NaaS Accelerates the Adoption of AI-Driven Networking

Making NaaS even easier
Learn about the latest enhancements to the AI-driven enterprise portfolio that help partners deliver highly differentiated NaaS offerings and where this fits into Juniper’s overall NaaS journey.
1:54 What is the NaaS announcement
3:39 License management and flexible pricing
6:02 How this helps our partners achieve success
8:20 Long term vision
You’ll learn
What Juniper is announcing around NaaS
How this helps our partners achieve success
The long term vision
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:00 [Music]
0:05 hi everybody my name is jeff aaron i am
0:07 vp of enterprise marketing and i'm
0:10 really excited to have a really uh fun
0:12 panel here to talk about an announcement
0:14 that actually went out uh this week uh
0:16 primarily it was around our ai driven
0:17 enterprise portfolio which includes our
0:19 wired access our wireless access and
0:21 sd-wan driven by missed ai but this week
0:23 we actually announced some very specific
0:25 very exciting features around nas
0:27 network as a service so how do we
0:29 actually take our solution that was
0:30 always you know industry leading and
0:32 always geared towards partner and
0:34 partner enabling it and make it even
0:36 easier for network as a service so to
0:38 help me address that i got three folks
0:40 here uh the first is actually sema kamar
0:42 she's a director of product management
0:44 from our cloud and software group sema
0:45 welcome
0:47 thank you thank you for having me here
0:49 oh my pleasure uh then we have mike
0:51 anderson uh mike is senior director uh
0:54 uh for partner sales and he actually
0:56 helped kick off our uh
0:58 sorry he actually helped kicked off our
1:00 unified service management program
1:02 partner program about a year ago so mike
1:04 uh you know congrats on that and thank
1:05 you and welcome to this
1:07 my pleasure
1:08 yeah and lastly we have sunalini
1:10 sankavarum
1:12 is actually in the cloud and software
1:13 group but also she hails from the ai
1:15 driven enterprise and she's one of the
1:16 lead product uh architects and product
1:18 management managers from that team so
1:20 we're really excited to have her to talk
1:21 about the air driven enterprise
1:23 thank you so much jeff really excited to
1:25 be here and share all the goodness we've
1:27 developed that mike's been asking for
1:29 for the longest time in what we call an
1:31 area yeah given manitoba dashboard so
1:34 exactly i'm laughing because mike
1:35 stinley and i go way back to the missed
1:37 days so we're used to mike asking for
1:39 things all the time and and uh and uh
1:41 getting excited when we actually deliver
1:42 them so uh so so here we go so with that
1:45 ceiling why don't we start with you a
1:47 little bit um again uh you've you've
1:49 been a long time age of an enterprise so
1:50 why don't you talk a little bit about um
1:52 uh just touch on the platform a little
1:54 bit but more specifically what did we
1:55 announce this week
1:57 absolutely uh again very exciting news
1:59 we've always talked about from an ai
2:01 driven enterprise perspective how
2:03 our full stack solution wireless wired
2:05 van is driven by ai to simplify network
2:08 operations we've essentially put that on
2:10 steroids even for our msps so typically
2:13 when you look at msps right they're
2:15 trying to
2:17 make the complex simple for our
2:19 customers our goal was how do we make
2:21 the complex simple for msps as well to
2:23 reduce their cost of ownership and
2:25 operating a full stack network so with
2:27 that in mind what we have done is truly
2:29 brought marvis our
2:32 virtual network system assistant at the
2:34 msp level so that marvis can now help
2:36 our msps troubleshoot issues and
2:39 proactively proactively notify them of
2:41 issues impacting the end user experience
2:43 again it's always for us has been about
2:46 measuring monitoring and self driving a
2:50 resolution to make sure that the end
2:53 experience of an end user is always
2:55 optimal and that's exactly what we have
2:57 now delivered as part of the new
2:58 enhancements we brought to the product
3:00 at as our msp dashboard so we now have a
3:02 call for example i know certainly that
3:04 dashboard is all about service levels
3:05 for example so pulling out the service
3:07 levels from if you're you know a partner
