 light years away to fido's food delivery
0:07 from streamers to content creators data
0:09 powers every important decision and
0:12 everyone wants it faster
0:13 let's be honest running this complex
0:16 operation isn't easy
0:18 current networking solutions are a
0:19 cobbled together mix of operating
0:20 systems complex proprietary inefficient
0:23 and rigid
0:24 which means you are locked in with
0:26 vendors struggling to innovate and
0:27 spending more time putting out fires
0:29 than moving to the next big thing
0:33 up until now you've been told this is
0:35 the best it can be
0:36 [Music]
0:38 but it doesn't have to be this way
0:40 juniper abstra brings ease simplicity
0:42 and efficiency it's one tool to manage
0:45 your whole data center network
0:47 with appstra you get the flexibility to
0:49 work with any solution the ability to
0:51 optimize and make changes reliably with
0:53 minimal downtime solving network issues
0:55 fast
0:56 so relax your life just got easier
1:00 one platform for any vendor any network
1:03 design any data center
1:05 juniper appstra demand more from your
1:07 network