Driving Business Value with Experience-First Networking

Juniper’s goal with AI from day one has always been to enable organizations to deploy networks faster, at lower cost and with fewer mistakes than any technology in the market. At AI in Action, GVP of AI-Driven Enterprise Sales, Tom Wilburn, discusses how Juniper is delivering excellent AI business outcomes for our customers with Experience-First Networking and more.
0:43 The History of Mist
2:46 Identifying Problems to Solve
5:22 Wi-Fi Industry Pivots
9:30 Picking the Right Cloud & AI
10:29 Focusing on Outcomes
12:51 Can Mist AI Really Make a Difference?
14:08 How AI Delivers Business Outcomes
17:58 Focusing on Experience-First Networking
18:55 Marvis Actions Capabilities
20:03 Juniper is a Leader in Wired and Wireless
20:32 Taking the Leap to Cloud
You’ll learn
How Mist AI can really make a difference
Who is this for?

0:00 [Music]
0:10 thank you
0:13 well thank you Jeff and uh I'll take it
0:15 any day uh let's see if we can pop some
0:18 slides up here I want to set some
0:20 context for the speakers that you're
0:22 going to hear from today and I want to
0:25 take a second and Define what we call
0:26 the AI driven Enterprise that's our
0:29 campus and Branch business you know it
0:31 is Wireless switching and routing
0:34 but it was formed when Juniper acquired
0:37 Mist four years ago and combined missed
0:40 Ai and wireless with juniper switching
0:42 and routing
The History of Mist
0:43 but if you want to understand the
0:45 perspective of the people you're going
0:46 to hear we have to go back a little
0:48 farther about 22 years ago Bob Friday
0:51 The Godfather of Wi-Fi
0:53 founded the most successful
0:55 controller-based wireless LAN system in
0:58 the industry
0:59 company called airspace
1:01 and Jeff and I were just smart enough to
1:04 go along for the ride leading sales and
1:06 marketing
1:07 but early in that Journey Cisco saw an
1:11 opportunity and acquired our company in
1:13 March of 2005.
1:15 and then our buddy Sadir who opened
1:18 things up he saw the light he left
1:20 trapeze and joined the team
1:22 and then sujay hajila uh who was running
1:25 Motorola's Wireless business joined
1:28 Cisco in 2010 when we had a billion
1:31 dollar business in Wireless and in four
1:34 years turned it into a three and a half
1:36 billion dollar business really
1:39 turbocharged Cisco's Wireless business
1:43 and during our period there we built the
1:47 largest what I now call Legacy full
1:49 stack controller-based Wireless Catalyst
1:52 switching ISR routing
1:54 product in the industry we're kind of
1:56 controller guys by heritage
1:58 but then in December of 2012 we're the
2:01 team that acquired Meraki the first
2:03 Cloud managed networking team
2:06 and then 18 months later
2:08 Bob and sujay stepped out to found a
2:11 company called mist
2:13 they had an opportunity to do something
2:15 Engineers rarely get a chance to do to
2:18 start with a clean sheet of paper with
2:21 everything they'd learned over almost
2:23 two decades and build the network for
2:25 the next decade
2:27 and they did it with strategic funding
2:29 from both Cisco and Google to build this
2:32 new network architecture
2:35 why did they do it what problems were we
2:37 trying to solve and by the way we were
2:39 smart enough to rejoin them on the other
2:41 side at Mist as well in very similar
2:44 roles
2:45 but as I as I look back now there were
2:48 two things that we were trying to solve
2:51 within a year of acquiring Meraki
2:54 we were running into two problems in the
2:56 market one customer's wanted to know
2:58 which one do I buy do I buy the Legacy
3:00 Cisco stack or do I buy the Meraki stack
3:03 and that was kind of easy we could tap
3:05 dance around that and say well depending
3:07 on what you want and things like that
3:08 pick one
3:09 the harder problem was customers were
3:12 saying to us you know what I really want
3:14 I want the power of the controller and I
3:17 want the Simplicity of cloud
3:19 and that's what we couldn't deliver and
3:22 that was 10 years ago so I did like uh
3:25 Jeff instead of chat GPT I asked Google
3:28 I said you know when do you sell Cisco
3:30 DNA controller and when do you sell
3:33 Meraki and I scraped this slide just two
3:36 days ago off the internet from one of
3:38 the largest partners that offers both
3:40 and I think they did the best job and I
3:43 ran this business for a decade of
3:45 explaining it and it looks exactly like
