Networking for Change - The Future of Data Centers

It’s time to up your network game with Juniper data center solutions
In this video, an exclusive for The Feed, three top Juniper colleagues discuss the future of data centers. One key takeaway? Before you can transform your business, you must first transform your network.
You’ll learn
The challenges keeping data center operators up at night
Important security suggestions to follow in today’s cyber-threat environment
Ways data centers can change to become more sustainable
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0:01 [Music]
0:08 businesses are transforming at record
0:10 speeds and connecting centers of data is
0:12 fundamental to success
0:14 gartner recently said that businesses
0:16 are three times more likely to fail in
0:18 their digital transformation initiatives
0:20 if they don't transform the network
0:22 first
0:23 i'm emily wong and i've brought together
0:25 some brilliant colleagues for discussion
0:27 on the future of data centers
0:29 gentlemen would you like to introduce
0:30 yourself
0:31 i'm onsu karam
0:33 previously
0:34 founder and ceo of abstra currently vp
0:37 products at juniper
0:39 and my name's nick davey i'm the product
0:41 lead for control networking here at
0:42 juniper uh scott sneden i lead the data
0:45 center specialist team at juniper
0:47 networks great it's amazing how we have
0:49 a chance to be here in person
0:51 in this special times right so to kick
0:53 things off i'm sure you have a lot of
0:56 conversations with your customers can
0:58 you share what are their top of mind
0:59 what are their challenges these days
1:03 um
1:04 well you know the there are a lot of
1:06 things that are that are
1:08 kind of
1:09 driving the conversation in a variety of
1:11 ways and it's always different with
1:13 every customer we've talked to
1:14 but in your intro you talked about
1:16 digital digital transformation and sort
1:18 of transforming the network that that
1:20 comes to us in a lot of different
1:21 flavors you know there's
1:23 supply chain issues that are kind of
1:25 forcing customers to think about
1:26 multi-vendor in new ways there's the
1:29 great resignation where people are
1:30 scared of losing their skills and talent
1:32 and
1:33 the single source of truth that exists
1:35 in the mind of the engineer all of that
1:37 is is
1:38 a big worry um but really
1:41 the the lead thought is trying to think
1:44 of ways to make the network contribute
1:46 to the business instead of being an
1:48 afterthought that is just an expense to
1:50 the business so that especially with
1:52 enterprise is sort of a shift that's
1:54 happening that mindset's existed in
1:56 service provider for quite a while
1:58 because when a service provider thinks
1:59 about the network the network is their
2:01 product and so of course the network is
2:03 front of mind
2:04 in their business thinking but for
2:06 enterprise the network's always been
2:08 an afterthought and expense something
2:10 that i have to band-aid um but you know
2:13 the big shift that seems to be happening
2:15 our customers are really starting to
2:16 think more forward about the network as
2:18 being a contributor to the business yeah
2:20 correct i mean think think of everything
2:23 we do today
2:24 we utilize the network as its foundation
2:27 whether we're talking to uh
2:29 to our family you know
2:31 over geographical distance or if uh
2:34 we're shopping online or if we're doing
2:37 a video conference um
2:39 that's this is why i like this garner
2:41 quote right
2:43 every business is digitally transforming
2:45 and you can't digitally transform if you
2:47 don't transform your network first
2:49 so the net network has become this
2:50 critical foundation
2:52 for everything we're doing
2:54 and when you think of how fast we're
2:56 going
2:57 you know the the challenge is how to
3:01 scale the network how to operate the
3:03 network at scale
3:04 at the speed of the business and doing
3:06 it reliably yeah right reliability is
3:09 key here you know there was an ad from
3:11 the 80s
3:13 power is nothing without control and
3:15 this is living up to the expectations of
3:17 customers as well
3:19 the the migration to public cloud and
3:20 hyperscalers has changed the expectation
3:23 about infrastructure provisioning like
3:24 you said it has to move at the speed of
3:26 the business people aren't willing to
3:28 wait anymore for provisioning or
3:29 firewall changes their expectation is
3:32 they can define their applications click
3:34 the button and then have those
3:35 applications launch and be ready for uh
3:37 to use correct
3:39 and like you mentioned a lot of the
3:41 activities have gone online right from
