5G Alone Isn't Enough — Learn How to Transform Your Infrastructure for the 5G Era

Slide with a headline that says, “STAIC TO MASSIVE DEMAND-DRIVEN CAPACITY.” Below that is a diagram that shows icons of safelight and microwave antennae, cloud network nodes, and a cloud server. Text below that says, “5G ACCESS,” “IP SERVICE FABRIC,” and “5G CORE.”
Jun 18, 2020

Service providers, how will you succeed in the 5G era?

The era of 5G is here and the opportunities for service providers are immense.  But is 5G alone enough for service providers to succeed? The answer is, “No.” Learn how Juniper can provide all the key building blocks you need to transform your infrastructure for the 5G era.

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You’ll learn

  • How the synergy between 5G, cloud, and AI will be the key to enabling service provider transformation

  • How Juniper is enabling a shift across three dimensions: network architecture, operational economics and service experience

  • How you can create value and ensure your business remains relevant over the coming years  

Who is this for?

Network Professionals Business Leaders


0:00 5g is here it's happening with billions

0:03 and worldwide investment the

0:05 opportunities for service providers are

0:07 immense but is 5g enough the

0:10 transformation necessary for service

0:12 providers to succeed in the coming

0:14 decade requires more than 5g alone it

0:17 must bring to life the synergy of cloud

0:19 + 5 g + AI cloud + 5 g + AI represents a

0:25 holistic shift for service providers in

0:27 three dimensions network architecture

0:29 operational economics and services

0:32 together these enable service provider

0:34 business transformation we are

0:36 profoundly changing how service

0:38 providers consume the resources needed

0:40 to deliver 5g many physical boxes will

0:43 be replaced by a virtualized cloud

0:45 native network infrastructure ran layers

0:48 will split and run on commercial

0:50 off-the-shelf server's IP transport

0:52 fabric will use virtualized routers

0:54 virtualized Sdn virtual security

0:57 functions and control user plain

0:59 separation core functions will be

1:01 disaggregated to support a service based

1:04 architecture leading to a new cloud

1:06 native infrastructure for telco cloud a

1:08 centralized architecture will evolve

1:10 into a distributed model ran and core

1:13 functions migrated to the secure

1:15 distributed edge cloud distributed edge

1:18 cloud becomes the new point of value

1:20 creation helping service providers

1:22 monetize the edge with new services

1:25 static capacity gives way to a massive

1:27 dynamic and demand driven approach

1:31 enabled by massive speed and feeds

1:33 bandwidth allocation happens dynamically

1:36 based on the use case demands single

1:39 service infrastructure will yield to a

1:41 multi service infrastructure enabled by

1:43 network slicing intent driven

1:46 closed-loop automation based on AI and

1:49 machine learning simplifies operations

1:51 at exponential scale most importantly

1:55 connected security integrates threat

1:57 detection policy definition and

1:59 enforcement in an intelligent and

2:01 unified way across the network

2:04 juniper Networks is once again at the

2:06 forefront leading the shifts in network

2:09 architecture operational economics and

2:11 services that are necessary to transform

2:14 service provider businesses Juniper

2:17 Networks Springs cloud + 5 g + AI

2:19 solutions to life through a massively

2:22 scalable IP fabric cloud first platforms

2:25 a distributed edge cloud automated

2:27 operations and connected security

2:31 [Music]

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