Juniper Mist Wired Assurance

Connected devices with AI-powered automation
Juniper Mist Wired Assurance delivers a better wired experience, starting with onboarding to provisioning to the day-to-day management of Juniper EX Switches. You get simpler operations, streamlined troubleshooting, and better visibility into connected devices with AI-powered automation and service levels.
You’ll learn
How to make operations simpler
What Juniper Mist Wired Assurance delivers
The possibilities for better visibility
Who is this for?

00:00 [Music]
00:05 what mist has done
00:06 in the enterprise wireless market is
00:09 change the conversation
00:11 from network management to ai driven
00:14 operations
00:15 using ai and machine learning mist has
00:19 fundamentally
00:20 transformed the operational experience
00:23 from reactive troubleshooting to
00:25 proactive remediation
00:28 we're now super excited to bring this ai
00:31 technology
00:32 to the broader juniper wired portfolio
00:36 starting with juniper ex switching
00:39 what we have done differently in the
00:41 wireless space
00:42 is instead of focusing on the access
00:45 point experience
00:46 or the controller experience or the
00:49 controller of controller experience
00:51 adding more and more boxes like your
00:53 legacy vendors
00:55 we started with a cloud native
00:58 ai driven micro services-based
01:01 architecture
01:02 intently focused on the end user
01:05 experience
01:07 fortune 10 and fortune 500 customers
01:10 have told us
01:11 they have many many tools to tell them
01:14 if a switch is up
01:16 or a port is up even our competitors can
01:18 do that
01:20 what they have challenged us to do is to
01:23 bring
01:23 the wireless user experience metrics
01:26 over to the wired user
01:28 so when you plug in an iot device a
01:31 printer
01:32 an apple tv or a video camera
01:35 what is the experience of that device is
01:38 it able to connect to the service
01:40 is it getting the necessary bandwidth if
01:43 not
01:43 why not today that task of
01:47 wired user experience measurement and
01:50 remediation
01:52 is painfully manual and it
01:55 has to piece the story together across
01:58 multiple legacy systems
02:00 by bringing the missed ai engine to the
02:03 wired network
02:04 we're now launching the world's first
02:08 ai driven wired wireless campus
02:12 bringing ai across the wired and the
02:14 wireless user experience alike
02:17 so as you build your network of the next
02:20 decade
02:21 we would love to partner with you on
02:24 your journey
02:25 please sign up for a missed demo so you
02:28 can
02:29 personally experience the excitement of
02:32 fortune 10
02:33 fortune 100 customers who are choosing
02:36 ai driven switching and wi-fi
02:39 from juniper mist