Juniper Mist AIOps: Transforming IT with AI & ML

A quick look at how Mist AI can completely transform your network operations
Discover how Mist AI, the industry’s first AI-driven VIrtual Network Assistant with an interactive conversational interface, is leading a new era of AIOps that will save you time and money while maximizing the value of your network. Register for a full length demo.
You’ll learn
An brief overview of the Juniper client-to-cloud portfolio and how it works
How our AIOps delivers a better customer experience
How you can converse with Marvis to troubleshoot network issues
Who is this for?
0:04 juniper networks is leading a new era of
0:06 ai
0:07 operations across wireless wired and wan
0:10 all driven by mist ai our
0:14 client-to-cloud portfolio is built on a
0:16 highly scalable microservices cloud
0:19 architecture
0:20 these cloud services proactively
0:22 optimize performance
0:23 triggering packet capture determining
0:26 root cause
0:27 and automating problem resolution
0:30 wireless wired and wan assurance provide
0:33 client level insights
0:35 ai powered automation and simplified
0:38 operations to deliver a better customer
0:40 experience
0:42 marvis our ai driven virtual network
0:45 assistant
0:46 delivers unprecedented insight and
0:48 self-driving actions to resolve
0:50 problems before anyone notices them
0:54 conversational interface optimizes user
0:56 experience
0:57 while freeing up your team to work on
0:59 significant value-driven tasks
1:02 it's time to move forward experience the
1:06 power of real ai
1:07 ops driven by missed ai