3:47 it did 10 years ago well if you need
3:50 great RF if you need great voice roaming
3:53 and location you better buy the
3:55 controller in DNA
3:57 but and so for your hospital and this is
3:59 the use case they're given here you need
4:01 to buy controllers and DNA and put it in
4:04 the main hospital but for your clinics
4:06 you want cheap and cheerful and you got
4:08 to manage a lot of them do Meraki there
4:10 and literally the prescription is to do
4:13 both in one Enterprise and I think many
4:15 people of here have heard the same story
4:17 it's either or pick your poison simple
4:20 or good and maybe do simple in your
4:23 remote sites and good in your campus and
4:26 we felt that was a bad solution 10 years
4:28 ago and we don't think it's the right
4:30 solution today
4:31 but then what really I think drove Bob
4:33 was this if a user in your Enterprise is
4:37 having an experience like this on the
4:39 network how do you know
4:42 and the simple answer is you know when
4:45 they call up I.T and complain and then
4:48 you start to react and Bob's simple
4:50 Vision was AI could do this we're
4:54 talking eight years ago AI could figure
4:57 out there is data in the network we
5:00 could know that that experience was bad
5:02 and then if we were really good we could
5:05 tell you proactively exactly where in
5:08 the network end to end from client to
5:11 Cloud that problem existed so turn this
5:14 thing around from a reactive I.T
5:16 organization to a proactive I.T
5:19 organization that spends more time
5:21 delivering business value and less time
Wi-Fi Industry Pivots
5:23 firefighting with stuff that nobody
5:26 enjoys
5:27 that's where mist and the AI driven
5:30 Enterprise came from
5:33 but I think it's worth now particularly
5:35 with what's happening right now in our
5:37 industry to step back and look at the
5:41 pivots we've made along the way Wi-Fi
5:43 started in the retail vertical with
5:46 companies like telzon and aeronet and
5:49 the 802.11 standards happened as a
5:51 result of retailers needing a way to do
5:54 mobile Inventory management but the
5:57 industry was transformed when Intel put
6:00 Wi-Fi on the motherboard of every laptop
6:02 made
6:03 and in a five-year window
6:06 every company you do business with today
6:08 except for mist was founded informed
6:11 every architecture was put in place
6:14 and what's really interesting when we
6:16 look back now
6:18 is that was before the smartphone
6:20 that's what really drove the growth of
6:22 our business the iPhone didn't exist
6:24 when this happened and it was before
6:26 modern cloud services exist that make
6:30 things like AI possible so these
6:33 architectures have been in place for a
6:34 while and then our view is that what
6:37 happened for a long period of time
6:38 wasn't so much Innovation on technology
6:42 but really Financial engineering
6:46 Cisco completed the portfolio aeronet
6:49 early on then airspace for the
6:51 controller then Meraki for the cloud
6:52 managed Network multiple portfolios
6:55 obviously Aruba taken by HP the Motorola
6:58 part assembled along with arrow Hive
7:01 taken by extreme and Ruckus sold a
7:03 couple of times since then but those are
7:06 the players then and now until missed
7:09 was formed with this vision of what is
7:12 the next generation of Wireless
7:14 networking in 2014 acquired by Juniper
7:17 to create this full stack for the
7:20 Enterprise
7:21 but now I think the most profound change
7:23 is about to happen
7:25 chat GPT is the most fast rapidly
7:30 adopted app in history I think it was
7:33 announced in December and by January
7:35 there were a hundred million users on
7:37 the app think about the power that
7:40 people are getting used to that AI
7:42 brings and now when we talk about Ai and
7:45 the network people are a little more
7:47 responsive to say oh maybe there's
7:49 something there and it's driving change
7:51 in our industry so large Enterprises for
7:56 the last 20 years have had one choice
7:58 which flavor of controller architecture
8:01 do you want do you want the Aruba do you
8:03 want the Cisco maybe the Ruckus you know
8:06 those are your choices and over time
8:08 this evolved from an access point and a
8:11 controller to access points controllers
8:14 sensors to monitor kind of sorta user
8:17 experience other sensors for location
8:19 services in the case of both Aruba and
8:22 Cisco another controller to control the
8:25 controller a DNA controller or Mobility
8:27 master