3:43 working remotely shopping kids taking
3:45 classes at home how can it teams ensure
3:48 this smooth customer experience
3:51 the um
3:52 i mean nick touched on one about the
3:55 expectation of of
3:57 infrastructure being delivered instantly
4:00 that's become the norm for the
4:02 application teams
4:03 your application teams can click get
4:06 their machine and they're up and running
4:07 and their app has a place to live the
4:09 network teams haven't quite followed in
4:11 that same motion or at least they're
4:13 they're oftentimes just playing catch-up
4:14 trying to accommodate that motion or
4:16 that activity um and and so
4:20 what we really want to see our network
4:22 customers doing is is thinking about
4:24 delivering a network as a service or
4:26 delivering what they offer as an
4:28 on-demand service you know and if if
4:31 they can integrate directly into the
4:32 tools that those server teams use
4:35 all the better so automation is
4:37 absolutely the key but
4:40 you know to some answers point about
4:41 going fast just because you can strap a
4:44 rocket ship to your car doesn't mean you
4:45 should um
4:47 you know so you need to be able to be
4:49 fast and deliver those services quickly
4:51 and on demand but you have to do it
4:52 right if you make a mistake you've
4:55 slowed everything down or even worse
4:57 exposed yourself to a security flaw that
4:59 you may have never seen coming
5:01 you know and again
5:02 to scott's point
5:04 you can't you know security is top of
5:06 mind for everybody
5:08 it used to be that well you know we we
5:10 we enter commands manually and then that
5:12 operator leaves and then the next
5:13 operator comes in it's like i wonder why
5:16 these commands are there what's the why
5:17 why why is the network configured the
5:20 way it is
5:21 you can't have that today and you know
5:23 you need to know why network is
5:25 configured the way it is
5:26 you need to know that your network has
5:29 the right security posture otherwise
5:31 you're exposing yourself to security
5:33 vulnerabilities which can be
5:34 catastrophic
5:36 yeah but that goes back to the way that
5:37 we were creating networks before it was
5:39 artisanally crafted cli we were
5:41 sculpting uh yes creation exactly
5:44 exactly
5:45 so
5:46 um we can't do that anymore because it's
5:48 not uh like the network and the
5:50 infrastructure is not ours to sculpt and
5:52 control we are exposing that now through
5:54 a set of interfaces to our application
5:56 owners and the the folks who depend on
5:57 that infrastructure so if you're going
5:59 to put power into the hands of the users
6:02 there needs to be like you say control
6:04 around what you're exposing and there
6:05 needs to be um like an architecture
6:08 templates and frameworks that you use to
6:09 make sure that the correct config gets
6:11 applied every single time
6:13 and is there a way we can do a control z
6:17 if oopsy sometimes happens that's a
6:19 that's a that's a really good point you
6:20 know when you talk to network operators
6:22 and they have ptsd they call it the like
6:25 you know the pinky ptsd which is that
6:27 they click on enter
6:29 and then
6:30 like the whole network
6:33 freezes well that's the most terrifying
6:35 thing that you can hear in any operation
6:37 center is a space bar followed by three
6:39 other space bars louder and louder that
6:41 means that you have a problem
6:43 and so yeah rollback is the most
6:45 important consideration when deploying
6:47 um especially when uh when you're uh
6:50 handing the control over to to users and
6:52 application owners they need to have a
6:54 safe and reliable way to roll back to a
6:56 known good state as well yeah and who
6:58 doesn't love that it's like if i make a
7:00 mistake i don't have to worry about
7:03 getting yelled at i can quickly just fix
7:05 it before anyone can notice that i
7:07 actually made a mistake then that's
7:09 great it's like in the plane you have so
7:11 many layers of operating a plane of
7:13 safety right so like the software needs
7:16 to ensure that every step that
7:17 everything you're doing is reliable and
7:20 at the very end even when you
7:22 commit all of it then you have a way to
7:24 get out of it right so like this is what
7:26 you need to think about having all these
7:28 layers of safety yes absolutely so we
7:31 touched a little bit on security but
7:33 with the current geopolitical
7:35 environment we're living in
7:37 um what are some suggestions for dc
7:40 teams and security teams
7:42 i
7:43 you've gotta you've gotta kind of
7:45 approach security a little more
7:46 holistically than we ever did before i
7:48 you know i can't tell you how many times
7:50 and nick you've seen this in kubernetes
