Empowering Efficiency Using Juniper Apstra for Data Center Automation

Intent-based networking, the one visibility attribute your data center needs now.
Intent-based networking is more than just fancy marketing speak. Listen as Juniper experts explain how Juniper Apstra® software delivers the benefits of intent-based networking for data center operators by simplifying operations and ensuring efficiencies.
Learn more about Juniper Apstra software.
You’ll learn
How intent-based networking resembles an efficient home automation system
How Apstra can translate intent into different machine languages
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0:00 [Music]
0:04 hey everybody and welcome back to
0:06 centrally speaking I'm Scott this is
0:08 Dean uh this is another in our series of
0:11 of various data center topics today
0:14 we're going to talk about intent-based
0:15 networking or IBN intent-based
0:18 networking isn't just a drinking game
0:20 where every time you hear a marketing
0:21 person say the word but it actually has
0:23 some applicability so so Dean tell me
0:26 your definition of intent-based
0:28 networking we get a little bit sick and
0:30 tired of three-letter acronym so
0:32 intent-based networking for me um you're
0:35 familiar with with some of these smart
0:37 home appliances and stuff my my wife God
0:40 L she's getting all Picasso in the house
0:43 and I'll be sitting down at night and
0:44 all of a sudden a light will pop on
0:46 right next to him what was that she said
0:48 oh it's it's like it's on a timer I've
0:50 got a routine set up and she's starting
0:52 to automate stuff in the house and I'm
0:54 not loving it but um I've got a friend
0:57 who I really think did a great job
1:00 automating his house um in an intent
1:03 based fashion so uh this friend of mine
1:06 is British and uh you know what the Brit
1:09 like to do at 4:00 every afternoon they
1:11 like to get into the pub and have a
1:12 drink so uh my buddy Daz has got a a
1:15 whole Alexa routine says Alexa it's
1:18 happy hour and the lights di down uh
1:21 Alexa goes into watch mode the air
1:23 conditioning goes down in Florida air
1:25 conditioning goes into an economy mode
1:27 you know all these bits and pieces
1:29 happen automat now he could do it
1:30 manually quite easily but he's got the
1:34 gift of time now CU he just has to say
1:36 Alexa it's happy hour his intent is to
1:39 go out and meet some friends and have a
1:41 drink in the pub okay but he's now
1:43 automated the whole house to do that so
1:45 when I think about intent-based
1:46 networking I think about how can I
1:50 leverage such a tool that'll give me the
1:53 gift of time so I don't have to worry
1:55 about it and it and it's consistent it
1:57 delivers what I need it it Provisions
1:59 what I need needed to do and it goes
2:01 into some sort of watch mode and it
2:03 alerts me when there's an issue of some
2:05 sort so for me the simplest analogy is
2:08 my my buddy's automated house uh and I
2:11 think when I think about data centers
2:13 being intent based that's kind of what I
2:15 think about yeah yeah I think so he's
2:17 declaring what he wants with some simple
2:20 terms and then letting an automation
2:22 tool get to that intended state which is
2:26 turn down the lights and shut off the
2:27 air conditioning I'm heading out to the
2:29 pub when he gets home he says Alexa
2:31 we're home and boom automatically goes
2:33 back to declares the intended State and
2:36 the system handles the rest right
2:38 exactly so that's that's exactly what
2:40 we're doing so this is what abstra is
2:42 with juniper abstra is this intent-based
2:44 networking solution that lets you
2:47 declare what you want the network to do
2:50 declare what a network service needs to
2:53 look like and then after handles the
2:55 rest and and so it is an automation tool
2:59 MH it is a tool that lets you design
3:02 your network so it's a design tool it
3:05 will help with deploying of the network
3:07 and provisioning of the network um and
3:09 then it will configure the network to
3:11 match that intent and so it's a
3:14 multi-step process we we're going to
3:16 Define what we want the network to look
3:18 like without even really considering the
3:20 network devices we're going to Define
3:22 that intent or that we're going to
3:25 declare what that intent is and then
3:27 we're going to tell the abster system to
3:29 go Implement that intent an apster will
3:31 provision boxes configure Services
3:34 Define routes and IP addresses and all
3:37 of the Machine level stuff that needs to
3:39 happen and we'll do it in the language
3:41 of the machine that it's talking to and
3:43 so this is important right so back to
3:45 that house analogy well if we're going
3:47 to talk to the light switches that's a
3:49 different language than the air
3:53 conditioning let's say in a data center
3:55 you've got some juniper gear and you've
3:57 got some Cisco gear and you've got some
3:58 Arista gear well we kind of all speak a
4:01 different language at least when from a
4:03 management perspective and so abro will
4:06 translate that intent into each of those
4:09 languages and we'll implement the
4:10 Juniper specific configuration and the
4:13 Cisco and the Arista and the Sonic
4:16 without you needing to even understand
4:18 what those languages are so that's
4:20 really where the power comes in from an
4:22 automation point of view is I can
4:24 declare this intent and then automate
4:26 the thing and that's neat right it's
4:29 nice that we can automate but heck a lot
4:31 of people can automate in in some ways
4:34 and so where this becomes really
4:35 powerful is what you do with that once
4:37 you've declared it once you've
4:39 implemented that intent now we know what
4:42 the network is supposed to be because we
4:43 use the tool to to create the state and
4:48 then we can monitor the network and
4:49 constantly compare against that state or
4:51 compare against that single source of
4:53 truth that is your intent model and so
4:56 as an operations tool as a monitoring
4:59 tool as a visibility tool we have this
5:02 really powerful mechanism to always
5:04 ensure that the network is operating as
5:06 intended and can really quickly identify
5:09 what went wrong when it's not operating
5:11 as intended so so intent-based
5:13 networking and data center context is
5:17 declaring what you need and then doing
5:19 something with that Declaration on the
5:21 back end and knowing that the network is
5:24 operating as intended as all times and
5:26 that's what we're doing with abstra
5:27 peric sounds like I need my wife to do
5:29 rst of course so she can uh rather than
5:31 just have light bulbs flash on randomly
5:33 around the house she can actually uh do
5:35 a better job bit like my buddy I would
5:37 love abster to be able to manage the
5:39 light bulbs but what we're going to do
5:40 is focus on making sure we do data
5:42 center really really well and we'll let
5:44 the other guys figure out light bulbs
5:46 excellent excellent well listen thanks
5:47 Scott look and thanks everybody for
5:48 joining us I hope you found that
5:50 interesting maybe a little bit
5:51 entertaining as well appreciate your
5:52 time
5:54 [Music]
5:58 cheers