8:28 and then all these services that
8:31 somebody in it had to manage and pull
8:34 together and upgrade and update and
8:37 what's become clear to everybody is that
8:40 these things are complex they're rigid
8:43 they're the opposite of the devops
8:46 environment and they will not go to AI
8:48 you cannot get enough Telemetry into a
8:51 premise-based architecture to go where
8:54 we're going
8:55 so where everybody is aligned now is the
8:58 future of our industry as cloud and what
9:01 I'm here to tell you is Juniper is ready
9:03 now we're not ready for that remote site
9:06 that Meraki mastered in 2007. we're
9:10 ready for the largest Enterprises in the
9:12 world as Sadir said they're here today
9:14 and that's what I want to talk about can
9:16 we service the SMB at the same price
9:18 point as Meraki and Aruba absolutely can
9:21 we deliver more value you bet we can but
9:24 we can take every use case in Fortune 10
9:27 companies and we're doing that
Picking the Right Cloud & AI
9:30 it's interesting to see how the industry
9:33 is pivoting now Aruba held atmosphere
9:35 here one of the best shows in our
9:37 industry I think just two months ago
9:40 they were followed by Cisco in May at
9:43 the mobility field day and look how
9:45 remarkably similar their slides look
9:47 what they're talking about is Cloud's
9:50 really important to our business we're
9:52 in the middle of pivoting and
9:54 Transforming Our cloud from an early
9:57 stage Cloud to a Next Generation Cloud
9:59 maybe even a microservices architecture
10:01 we're struggling a bit Aruba was candid
10:04 on stage and saying yes I'm sorry for
10:07 the issues we've had with Central we're
10:08 working on it Meraki likened their
10:11 transformation to Flying an airplane and
10:13 overhauling the engines while you're in
10:15 flight they actually said that what
10:18 they're doing is difficult
10:20 while they're busy pivoting our focus is
10:23 very simple and that is accelerating the
10:26 vision that we've had for eight years in
10:28 the industry I don't think the right
Focusing on Outcomes
10:30 choice for you is to say how many
10:32 devices are on your cloud
10:34 a hundred thousand SMB APS sending the
10:37 same information to a cloud is not the
10:40 same as getting the Telemetry you need
10:42 in a large Enterprise and that's why I
10:45 also encourage you as to Dear said don't
10:47 listen to me don't listen to Jeff listen
10:50 to the outcomes that your peers in the
10:53 industry are getting because that's what
10:55 matters our goal with AI from day one
10:59 has been to enable you to deploy
11:02 networks faster at lower cost with fewer
11:06 mistakes than any technology in the
11:08 market there is a customer here that's
11:10 deployed as many as three thousand
11:12 access points in a single night this is
11:16 scale and automation that no one else
11:19 can match
11:20 but once you've deployed the vision from
11:23 the team at servicenow has helped guide
11:25 us is how do we eliminate all trouble
11:27 tickets in the network why can't we have
11:30 ai know that somebody's having that bad
11:32 experience and either fix it
11:34 automatically or root cause it so fast
11:37 we fix it before they can open a ticket
11:39 and I thank them for their vision and
11:41 guidance on that and let me tell you we
11:44 have made amazing progress on that and
11:46 for when the network can't fix it we
11:49 want to take the mttr the time it takes
11:51 you to resolve as close to zero as
11:54 possible and this is possible with AI it
11:58 is not hype and then the third thing we
12:00 want to do is once we get you the right
12:02 Network Foundation is how can we truly
12:05 contribute to better outcomes sidir
12:09 mentioned the largest health care
12:10 provider in the world is here in the
12:12 room and their Journey started with how
12:14 do we deliver a better patient
12:15 experience they innovated around an app
12:18 that looks like uber for a doctor or a
12:21 nurse to call for a wheelchair and see
12:23 it coming
12:24 this is really cool stuff I've met with
12:27 the CEO of Fortune 500 retailers that
12:31 want to figure out how to marry their
12:32 web presence with in-store services so
12:36 they can compete with other e-commerce
12:38 retailers when you combine location
12:40 services and context with an app you can
12:44 deliver real value but you need a
12:47 network that can provide that Foundation
12:49 that's what we're about so I challenge
Can Mist AI Really Make a Difference?