7:52 deployments and things where you you
7:54 have an application environment that's
7:55 very very dynamic and changing and since
7:58 the network team and the security team
8:01 don't really have the facility to change
8:03 at the same pace they'll compromise and
8:05 they'll say well okay in your little
8:07 corner over there we'll just leave that
8:09 wide open and you can do whatever you
8:10 want to
8:11 and maybe you build a perimeter or a
8:13 little moat around that castle but if
8:15 something happens inside that castle all
8:18 bets are off and and so you've got to
8:19 approach security
8:21 in the same way that the server teams
8:23 are deploying it it's got to be
8:25 very segmented it's got to be um
8:28 isolating
8:29 like things from other things that
8:31 aren't like things
8:32 but you've also got to make it
8:34 it's got to have the ability to change
8:36 and be dynamic you can't let a network
8:39 engineer just shortcut a security policy
8:42 by saying okay well over there i'm going
8:43 to let them do what they need to do
8:45 because i can't keep up with what
8:46 they're doing you've got to be able to
8:47 keep up with what they're doing so
8:49 infrastructure in the past has always
8:50 facilitated the app owner right so we
8:52 try and make as permissive a set of
8:54 rules as possible so that the
8:56 application works but not too permissive
8:58 such that we let the bad guy in
8:59 and i think the issue comes or the the
9:02 the friction comes from the interactions
9:04 between those two teams so one of the
9:06 best ways to address security is to
9:08 embed it with the app itself right the
9:10 folks who understand the flows and
9:12 mechanics of all of those micro services
9:14 running around the cluster are the
9:15 application owners themselves and so
9:18 security needs to be another resource
9:20 defined with the application just like
9:22 storage just like load balancing just
9:24 like network segmentation security has
9:25 to be embedded into the application
9:28 manifests and actioned directly at the
9:30 point where the application touches the
9:32 network and one of the biggest things we
9:34 can do to help facilitate that is to
9:36 give that network engineer the gift of
9:38 time
9:39 you know good
9:40 powerful automation that makes their
9:42 day-to-day easier lets them have a seat
9:45 have the time to have a seat at the
9:47 table with those application owners to
9:49 make sure that it's designed in from the
9:50 beginning so
9:52 you know we we all talk about automation
9:54 might eliminate jobs no automation is
9:57 going to give those engineers the
9:58 ability to participate and to contribute
10:01 at the front and not just be putting out
10:03 fires at the end or trying to find that
10:06 security flaw that was introduced
10:08 because they didn't do security
10:10 proactive instead of reactive exactly
10:12 right right i mean the only thing i'll
10:15 add
10:15 is that
10:17 you want a a foundation which which
10:20 allows for that level of security you
10:22 know we talk about the single source of
10:24 truth you know the knowledge of what's
10:25 in your network right the knowledge of
10:27 why the network is configured
10:29 the way it is
10:31 the ability to react quickly you know by
10:35 deploying the right security policy
10:37 again you can't do that without having
10:40 the proper layers of software the human
10:42 brain cannot make up cannot just uh have
10:46 doesn't have the ability to do it you
10:48 know at the scale that we need to with
10:50 all of the parameters that one has to
10:52 take into account yeah but that's what
10:53 that's waterfall security that we've
10:55 been practicing in the past which is
10:56 like we get the app ready then we get
10:58 the network ready then we get the
10:59 firewalls ready and then we launch the
11:00 app and that works as long as you can
11:02 execute the whole pipeline every time
11:04 but we don't need to run that as a
11:06 pipeline anymore right you can bundle
11:08 together the notion of connectivity and
11:10 security and put that control into the
11:12 hands of the users if you had a set of
11:14 tools that that gives users
11:17 the the control over firewall policies
11:19 applications at a level that they
11:21 understand
11:22 correct yeah
11:23 now we have so much activity going on
11:25 with data centers sustainability is
11:28 another business requirement so what can
11:31 modern data centers do
11:33 in that respect you know when we think
11:35 about sustainability we also want to
11:37 think about like the power consumption
11:39 of the device that's going in and that's
11:41 all very very important you know we're
11:43 not hardware guys to have that
