Juniper Apstra Demo: Dashboard Tour

See how easy it is to keep tabs on your network using the Apstra dashboard.
This short video will show you how the dashboard within Apstra works. Essentially, it boasts a simple-to-navigate-design that provides a holistic view into your network. It will help you manage workflows easily, even with minimal networking expertise, by automating manual tasks and eliminating vendor-specific configurations. Take a look now.
You’ll learn
How the dashboard monitors different aspects of the network and raises alerts to any anomalies
How Apstra keeps track of your config in its graph database (aka the single source of truth)
How from one place –– the dashboard –– you have a comprehensive view into the functions and operations of your fabric
Who is this for?
0:00 [Music]
0:07 let's take a look at the dashboard
0:09 within juniper appstra a simple to
0:11 navigate design that provides a holistic
0:13 view into your network
0:15 here i have configured one data center
0:17 philadelphia data center
0:20 and if we click on it the very first
0:22 screen we're going to land on is the
0:24 dashboard on the top you can get details
0:26 on analytics staged where you would
0:28 enact new config uncommitted where you
0:30 can see the changes you're about to push
0:34 active to see fabric's active operation
0:37 and telemetry
0:39 and time wager where you can roll back
0:41 to restore previous revisions of a
0:43 blueprint for more on these check our
0:45 other videos next we have the deployment
0:48 status
0:49 so this is actually any configuration
0:51 that you create in your fabric adding
0:53 new virtual networks or vrfs
0:56 this gives you the status of that
0:57 configuration
0:59 a discovery configuration is basic
1:02 configuration that appstra needs such as
1:04 lldp and drain config would be if you
1:07 are putting a device into maintenance
1:09 mode that is draining traffic away from
1:11 it in order to replace it or upgrade
1:15 and when we scroll down we can take a
1:17 look at our anomalies now in this case
1:20 i've put a line of config
1:23 i've disabled an interface on one of the
1:25 spine devices to intentionally create
1:27 some anomalies
1:29 and you can see how abstract keeps track
1:31 of your config in its graph database
1:33 which is the single source of truth
1:36 so if someone logs in via the command
1:38 line it will log a config deviation
1:41 and then in this case disabling that
1:43 interface also created some anomalies
1:45 within cabling and bgp route table
1:48 so you can see in a heads-up display all
1:51 of your anomalies and then you can click
1:53 through
1:54 so we can click through to the config
1:56 deviation
1:58 again for more on this check our other
2:00 videos
2:03 finally we have this node status which
2:05 has been described as a blast radius
2:07 indicator
2:10 so we can see that we've got multiple
2:12 anomalies on spine1 again
2:14 that's the one that i disabled the
2:16 interface on
2:18 then we can see that it's trickling down
2:20 and how it's affecting the other devices
2:22 in the fabric
2:24 so from one place you have one
2:26 comprehensive view into the functions
2:28 and operations of your fabric you can
2:31 manage workflows easily even with
2:33 minimal networking expertise by
2:35 automating manual tasks and eliminating
2:37 vendor-specific configurations
2:39 [Music]