12:52 you to listen today and I know Sadir is
12:55 going to ask questions of the
12:57 Enterprises that will speak to you on
12:58 stage
13:00 does it really work
13:02 was it worth it managing your old
13:04 Network while you move to the new
13:07 network and you had to have two
13:08 workflows for supporting users let me
13:11 tell you what our users are telling us
13:13 the largest logistics company in the
13:16 world reduce the time to close the
13:18 trouble ticket by 96 percent before and
13:21 after a global rollout 130 countries
13:24 around the world these are not smbs I'm
13:27 talking about these are the largest
13:29 Enterprises in the world in production
13:32 with real results from AI
13:36 you're going to hear from the team at
13:38 servicenow so I won't steal their
13:40 Thunder but how can AI actually help
13:42 them in a race to zero zero trouble
13:46 tickets in the network and you're going
13:48 to hear from multiple customers that say
13:50 I'm not sure how it worked but we've had
13:52 customers running large school districts
13:54 that were dealing with many many many
13:57 cases that went for a year with no cases
14:01 it is possible to get there and that's
14:05 what we're counting on AI to do for you
How AI Delivers Business Outcomes
14:09 the formula looks simple
14:11 but no one else has replicated it yet
14:14 what we started with eight years ago was
14:17 this vision of getting enough Telemetry
14:20 from every client in the network in real
14:23 time to know about that user having a
14:27 bad teams call experience to know ahead
14:29 of time and then as Jeff said eight
14:32 years of development on AI algorithms
14:35 that not only try to do what your best
14:38 technician could do if they were awake
14:41 24 hours a day seven days a week and had
14:44 a sniffer next to every access point and
14:46 switchboard that's hard enough on its
14:48 own
14:49 but there are some things that even the
14:52 best human cannot do
14:54 they can't tune the radio resource
14:57 management of a controller in real time
14:59 based upon actual client experience the
15:02 way that AI can
15:04 they cannot catch a robot trying to do a
15:07 fast Roam and not succeeding on the
15:11 first time it happens with all the data
15:13 about why the fast drone failed and to
15:16 let you know that's happening in the
15:17 network human beings cannot do that even
15:20 if you can hire hundreds of them and
15:23 that's what these algorithms are about
15:24 this is how we're trying to help
15:27 we move to a microservices cloud this
15:30 was Bob's Vision early on he saw what
15:32 the founders of did Meraki did in
15:34 building their own cloud in 2007 and
15:37 said what if I used a modern Cloud that
15:39 would be AI ready and that's the
15:42 transformation that Aruba and Meraki
15:44 have ahead of them and this is the
15:46 foundation we need to deliver high
15:49 levels of reliability and yet agility in
15:52 the network where we're releasing new
15:54 capabilities every two weeks unheard of
15:57 in the wireless industry and then last
16:00 built into our access points everything
16:03 you need to do location services is
16:05 simple and easy to deploy something that
16:09 was theoretically possible before with
16:11 Wi-Fi but prohibitably expensive and a
16:14 science project every time this makes it
16:17 easy to deploy
16:18 who cares about location services we've
16:21 won two of the top five banks in the
16:23 world what is every Enterprise concerned
16:25 about right now after payroll their
16:28 number two expense is real estate they
16:30 want to know do I have too much too
16:32 little are my conference rooms being
16:34 used and yes a well-designed network can
16:37 tell them exactly that without sensors
16:40 and overlays hospitals have hired Chief
16:43 patient experience officers to get
16:45 better Medicare reimbursement rates by
16:48 delivering better patient experiences
16:49 the applications that we've seen the
16:52 leader in healthcare the Uber for
16:54 wheelchairs wave finding for the patient
16:56 in the hospital same thing in the
16:58 University campus same thing in the
17:00 retail store these are powerful
17:02 capabilities and then last to be able to
17:05 expose this entire set of capabilities
17:08 through apis
17:10 every vendor in our industry has an API
17:13 enabled architecture we can all check
17:15 the box no one else has a 100 percent
17:20 API enabled architecture when you start
17:23 with a clean sheet of paper where API
17:25 first everything you're going to see
17:27 demonstrated today we represent through
17:29 an API you can get the same data you can
17:32 integrate any way you want and
17:34 servicenow is going to talk about that
17:36 today so my point here it's about
17:39 outcomes and it's about outcomes in
17:42 Enterprises like yours not just the SMB
17:45 with three or 12 APS the people in this
17:48 room have hundreds of thousands of APs
17:51 on a single view of a cloud Network a
17:55 single dashboard that does it
17:57 and speaking of dashboards it's high
Focusing on Experience-First Networking
18:00 time that the industry give you a full
18:03 stack built for the large Enterprise
18:06 that gives you a single pane of glass
18:08 and One dashboard for Wired Wireless
18:12 sd-wan and NAC
18:15 but what I'm here to tell you and by the
18:18 way the power of this is more than just
18:21 buying from one vendor this now
18:23 completes that view from client to Cloud
18:26 one of the customers Fortune for that
18:29 inspired us to acquire a third
