Juniper Funds University Research to Advance AI & ML

Watch: How Juniper is investing in the future of networking
In order to optimize network operations and improve the user experience, Juniper is funding university research to advance AI and ML. Juniper’s Raj Yavatkar discusses the future of these technologies and how they will help assist network managers in the future.
You’ll learn
How Raj describes today’s networking environment and how he thinks it will evolve
The experiences operators need to be ready for in the future
What is coming next in AI, ML and quantum networking
Who is this for?

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0:00 [Music]
0:00 hello and welcome to the feat i'm rick
0:02 rutter juniper recently announced an
0:04 initiative to advance artificial
0:06 intelligence machine learning
0:08 intelligent multi-path routing in
0:10 quantum communications today i have raj
0:13 yvakar juniper cto to tell us why this
0:16 is so important
0:18 raj how would you describe today's
0:20 networking environment and how it will
0:22 evolve
0:23 so i think that today's networking
0:25 environment i see is impacted by three
0:29 main factors one is that the 5g
0:31 infrastructure
0:33 is very different than
0:35 previous mobile networking it really
0:38 brings together very high capacity high
0:40 bandwidth and ultra low latency so that
0:43 the 5g network starts becoming the heart
0:46 of the internet because that's where the
0:47 consumers are enterprises are using
0:49 private 5g networks
0:51 second factor is the metro is becoming
0:53 the new
0:55 place where all the action comes
0:57 because of fixed wireless convergence of
1:00 wireless and wired networks 5g
1:02 aggregation points so suddenly you see
1:04 metro is a place going to a very
1:06 distributed architecture with the
1:08 hundreds of mini edge clouds acting as
1:11 aggregation points feeding into a
1:12 massively scalable ip fabric
1:15 and third factor is hyperscalers are
1:17 expanding their reach
1:19 of their networking
1:21 closer and closer to the enterprises and
1:23 consumers by expanding local zones all
1:26 these three environments are also
1:27 impacted by amount of data available
1:29 from the network itself i want a
1:31 telemetry data available
1:33 that is very useful for operators to be
1:35 able to start taking advantage of the
1:37 data to make something interesting
1:40 happen
1:41 that's really interesting so what are
1:43 some of the experiences or applications
1:46 that operators need to be ready for in
1:48 the future
1:49 so one first one is because of 5g the
1:51 metabolism
1:53 is a new phenomena which takes augmented
1:55 reality
1:57 virtual reality to a completely new
1:59 level and that's happening it's going to
2:01 happen that requires a very different
2:03 type of experience with respect to
2:05 latency
2:06 high bandwidth uh and so on of course
2:09 there are other applications that are
2:10 coming up such as automated driving very
2:13 uh smart iot and so on so that's one set
2:16 of experiences the second experience
2:19 people are expecting to see is that
2:21 how the network become more sustainable
2:24 we need to operate networks for energy
2:26 efficiency not just for the peak or
2:29 operating capacity today the network
2:32 operators take to operate the network
2:34 and provision them for peak capacity
2:36 which is not used all the time
2:38 the third kind of experiences as the
2:40 hyperscalers are delivering more
2:41 services how do operators make sure they
2:44 are part of that ecosystem and start
2:46 offering services monetizable services
2:49 that let
2:50 consumers as well as enterprises take
2:52 advantage of multiple clouds and
2:54 services
2:55 that makes a lot of sense and i mean ai
2:58 is real and it really does help manage
3:00 network operations
3:03 and complexity is growing as we move
3:05 into the cloud area cloud era
3:07 so what do you think is next in terms of
3:09 like next level ai and ml and how do you
3:12 think it will help assist our network
3:14 managers in the future
3:16 so i think we can't stop by just doing
3:18 aiml operated networks operations are
3:21 important they are getting automated
3:23 using aiml
3:24 but the next step is to look at it from
3:26 the network lifecycle perspective
3:29 how do i plan capacity how do i design
3:32 networks and optimize that design
3:34 constantly by using a virtuous feedback
3:37 cycle
3:39 fit the data to the aiml engines they
3:41 give you back insights use them to
3:43 optimize the network and as i said
3:45 earlier there's a lot more focus on
3:47 sustainability which means we have to
3:49 use aiml to decide how do i optimize the
3:52 operation of the network for energy
3:54 efficiency an example
3:56 radio has consumed a lot of power in
3:58 mobile networks but we could power down
4:01 radios by sometimes transferring traffic
4:03 from one base station to another
4:05 combining the traffic so that the power
4:07 consumption goes down
4:09 same thing with the transport and core
4:10 networks that are powered by juniper
4:12 networks you can decide that when you
4:14 have multi-path routing
4:16 how do i use multiple paths so some
4:18 parts can be shut down for some time to
4:20 save energy when we are not operating at
4:22 the peak capacity so there are lots of
4:24 opportunities for taking aiml based
4:26 optimization experience to the next
4:28 level
4:30 that makes a lot of sense i'm super
4:31 excited for the future of that um now
4:34 one of the areas i'm not as familiar
4:36 with is quantum networking can you tell
4:39 us a little bit more what this is and
4:42 why it's going to be critical to the
4:43 future of networking
4:45 sure so i think the quantum computing is
4:47 happening the company is now producing
4:49 quantum computers delivering qubits if
4:51 you're a star trek fan we all grew up
4:54 knowing about quantum teleportation
4:57 right star trek showed you how you can
4:58 teleport
5:00 in reality information sciences uses the
5:03 quantum teleportation to be able to
5:05 transfer information over a quantum
5:07 network
5:08 how does that work you take the photons
5:11 or qubits and if you decouple them over
5:14 larger distances to transfer the
5:15 information
5:17 one application of that is a key
5:19 distribution in security applications
5:21 when you have two parties communicating
5:24 securely transfer action in keys is a
5:27 big complex problem which is subject to
5:30 man in the middle attack
5:32 with quantum teleportation now you can
5:34 do quantum key distribution you
5:36 distribute keys from sender to receive
5:38 in a way that if anybody intercepts the
5:41 key changes so receivers knows that it
5:43 has been compromised and you can redo
5:45 the contractions so we are now funding
5:48 research in universities as well as
5:50 internally for quantum key distribution
5:52 as next level of quantum photography
5:55 raj thank you so much for joining us
5:58 today and for the investments juniper is
6:00 making in our future i hope you'll be
6:02 back soon to give us an update on what's
6:03 happening
6:04 and to everybody out there while you're
6:06 on the feed please take some time to
6:08 soak up some of the industry news and
6:10 knowledge i dare you
6:12 thank you
6:13 thank you