Juniper AI-Driven Enterprise Validation With Market Momentum

Use cases, updates, and a preview of Networking Field Day 27 — it’s all here in this short video.
Experience-first networking is Juniper’s true North, according to Jeff Aaron, VP of Enterprise Marketing. It’s driven by artificial intelligence and a focus on customer experiences rather than speeds and feeds. List for details, as well as a preview of other speakers on Networking Field Day 27.
You’ll learn
About the AI-driven enterprise, plus Juniper’s business momentum
Three primary uses cases: Full stack solution, extending existing offerings to the WAN, and hosting applications in the cloud
The topics presented in additional Networking Field Day 27 presentations
Who is this for?

0:08 um we're really excited to be here you
0:10 know my name is is jeff aaron i am a
0:12 head of enterprise marketing here at
0:14 juniper and i'm really just going to set
0:16 the stage for just a really awesome
0:19 array of speakers that's going to talk
0:21 about you know a variety of things
0:22 across our portfolio primarily focus on
0:24 the agent driven enterprise um just to
0:27 set the stage a little bit um juniper
0:30 last year you know announced what we you
0:32 know really consider our true north and
0:34 it's around uh experience first
0:35 networking so it's kind of you know
0:37 elevating the traditional way of looking
0:40 at networks you know against or away
0:42 from just uptime and away from just
0:44 speeds and feeds more towards actual
0:46 user and operator experiences and with
0:48 that it's about you know leveraging
0:49 assurance and automation and just better
0:52 insight where um you know things like ai
0:54 really lead to that equation so today
0:57 you know while we have this whole
0:58 portfolio everything from land routing
0:59 to the data center to the campus and
1:01 branch what we call the age of an
1:03 enterprise which includes our wired
1:05 wireless and sd-wan all part of the same
1:07 missed ai and cloud today we're going to
1:10 focus on that last bit that ai driven
1:12 enterprise and in particular the main
1:14 focus is going to be on on the sd-wan
1:16 why
1:17 well for one
1:18 tom you didn't bring this up today is
1:20 128.
1:24 why do you think we chose to go on the
1:25 last day right and so you know 128 is
1:27 obviously a a key part of our portfolio
1:30 january 28th is like our cinco de mayo
1:33 it's the day that you know traditionally
1:35 uh we celebrate um you know uh uh when
1:38 the wan edge and we're going to do no
1:40 less today and so we're really excited
1:41 about that and so we're going to talk a
1:43 lot about that
1:44 um also why did we choose today well
1:46 yesterday actually was our earnings call
1:48 so we want to actually come in here and
1:49 actually give real numbers to some of
1:51 the amazing things that we've been
1:53 seeing uh last quarter and and last year
1:56 and look
1:57 i mean you may have sat through the
1:58 earnings call you know and and rami and
2:00 ken have to follow a script and uh you
2:02 know meter their energy i don't have to
2:04 do that and i can say that it's just
2:06 been an amazing time right now for
2:07 juniper enterprise business five years
2:10 of consecutive growth over 1.6 billion
2:12 dollars last quarter records for wi-fi
2:16 records for wired access triple digit
2:18 growth for sd-wan i mean we are
2:20 literally hitting on all cylinders and
2:22 again this ai german enterprise the
2:24 campus and branch is a big reason for
2:25 that
2:27 we get asked a lot when we talk about
2:28 sd-wan well you guys are are late so how
2:31 do you mirror that same momentum the
2:33 same energy that you guys are doing in
2:34 wired wireless in that space and so
2:36 there's three primarily use cases that
2:38 we're focusing on that you're going to
2:40 hear about later today
2:41 the first one full stack you know we
2:44 have companies like a major uh a global
2:48 energy company you know a major global
2:50 bank that say look we want wired we want
2:53 wireless we want sd-wan all together
2:55 we're going to do an rfp for everything
2:57 and when that comes out we are we are
2:59 sitting pretty right because again we
3:01 are the only vendor that has wi-fi wired
3:04 sd-wan all together common ai engine
3:06 common cloud that really provides a lot
3:08 of benefits in terms of automation and
3:10 insight
3:10 secondly we go to all those great you
3:12 know wireless customers those missed
3:14 customers wired customers who love using
3:16 marvis who love using our assurance and
3:18 say wouldn't you love that to extend
3:20 across the land so leveraging that
3:21 incumbency to expand the wan edge is our
3:24 second biggest use case and our third is
3:26 applications hosted in the cloud
3:29 and the reason that's so important is
3:30 when reed talks about ssr you're going
3:32 to hear one of the key things that make
3:33 that different and and that's the fact
3:35 that it is a tunnel free technology and
3:37 so that really eliminates a lot of the
3:39 overhead associated with with using
3:41 tunnels across the land now that
3:43 certainly helps on the on the actual
3:45 link side but also that has a hidden
3:48 savings in terms of when bandwidth uh uh
3:50 hosting costs in the cloud so anyone
3:53 that's actually hosting their
3:54 applications in the cloud if they want
3:56 to minimize those costs and avoid
3:58 sticker shock that comes at the end of
4:00 the month we really help quite a bit by
4:02 limiting those tunnels so again those
4:04 are some of the top use cases as you'll
4:06 you'll see that this also lends itself
4:07 to a go to market that's especially
4:09 angled towards msps and again these are
4:11 the ones that are really embracing this
4:13 that are adopting this and really taking
4:15 this forward and for that we want to
4:16 thank them but also this is why we're
4:18 really excited okay so what are we going
4:20 to talk about today
4:22 so again we are going to start off with
4:23 the ai driven enterprise and talk about
4:25 how things are coming together and in
4:27 fact we had a huge launch about a week
4:29 ago where we finished off that last
4:32 piece of bringing ssr into the missed
4:34 domain a year ago we started with day
4:36 two operations last week we announced
4:38 that we now have day zero and day one
4:40 where you can actually just literally
4:41 bring it into the cloud do zero touch
4:42 configuration and do all those great
4:45 things you did on wired wireless now on
4:46 the wan edge we also announced things
4:48 like new ssr hardware which again reed
4:50 will show
4:51 as part of his demo but to start cd
4:53 armada is going to talk about that
4:54 journey that ai driven enterprise that
4:56 client to cloud how we got here and
4:58 where we're going then we got reed and
5:00 adam that are kind of come in and do
5:02 that double click on ssr that amazing
5:04 technology that we got from 128 they're
5:06 going to show a demo again showing some
5:07 of those things we announced last week
5:09 and tom as you bought brought out um you
5:11 know we can't come to an nfd and not
5:13 talk about the rest of that that that
5:15 portfolio so we're going to talk about
5:16 the our wired piece and some of the way
5:18 that hanson is there and obviously uh
5:21 hitting hitting cleanup is west purvis
5:22 is going to talk about some of the
5:24 latest wi-fi enhancements