Juniper Networks AI-Driven Enterprise: Momentum and New Developments

Find out how Juniper’s newest enhancements expand the company’s commitment to Experience-First Networking driven by Mist AI.
You’ll learn
How Juniper helps deliver end-to-end user experiences
Juniper is still leading in AI-driven automation
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Experience More
0:09 thank you guys for for letting us kick
0:11 off Mobility field day you know as you
0:13 guys know we keep our powder dry for
0:15 this one you know this is definitely one
0:17 where we bring out our Heavy Hitters in
0:19 terms of product to really go through
0:20 some of the the best and the brightest
0:23 um product enhancements um so I'm gonna
0:25 stay on here for a very short time I
0:28 only have about five minutes and I'll
0:29 let you get to these guys but I did want
0:30 to quickly level set on you know what is
0:33 the Juniper vision and strategy you know
0:35 we always like to start with that what
0:36 we've done since the last time we saw
0:38 you guys at mfd7 and then talk about
0:40 some of the announcements that literally
0:41 hit the wire about 10 minutes ago and
0:43 we'll go through that and those will be
0:44 part of the presentations so for
Mobility Field Day
0:46 starters you've probably seen the slide
0:48 again this is our eighth Mobility field
0:50 day we keep showing the slide it's not
0:52 because we don't have imagination it's
0:54 not because we're boring is because we
0:56 continue to re-emphasize that this is
0:58 our differentiation right Juniper is all
1:01 about delivering end to end assured
1:03 experiences right focusing on the user
1:06 and the operator experiences and the way
1:08 we do that is all about leveraging a
1:10 modern microservices cloud and ai ai ai
1:14 we were the first to come out with AI
1:16 Ops we're the first to come out with
1:18 Marvis a virtual Network assistant and
1:19 we continue to lead on that front and
1:21 you may ask does being first matter the
1:23 answer is yes it does especially when it
1:24 comes to Ai and learning and continual
1:26 learning and we'll show you some of the
1:27 benefits of that
1:29 this slide was first presented at
1:31 Mobility fuel day I think it was one or
1:33 two right when it was just missed
1:35 Wireless connecting to the Miss Cloud
1:37 right and then after the Juniper
1:39 acquisition we added wired wired access
1:41 to the domain we acquired a company
1:43 called 128t where we added sd-wan to
1:45 this Vision we've integrated some of our
1:47 security aspects and today we're
1:48 announcing some even New Technology
1:50 Solutions around that which we're going
1:52 to talk about in a second uh primarily
1:53 around access assurance and enact so
1:55 very excited this is the vision this is
1:58 a strategy and it's working
State of the Union
2:00 I don't know how many of you guys follow
2:02 the Juniper in terms of some of our our
2:03 Revenue numbers or some of our financial
2:06 earnings but
2:07 the state of the union is strong right
2:09 Juniper has traditionally been a super
2:11 spider and Cloud company that is very
2:13 strong but Enterprise is now taking over
2:15 as a top segment Juniper is now an
2:17 Enterprise company it is the top segment
2:20 that we're selling AI driven Enterprise
2:22 is the Cornerstone of Enterprise
2:23 business it is it did over one billion
2:26 dollars last quarter this last quarter
2:28 so it is hot it is growing we are
2:30 outpacing the market
2:31 the crown jewel of age of Enterprise is
2:34 Wireless that's how we came to be that's
2:36 that's really why you know you guys are
2:38 going to talk to these guys if you look
2:40 at some of the numbers from last year um
2:41 this was I think 650 group we are the
2:43 fastest growing Wireless Vendor by a lot
2:45 in terms of percentages and we took over
2:48 the number three spot in North America
2:49 so things are going they're going well
2:52 and also what we're excited about is
2:54 we're starting to see more full stack
2:55 wins wired and wireless and sd-wan and
2:59 security all coming together you know to
3:01 really take advantage of that full stack
3:02 vision
Last MFD
3:04 last MFD we did some exciting stuff yes
3:06 we did the Lego I think some of you said
3:08 you you didn't get a chance to get that
3:11 um but that was an awesome giveaway this
3:13 this time we had some other cool
3:14 giveaways that are here but more
3:15 importantly it's about the products
3:16 right last time we announced things like
3:18 AI Ops for location which we're going to
3:20 double click on on this time we
3:22 announced things like new Marvis being
3:25 able to pull in new data points you know
3:26 we had some windows clients we had an
3:27 Android client we're going to talk about
3:29 how we're enhancing that even more with
3:31 some new data sets as well we talked
3:33 about things like um or since since mft
3:35 we announced our Nas service offering we
3:38 announced things like campus fabric
3:39 management some new ex switches so a lot
3:41 has happened last year to continue to
3:43 get things going
New Announcements
3:45 what's happening today these are some
3:46 pretty cool announcements and I'm
3:48 excited about this
3:49 um if you guys go to
3:50 these literally
3:51 just hit the wire so the first thing
3:53 that we're going to show you guys is our
3:55 new access Assurance service Knack is
3:58 back
3:59 um and is it better than ever it's
4:01 exciting right you know for the first
4:03 time this is a true Cloud native AI
4:05 driven NAC solution eliminating all the
4:08 headaches associated with on-prem
4:09 Hardware all the different devices you
4:11 have to manage we brought it into it's
4:13 integrated with the network it's
4:14 integrated with our wired Wireless it's
4:16 part of the Miss Cloud part of Mr Ai and
4:18 we're going to show you guys that here
4:19 today right also in terms of Marvis
4:21 continue to learn there's actually two
4:23 primary features that I'm really excited
4:24 about llm I'm sure you guys have all
4:26 heard about it chat gbt we've integrated
4:29 with Marvis Marvis has always had a
4:31 conversational interface we've now added
4:33 llm to be able to extend that especially
4:36 around things like knowledge base and
4:37 documentation which I know Peter is near
4:39 and dear to your heart uh We've also
4:41 added Zoom integration we've always
4:42 talked about I think for five years
4:43 we've said troubleshoot my zoom call
4:45 right and we did a fantastic job pulling
4:47 in your wireless data your wire data
4:49 your land data to help troubleshoot now
4:51 we're actually literally partnering with
4:53 zoom and pulling in the zoom data into
4:54 the miscloud as well so you really have
4:56 that client to Cloud Vision as to what's
4:58 happening end to end for your video
5:00 stream and we're going to start doing
5:02 that with other applications as well and
5:04 then the last thing that we're going to
5:05 talk about is Wi-Fi 60. we did expand
5:07 our portfolio with a new ap24 and so uh
5:10 Wes is part of his section we'll talk
5:11 about that so a lot to come here