11:45 conversation but what we can do is say
11:47 listen what we can do is allow you to
11:49 design a more efficient net
11:50 infrastructure choose the right hardware
11:53 for the job if it's a server that needs
11:55 to process that packet use a server to
11:58 process that packet if it's a
11:59 purpose-built piece of network hardware
12:01 that has 400 gig interfaces use that
12:04 device
12:05 but the experience is going to be
12:07 consistent and and the
12:09 process to deploy things is going to be
12:11 consistent across all of those
12:12 absolutely and that way teams can lead
12:14 with innovation instead of being
12:16 constrained by this you know the
12:19 logistical stuff that's right yeah and
12:21 maybe what uh what i'll add is you know
12:22 to me i i was always surprised with how
12:25 many organizations
12:27 avoid upgrading their infrastructures
12:30 because they're worried of causing an
12:32 outage or causing a disruption or they
12:34 don't have a person that knows the cli
12:36 or they don't know the resistance
12:39 they're left with these 10 year old
12:41 devices you know big honking switches
12:44 which today can be replaced with like
12:46 literally one new switches every three
12:48 years you you have the devices that
12:50 deliver the same performance for three
12:52 times less power and three times less
12:54 footprint right so if these same
12:58 softwares that help you automate will
12:59 help you migrate
13:01 right from the old to the new and it's
13:04 that much
13:05 it's that much that's that is very
13:07 helpful to sustainability you know to
13:09 have the ability to upgrade to the new
13:12 so i think that that's that's one area
13:14 the other area that comes to mind is
13:16 that as data centers are getting more
13:17 and more distributed
13:19 flying folks everywhere to go and manage
13:22 their networks you know can have a big
13:24 impact on sustainability rather than
13:27 having the ability to remotely
13:29 operate these networks through
13:31 automation so you have one single point
13:34 of control that from which you can
13:37 manage you know the networks that are
13:41 distributed across many many different
13:43 geographical areas you know you can see
13:45 that having an impact on sustainability
13:48 as well yeah and
13:51 that distribution of compute and network
13:53 is not possible without higher level
13:55 tools that let you kind of stretch your
13:58 operational control because if i'm
14:00 moving my data center into 100 small
14:02 facilities i can't manage that like 100
14:04 small data centers i have to be able to
14:06 have a high level interface that
14:08 reflects the entire state of my
14:10 footprint and then manage it from that
14:12 central point and then like scott was
14:14 saying let the apps teams decide the
14:17 best spot to run the workload
14:19 yeah exactly right so with all these
14:22 technologies uh evolving inside the data
14:25 center realm
14:26 what's
14:27 the next hot thing what excites you
14:30 about the future and what what new
14:32 innovations you think will come or
14:34 you may be working on
14:36 what i find exciting is
14:38 uh the combination of these various
14:40 technologies that we can leverage to to
14:43 improve the life of the operator right
14:44 you know when we talk about
14:46 uh experience first networking it's
14:48 about
14:49 improving the life of the operator and
14:51 then ultimately giving a better
14:52 experience to the user right
14:54 and there are
14:56 so many really cool technologies that we
14:58 can bring together
15:00 beyond just our own our areas and you
15:02 know there is a lot of work going on at
15:04 juniper to kind of bring in these
15:06 these solutions together the best of ai
15:08 the best of machine learning the best of
15:10 distributed systems the best of cloud
15:12 technologies in order to really deliver
15:14 on on that mission
15:16 yeah and i mean from my perspective uh
15:19 it's really exciting watching uh the
15:21 cloud native networking space evolve and
15:24 mature and it's
15:26 really exciting as well to bring some of
15:28 the the tools and technologies we've had
15:30 in traditional networking into the cloud
15:32 native space to show folks how they can
15:34 run their brand new applications with
15:36 the same sets of tools topologies and
15:39 and security that they've uh that
15:41 they're used to in private cloud
15:44 and with that i think this brings to the
15:47 end to today's episode time always feels
15:49 short when we're having a good time but
15:51 we can continue the conversation by
15:54 going to slash data center
15:56 or follow us on twitter thank you so
15:58 much for being here today thank you
16:01 [Music]
16:09 you