Keeping Cloud Providers Operational

Beginning with the end in mind.
How Juniper takes into consideration the key elements across cloud provider customers when it comes to architecting a network.
You’ll learn
How partnering with Juniper helps you deploy at scale
It’s not what you build, but how it integrates into the operational model
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:04 Jason Fritch I'm senior vice president
0:07 of global sales for Juniper Network's
0:09 Cloud segment there are a few key
0:11 elements that are common across most
0:13 cloud provider customers which are they
0:14 architect their networks to remove as
0:16 much complexity as possible so they can
0:18 scale them as quickly as possible so
0:21 they they begin with the end in mind
0:24 partnering with vendors like Juniper to
0:27 design build and and deploy scalable
0:30 networks that can be heavily automated
0:33 and easily automated so that it's not
0:35 just what you build but how it
0:36 integrates into their operational model
0:38 because uh you know one of their the
0:40 biggest advantages is the automation
0:42 that they build so that they can do more
0:44 and scale quickly with less through that
0:47 automation
0:48 the idea of supply chain constraints is
0:51 something that has always been part of
0:54 my working world but this is the first
0:55 time it's Front Page News Mitch Haynes
0:58 I'm the vice president of the supply
0:59 chain planning and fulfillment at
1:00 Juniper the role we see ourselves trying
1:03 to play is finding that true signal of
1:06 data making sure that it's consistent
1:08 and complete and transmitted across the
1:10 entire supply network it's a corporate
1:12 imperative that we have to invest and
1:15 understand and protect our supply chains
1:19 what's also evolving around the cloud
1:21 customer experience is ease of doing
1:24 business so it's not just about you know
1:26 delivering features and high scale and
1:28 high performance but how we transact and
1:30 how we deliver our own supply chain in
1:33 our portfolio in ways that our customers
1:35 can be comfortable with so that that we
1:37 can scale with them
1:38 their experience with uniform is not
1:41 just you know the technology that we
1:42 deliver but the business engagement and
1:44 the business processes that support that
1:46 to make that as easy as possible there's
1:47 probably going to be a much greater
1:49 appreciation for the sharing and the
1:52 transparency of data through the
1:54 multiple partners throughout the supply
1:56 chain and so that that's what I think is
1:58 going to be probably the biggest
1:59 takeaway