Expanded Marvis Conversation Interface with ChatGPT

Juniper has expanded Marvis' conversational interface with ChatGPT to deliver more human-like conversational capabilities, particularly regarding documentation and support issues.
See documentation for Marvis Actions
Marvis also provides assured user experience with Zoom integration, learn more here.
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ChatGPT integration with Marvis, Virtual Network Assistant
Conversational Interface expansion
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0:00 Marvis is an AI-powered virtual network assistant that becomes part of your IT team,
0:11 bringing human-like conversational capabilities. Now Marvis integrates with ChatGPT, bringing you
0:18 technical documentation to your fingertips. With access to Juniper's complete documentation and
0:23 support issues knowledgebase, Marvis provides concise, detailed responses to queries.
0:28 Want to know how to set up a campus fabric? Simply ask Marvis. In addition to displaying
0:33 the ChatGPT-powered response, Marvis lists additional useful resources.
0:38 Visit the link below to learn more!