3:09 from different uh you know customers or
3:11 from different locations and having a a
3:13 one-stop shop to understand all those
3:14 experiences right
3:16 exactly the single pane of glasses you
3:17 look at sle is across wired wireless
3:19 advanced so that's what we call a
3:21 morning cup of coffee view now available
3:23 for msp operators as well to make the
3:26 operations much simpler than before so
3:29 yeah okay and so that i know that's one
3:30 of those things and also mike's going to
3:32 talk about uh you know in addition msp
3:33 is also resellers uh you know
3:35 traditional partners can also benefit
3:37 from for some of these tools but um
3:38 shifting gears we i also know we
3:40 launched uh some things around license
3:41 management uh and also around some of
3:43 the some new flexible pricing so why
3:45 don't you talk to that a little bit too
3:47 sure
3:47 so um again as part of truly
3:50 making
3:51 the network operations easy hand-in-hand
3:54 with that goes the business operations
3:56 aspect and one of the key things there
3:58 was as an msp instead of having to place
4:01 orders for hardware and suppressions
4:03 together per customer
4:05 msps now have the ability to basically
4:07 buy a pool of subscriptions make them
4:09 portable across their customer tenants
4:11 so it really brings to life the whole
4:14 ease of use the ease of consumption more
4:16 like a pay as you go model as they
4:18 onboard more and more customers to the
4:20 network without having to worry about a
4:22 one-to-one mapping of subscription to a
4:24 customer
4:25 okay yeah i can imagine how that would
4:27 scale uh tremendously and and bring
4:29 agility to the environment which is
4:31 really what what nas is all about um and
4:33 then last one yeah let's talk about some
4:35 of the the pricing options i know um
4:37 juniper financial services is is is
4:39 partnering with you guys to to make it
4:41 even easier for our partners and users
4:43 to procure and and operate so uh if you
4:46 can give a little a little insight into
4:48 that would be great a very little
4:49 insight but yes um when we talk about
4:52 nash that is the true nash which has a
4:54 managed services component and we are
4:56 looking for our msps our partners to
4:58 provide the managed services aspect but
5:00 as part of the simplification not only
5:02 on the product side but also from a
5:05 financial aspect perspective what we
5:07 want to do and what we're actually doing
5:09 as part of our nas offering is
5:11 simplifying the model to make it a true
5:13 opex model for our managed services
5:16 partners as well as our resellers to
5:18 consume so we will now be able to give
5:21 them a true
5:22 predictable opex model with monthly
5:25 billing for wireless or wired proven
5:28 they can wrap that into their managed
5:30 service and offer a very simple offering
5:32 to their customers and we take the
5:33 financial burden from them on to us so
5:35 that they can sell more and focus more
5:37 on the managed social side well we as a
5:39 vendor can take on the financial aspect
5:42 of it and make it truly simple across
5:43 the board product and transactional
5:46 okay
5:47 awesome so uh mike you know you're the
5:49 partner guy in this call um so you know
5:52 again uh why don't you double click on
5:53 some of the things sunolini mentioned
5:55 you know as you said um there's
5:56 definitely a managed services play here
5:58 there's also i believe a reseller play
6:01 as well so how does this help our
6:03 partners just deliver better services
6:04 and continue to differentiate from some
6:06 of their competition
6:07 sure thanks jeff i think first
6:10 it you know the new offering really
6:13 means options and flexibility to our
6:16 partners to support their go to markets
6:18 each partner can have a unique go to
6:20 market and they demand the flexibility
6:23 from their vendors like us to really
6:25 deliver so they can excel to market and
6:27 be successful
6:28 i do want to point out one thing the
6:30 industry analysts are stating that the
6:32 consumption of network as a service is
6:34 expected to grow dramatically over the
6:37 next five to six years in fact if you
6:39 look at the specific technologies of
6:41 wi-fi as a service security as a service
6:43 sd-wan as a service that collectively is
6:47 expected to reach a 12 billion dollar
6:49 tam with a 37 percent keger by 2026 that
6:53 means opportunity untapped opportunity
