Juniper Advanced Care Services Datasheet
Download DatasheetService Overview
Today’s organizations are under constant pressure to meet dynamic market demands while increasing their return on investment. Juniper Advanced Care provides value-based services designed for small and medium-size enterprise customers who do not have a large IT operations team, but require effective, high-touch support from Juniper.
Service Description
Juniper Networks® Services provides the support and assistance needed for managing the complexity of technology. The rich set of services helps keep your network at optimum readiness and able to evolve efficiently in response to the demands of your business.
Juniper Advanced Care includes all the features in Juniper Care, plus more, to provide a better customer support experience with enhanced service availability and improved service quality. All Juniper services help you minimize service disruption and recurring incidents, while maximizing your network uptime.
With Juniper Advanced Care, you have a single point-of-contact (POC) technical liaison who provides high-touch support five days a week, up to eight hours each day. The cost-effective service also includes assistance in the progression of high-impact network issues, proactive technical notification, consultation, software release upgrade guidance, operational review meetings, and knowledge transfer related to Juniper products.
Additional service features include 24x7 Active Issue Management via a dedicated phone number, expedited support through direct access to Juniper senior support engineers, accelerated response times, onboarding assistance, best practice knowledge transfer, and customized reports.
Service Portfolio
Figure 1: The Juniper Care portfolio has three options: Base, Advanced, and Premium
Features and Benefits
Designated Remote Technical Liaison | A named, designated technical expert provides assistance on technical needs | Helps you implement best practices across your network and provides knowledge transfer |
Onboarding Assistance | Guidelines and processes for accessing Juniper resources | Collapses the learning curve and accelerates operational processes |
Active Issue Management (24x7) | A dedicated phone number provides 24x7, after-hours access to a designated, remote support team to facilitate your issues, ensuring cases are properly escalated. A follow-up report and status is provided until escalation requests are complete | Ensures that issues are handled and resolved in an efficient manner, keeping your network running smoothly |
Proactive Operational Support | Proactive assistance with Return Material Authorization (RMA) issues, asset management, support related to contracts, licenses, and entitlement | Ensures operational success to keep your network running smoothly |
Escalation Management and Technical Issue Resolution | Technical input to facilitate and expedite problem resolution | Minimizes impact of business-critical technical cases |
Periodic Review of Open Issues | Operational review calls to provide customer updates on technical case activities and ensure ongoing progress | Improves performance and reduces downtime by identifying areas for improvement during regular check-ins |
Priority Access to Senior Engineers | P1/P2 cases routed directly to senior support engineers | Ensures faster issue resolution for high-priority cases, resulting in superior network availability |
Accelerated Response Time | P1: 15 minutes, P2: 30 minutes, P3: 2 hours, P4: 4 hours | Significantly accelerates case closures and increases network uptime, keeping end users happy and productive |
Best Practice Knowledge Transfer | A quarterly, interactive webinar shares best practices and use cases | Enhances staff knowledge and expertise on Juniper products and services to simplify operational processes and maintain a highly available network |
Technical knowledge transfer and Q&A | Informal Q&A with consultative guidance for questions and service deliverables | Provides technical knowledge to maximize the service value and acquire the necessary knowledge for keeping your network running at an optimal state |
Custom Reports and Consultation | A monthly Proactive Bug Notification (PBN) Report, quarterly Customer Service Experience Report including Installed Base and Entitlement, End-of-life (EOL)/End-of-service (EOS), Case History, and RMA updates | Offers personalized review of your network and enhanced decision-making capability |
Environment-specific Technical Guidance | Guidance tailored to your campus and branch (Juniper Mist) and/or data center (Juniper Apstra) solutions | Maximizes value of Juniper Advanced Care |
Ordering Information
The Juniper Advanced Care contract has a minimum annual term of twelve (12) months.
Juniper Advanced Care services are available globally.For details, please contact your local Juniper authorized partner, Juniper Networks account manager, or your assigned Juniper service business manager.
As a prerequisite, customers must have Juniper Care Services, which provides the foundational base required to enable Juniper Advanced Care.
About Juniper Networks
At Juniper Networks, we are dedicated to dramatically simplifying network operations and driving superior experiences for end users. Our solutions deliver industry-leading insight, automation, security, and AI to drive real business results. We believe that powering connections will bring us closer together while empowering us all to solve the world’s greatest challenges of well-being, sustainability, and equality.
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