Juniper Networks Open RAN solution at MWC23

In this video, Juniper’s Natarajan Krishnamurthy provides a demo of its Open RAN solution. This includes detail on Juniper’s RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC), Service Management and Orchestration and O-RAN security. RIC use cases include tenant/slice aware admission control, traffic steering and energy savings. Juniper has a number of partners in Open RAN including VodafoneUK Parallel-TW and keysight.
You’ll learn
How Juniper’s Open RAN solution works
Juniper’s RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) use cases
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:07 all right I'm here now with uh nitrogen
0:09 K I'll just call you that uh you do a
0:12 quick intro on yourself and tell us what
0:13 we're gonna be looking at here yeah I'm
0:15 a president I I'm proud of the product
0:17 marketing for open brand and Smo okay so
0:20 and open around is a pretty new space
0:22 for you guys right being in the ram area
0:24 yes yes we have gotten about a couple of
0:26 years back yes yes
0:29 yeah so what we are talking about is how
0:31 service providers can achieve new levels
0:34 of service agility Automation and
0:37 operation efficiency by unlocking
0:38 intelligence and value in the ram so
0:41 we're focusing mainly on intelligent
0:42 controller and service management
0:43 orchestration I'll start with the Ryan
0:45 intelligent controller so Juniper
0:48 provides a open and interoperable Ryan
0:51 attention controller platform which is
0:52 fully compliant with Oran Alliance
0:54 interfaces and specifications you can
0:56 onboard third-party X apps and R apps
0:58 which gives kind of flexibility and
1:00 choice of suppliers to service providers
1:03 so basically we are covering three use
1:04 cases the admission control and traffic
1:06 steering use case is something that we
1:08 have demonstrated in Vodafone turkey in
1:10 a live commercial Network you would have
1:12 seen the press release last week and we
1:14 have Energy savings which we
1:16 demonstrated
1:17 so I can walk you through one of those
1:19 use cases real quick sure so
1:23 admission control kind of provides
1:24 priority user services in a specific
1:26 category of users let's say Public
1:28 Safety or schools hospitals Etc so this
1:32 was the setup on which we validated we
1:33 have the Juniper near real time brick
1:35 non-real time brick we had X apps and
1:37 our apps coming from juniper and
1:39 parallel Wireless was providing the
1:40 radio network here all right
1:42 so let's start with the use case so we
1:44 have a cityscape we have a rural area we
1:46 have a suburban area here so we first
1:49 start deploying the admission control so
1:51 we are now deploying that mission
1:52 control RF okay we will display deploy
1:54 the admission control
1:58 and the fully automated analyst right
2:01 yeah basically we just need to deploy
2:02 the app so that it's all running and now
2:04 we start the use case
2:07 the tenant that you're talking about is
2:09 a public safety tenant here okay and
2:11 here subscribe for 2000 us as the SLA
2:15 right so
2:18 so we don't have any uh emergency right
2:21 now so the default allocation is 1000
2:23 ues in the Suburban area thousand is in
2:25 the rural area and the number of active
2:28 ues is less than these numbers so
2:30 there's no rejections here let's say now
2:32 I have an emergency so I have an
2:34 emergency in the rural area so you have
2:36 First Responders fire safety personal
2:38 levels coming in so suddenly you will
2:40 see a kind of a spike here right the
2:42 number of active movies in the rural
2:44 area has gone up to thousand and some
2:45 ues are also getting rejected here
2:48 so this is where Rick kind of comes into
2:50 picture so the RF gets triggered by an
2:52 external admission server or it can
2:54 detect that this ues are getting
2:55 rejected and immediately increase the
2:57 allocation that is available for one
2:59 area from 202. and those are
3:01 automatically automatically yeah so
3:03 which means of course you can that's
3:05 been a big problem Wireless operators in
3:07 the past right it's right is is uh they
3:09 run out of spectrum and you know and
3:11 then the service quality goes down and
3:13 yeah absolutely yeah right and the
3:16 number of rejected ues come to zero so
3:19 now your emergency situation has gone
3:21 away you go back to your default
3:23 allocation of thousand each so basically
3:26 you're able to kind of dynamically
3:27 allocate network resources without
3:29 trying to kind of over provision at any
3:31 place yeah and that was the norm before
3:33 you either ran with poorly provisioned
3:36 or you over provisioned right in which
3:38 case your network has been utilized most
3:40 of the time exactly right and your
3:43 automatically optimizing it based on the
3:45 real-time data and applications once
3:47 developed you can run it any you don't
3:49 need to have vendor specific
3:50 implementation because this is open run
3:51 right
3:53 so I will uh
3:55 I'll go back to another use case I think
3:58 um at this time I'll go to yeah I'll go
4:00 to the service management orchestration
4:01 demo sure just to give you a brief
4:04 overview of what it is about
4:07 so let's look at why do you need this
4:09 new approach to service management
4:11 orchestration so basically the
4:13 management and orchestration of Telecom
4:14 networks is becoming more complex
4:16 primarily because of the following
4:17 reasons one is evolving architectures
4:19 service providers are moving from closed
4:21 monolithic systems to open virtualized
4:24 architectures
4:27 and with 5G and Oran your network is
4:30 your services are going to be delivered
4:31 from thousands of clouds and tens and
4:34 thousands of its sites unlike where
4:36 we've had physical Network functions
4:37 earlier
4:38 and service providers also want to kind
4:41 of spin up custom services on demand
4:43 something that they want to spin up
4:44 something for a few hours or so and be
4:46 able to deliver them under slas and
4:48 share the money as to surprise
4:50 so to simplify this complexity Juniper
4:53 has come up with this Quran service
4:55 management organization system which is
4:56 fully component to 3gp TMF and open
5:00 Trend standards so we it implements ran
5:03 Netflix life management function which
5:04 is uh 3gp defined we have the non-real
5:07 time brick the near Rail tamrick and we
5:09 have the focam and nfo functions which
5:11 actually take care of orchestrating the
5:13 functions on top of this entrepreneurial
5:15 cloud
5:16 so what we are talking about here is
5:18 that we are taking an example of
5:20 Barcelona we have a regional clock we
5:22 have three h clouds with the heater core
5:24 use and we are going to deploy and
5:27 manage slices for an Enterprise and an
5:28 industry here and we will be covering
5:31 the entire life cycle uh starting from
5:34 the preparation phase where you're going
5:35 to onboard Cloud infrastructure Design
5:37 Network slices Design
5:39 Services supplies creation slice
5:42 activation
5:44 monitoring the slice and then slice
5:46 termination so this is what we're going
5:48 to be speaking to customers partners and
5:50 industrialists like you for the next
5:52 three days at Barcelona so happy to take
5:55 any questions yeah and so how's this
5:57 being received so far
5:58 it's been pretty good we had already a
6:00 couple of customers who have been here
6:01 and of course there's going to be more
6:03 discussions that's going to follow Yeah
6:05 well yeah and what I like about this and
6:08 I was talking Ramy about this earlier is
6:10 just that the Rand is an area that a lot
6:12 of people have thought was kind of a
6:13 commodity you're driving a lot of
6:15 innovation into it now to allow it to do
6:17 things that service writers can do
6:19 before so absolutely so all right well
6:21 that was great so thanks appreciate the
6:22 time thanks