6:56 and with what and what juniper is now
6:59 offering in conjunction with a second to
7:01 none ai powered cloud management
7:03 platform which certainly just eloquently
7:05 or described jupiter can now help
7:08 partners accelerate into these new
7:11 markets with a flexible
7:13 and nimble sourcing architecture whether
7:16 the partners have an msp gtm model where
7:18 they are out there creating their own
7:20 branded network as a service or
7:22 resellers who prefer to keep the more
7:24 traditional motion of reselling uh
7:27 services and and product the juniper nas
7:30 uh platform can now enable them to
7:33 deliver a technology in a subscription
7:35 architecture
7:36 with the nimbleness that their customers
7:38 demand
7:40 yeah i i think yeah that's that's great
7:42 points you know as you mentioned this is
7:44 one of those things that i think the
7:45 partners have been asking for you know a
7:47 while and i i would argue that the
7:48 timing is so perfect right now uh again
7:50 in terms of the market inflection points
7:52 you know the emergence of cloud and some
7:54 of the ability to do that and so you
7:55 know it's really exciting to be able to
7:57 take as you said you know a partner a
7:59 platform that already was leading the
8:00 industry just making it even easier for
8:02 them to consume and and differentiate so
8:05 it's extremely exciting um seema what's
8:08 the the long-term vision here you know
8:10 obviously you know what we announced is
8:11 a great first step we're planning the
8:13 flag you know particularly around aid
8:15 but maybe you could talk a little bit
8:16 about you know where we're going and and
8:18 where we see this you know even even
8:19 longer term
8:21 yeah of course so juniper's vision is to
8:23 deliver our max offerings you know which
8:26 are basically the integration of
8:27 hardware software cloud subscriptions
8:29 the software licenses and support
8:31 services everything packaged together
8:33 and we want to offer it across a broader
8:35 portfolio not just the aid portfolio
8:38 which obviously we are beginning with or
8:40 starting with like mike mentioned there
8:42 are all these untapped opportunities
8:44 where we you know we are in a great
8:46 position to offer this flexible
8:49 consumption or a subscription-based
8:51 offer and allow our customers to pay as
8:54 you go pay as you grow and a customers
8:57 can consume the enterprise network
8:59 infrastructure on a um as a subscription
9:03 as a service be built on a periodic
9:05 basis or be um you know they can they
9:08 can just use it as an operational
9:10 expense which allows them to
9:13 have sort of a predictable payment plan
9:16 uh on you know on the fixed term that we
9:18 talked about um eliminate any budget
9:20 uncertainty that they typically have
9:23 free up their capital preserve their
9:25 credit lines a lot of lot of good
9:26 benefits that come out of this um and uh
9:29 juniper
9:31 is i think set you know has set the
9:33 stage right in offering this starting
9:35 with our aid portfolio so we are
9:37 offering these several options to
9:39 upgrade technology and refresh them as
9:42 we go along using our as a subscription
9:44 as a service model
9:47 very cool and look i mean what i love
9:49 about this is you know we launched you
9:50 know our our north star not too long ago
9:53 was which is all about experience first
9:54 networking right and so it's not just
9:56 about the end user experience but it's
9:58 also also about the operator experience
9:59 right and so this is just one additional
10:02 way that we're just making it even
10:03 easier to to procure to operate to
10:06 manage to pay
10:08 for for you know the juniper services
10:10 and so for that i'm i'm very excited so
10:12 thank you guys for joining me on this um
10:14 i am sure our paths are going to cross
10:16 again you know as we said this is just
10:18 us dipping our toe into some of the the
10:20 nas offerings that are on the horizon
10:22 it's a a pretty big dip
10:24 in that it's a you know it's obviously
10:25 uh our one of our marquee platforms and
10:28 some pretty cool features that we're
10:29 announcing here but there's definitely
10:31 more on the horizon so folks stay tuned
10:33 watch out in this space and we'll be
10:34 talking to you guys more about naz very
10:36 soon so see mike cinolini thanks again
10:39 thank you thank you
10:47 you