18:32 generation sd-wan technology and
18:34 integrate it with missed AI said Tom
18:37 this is one plus one plus one wired
18:40 Wireless sd-want equals 10. the impact
18:43 of getting this end-to-end view for us
18:45 is huge but what I want to say to you
18:48 and what you'll hear from users today is
18:51 dashboards are interesting but they're
18:53 not the future
Marvis Actions Capabilities
18:55 because you still have to poke around in
18:57 a single pane of glass why not let AI
19:01 bring you insights and translate that
19:04 into actions hey here's the things that
19:07 are wrong in your network right now that
19:09 I can't fix I can't fix your bad cables
19:12 and by the way we find a ton of them in
19:14 networks I can't fix the mismatch in
19:18 speeds or full duplex half duplex on
19:21 these clients but you can and here's
19:23 what you need to do and oh by the way
19:25 once we've served it up they're in the
19:27 bottom right conversational AI interface
19:30 tell me why sanjoy's team session
19:33 between 9 and 11 yesterday didn't work
19:36 well that's simple imagine your level
19:39 one help desk with this capability
19:42 imagine what it would mean to your
19:44 organization if we could do what we've
19:46 done with servicenow 90 of your trouble
19:49 tickets go away what if we could do for
19:52 the world's largest logistics company
19:54 the ones that are left we reduce the
19:56 time to resolve by 96 would that make
19:59 you happier with your network
20:02 I think it might
Juniper is a Leader in Wired and Wireless
20:03 so I'll close with this uh Gartner has
20:06 singled us out for the last three years
20:08 as a leader in the magic quadrant the
20:10 most recent year they put us to the
20:12 highest position in the wired and
20:14 wireless mq they also put us as a leader
20:16 in location services the two together
20:19 are magic and we are the only networking
20:22 company that's a leader in location
20:23 services just about everybody else in
20:26 that chart is a partner in our ecosystem
20:29 to provide these OT Networks
Taking the Leap to Cloud
20:32 and as you're listening to me and you're
20:34 thinking about it if you haven't made
20:36 the step yet you're saying wow this
20:38 sounds great but I have all this money
20:41 tied up in the network I bought five
20:43 years ago based upon a 20 or 15 year old
20:46 architecture and changing is hard I
20:49 can't rip it all out and be done like
20:51 MIT did in four months I'm gonna have to
20:54 live with both for a while and do I
20:57 really want to live with my old Network
20:58 and this new network and two different
21:00 workflows
21:02 what I want you to hear is you're going
21:04 to change your network anyway
21:06 you're going to move to Cloud no matter
21:08 which vendor you do it with what I'm
21:11 here to tell you and I hope the
21:13 customers that speak to you will Echo
21:15 this is we're going to make it easier
21:17 for you to do that than anyone else and
21:19 you will have two workflows you'll have
21:22 the old one that's hard and you'll have
21:24 a new one where hopefully we get rid of
21:26 most of the trouble tickets and simplify
21:28 resolving the remainder and there are
21:31 four ways we can get started one is we
21:33 can wait for your refresh your 6E is
21:35 logical
21:36 second is we can just put up your new
21:38 sites why put an old architecture into a
21:40 new building we can fix your trouble
21:42 spots that's how we started with
21:44 servicenow the pain points
21:46 or we can help you with business
21:48 transformation how one of the largest
21:50 banks in the world wanted to get a
21:52 handle on their real estate cost how the
21:54 largest health care provider in the
21:55 world wanted to change patient
21:57 experience with location services on the
22:00 network while getting a great Network so
Closing Statements
22:02 with that I'm going to Echo what sidir
22:04 said at the beginning don't listen to us
22:06 the customers are in the room
22:09 you're done with sales and marketing now
22:11 Jeff and I are off the agenda it's all
22:14 founders engineers and customers so over
22:17 the years before we introduce before we
22:18 do okay how many of you have never
22:21 deployed in your organization a missed
22:24 AP show fans
22:25 a few of you thank you very much no
22:28 that's not true uh are we preaching to
22:30 the converted so are we beautiful so uh
22:33 keep your hands raised if it's okay just
22:35 uh and and be okay there you go okay
22:37 very good first of all thank you for
22:39 showing up what I want you to remember
22:40 is when you come to a juniper event you
22:43 never leave empty-handed you may not buy
22:45 our APS you may not get stuff but uh the
22:48 gentleman there sitting there I I'm
22:50 gonna give you a jacket all you have to
22:52 do is tweet that I am at this awesome AI
22:56 in action event it is jam-packed it's
22:58 standing room only this is the best
23:00 place to be no you don't have to do any
23:02 of that we will come hand this over to
23:04 you but if you do tweet if you are
23:07 allowed to tweet by your organization
23:08 and if you can tweet please do tweet if
23:11 you do tweet I do have a jacket for you
23:13 waiting that's it it's really that
23:15 simple you could come grab this Marvis
23:17 jacket if all you did was on Twitter
23:19 said sudir looks great on stage or Tom
23:22 sucks no no no no get it the other way
23:25 around he he was doing great right up
23:27 till then whatever works but thank you
23:30 very much
23:31 [Music]
23:40 foreign