Digital Transformation: What You Need to Know to Get Started

The road to digital transformation starts here.
TechTarget’s Sabrina Polin talks with ServiceNow’s Yoav Boaz about the basics of digital transformation: what it is, what it is not, and the ways you can kick start the process within your organization.
You’ll learn
The two types of digital transformation ServiceNow sees with their customers
Where digital transformation begins within an organization and how to get the process started
The typical challenges companies face as they start the digital transformation process and how to avoid them
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:07 i'm sabrina palin with tech target and
0:09 i'll be talking with yoav boaz of
0:11 servicenow about the basics of digital
0:13 transformation and how it happens to
0:16 learn more about digital transformation
0:17 in the enterprise click the link above
0:19 or in the description below
0:24 digital transformation has become a
0:26 catch-all term for an assortment of
0:27 things companies are doing to improve
0:29 how they do business
0:30 these efforts range from the
0:31 digitization of paper files to
0:33 sophisticated automations of business
0:35 processes
0:37 you have how do you define digital
0:39 transformation and who's responsible for
0:41 it who's in
0:42 charge absolutely thank you sabrina
0:45 uh i would i would say here we have two
0:48 few misconceptions in the space one i
0:50 would like to separate the notion of
0:52 digital transformation from technology
0:54 transformation because we see many
0:56 customers
0:58 kind of being confused between the two
1:01 technology transformation we'll talk
1:02 more about the role of technology in
1:04 digital transformation is an enabler to
1:06 digital transformation
1:08 and when you talk about digital
1:10 transformation there are two types that
1:12 we see with our customers
1:14 one we call it evolutionary approach
1:17 customers taking their existing business
1:19 model
1:20 and existing business processes and
1:22 simply modernize them with the help of
1:24 technology and we'll see a few examples
1:27 around that the other is a revolutionary
1:29 approach how do you disrupt your
1:32 existing business model and look at your
1:34 business completely different
1:37 and i'll give you an example and i'm
1:38 sure sabrina in at least in my family in
1:41 the last year and a half went to a
1:43 doctor or tried to go to a doctor with
1:45 the kids
1:46 so evolution approach saying i can
1:49 schedule appointment with my doctor i
1:51 can cancel the appointment everything to
1:53 the web and that's kind of very
1:55 evolutionary approach and this is what
1:57 we did with the kids and so on but then
1:59 when the pandemic hit and it was kind of
2:01 the top
2:02 we went to evolutionary approach the
2:05 revolution was around telehealth
2:08 literally we had the doctor appointments
2:10 over zoom
2:11 and the doctor asked us to take pictures
2:13 and videos of different bruises or
2:16 scratches the kids had so they can can
2:19 see
2:20 what's going on and prescribe kind of
2:22 medicine for the kids so that's kind of
2:24 i would call it one step in the
2:26 revolution the second step is we know
2:29 uh healthcare company can be much more
2:32 proactive than they are today
2:34 think about remotely for example uh
2:38 measuring the glucose level in your
2:40 blood to let you know whether
2:43 you're you need to take a treatment
2:45 so today there are technologies today
2:47 that literally are much more proactive
2:49 and the healthcare providers can reach
2:51 out to you and tell you hey there is a
2:53 problem or you're going to have a
2:55 problem so these are the two differences
2:57 between an evolutionary approach and a
2:59 revolutionary approach
3:03 and you have you mentioned changing
3:05 businesses having to change their
3:06 business models
3:08 where does digital transformation begin
3:10 what advice would you give companies
3:12 just starting their digital
3:13 transformation
3:15 absolutely so within servicenow we
3:18 identified a seven-step process to get
3:22 you to your digital through your digital
3:24 transformation journey
3:26 first and foremost and this is what we
3:28 see a lot of the failures is identifying
3:30 the desired business outcomes you know
3:32 as
3:33 was written in alice in wonderland if
3:35 you don't know where you're going
3:37 any road will take you there
3:39 but what do you really want to achieve
3:41 right why are you trying to do digital
3:44 transformation and we see many customers
3:47 have different reasons to do that
3:49 the second
3:50 map and measure your kpis to the service
3:53 and processes so if you have a target
3:56 you want to get to you need to measure
3:58 all the time to see whether you're
3:59 heading in the right direction
4:02 the third
4:03 phase is to
4:05 measure kind the maturity that you
4:08 already have within the different
4:10 different processes because not all
4:12 businesses and views within your company
4:15 have the same maturity level and you can
4:17 quickly identify and assess and that's
4:20 kind of fourth phase where do you need
4:22 to invest first or why do you need to
4:24 invest the most
4:26 the fifth
4:27 phase is run recommendations how do you
4:31 make progress toward your strategic
4:33 priorities and why do you need to do
4:35 that
4:36 second is around tracking so how do you
4:39 do you have a system that can help you
4:41 track your progress
4:43 and this in the last phase is run
4:45 execute measure and reassess so all the
4:47 time
4:48 you're doing that reassessment and
4:50 whether you're tracking to the desired
4:52 goals that you set at the beginning
4:54 that's kind of the right way we've seen
4:56 it and we'll talk about failures in in
4:58 the
4:59 in
5:00 next
5:01 but
5:03 that's kind of prescription to follow
5:05 but what are some typical challenges and
5:07 roblox as companies try and
5:10 start their digital transformation
5:12 process how can they avoid those
5:14 pitfalls or even navigate them
5:17 sure the number one mistake we see
5:20 customers do is not clearly and crisply
5:22 identifying where they want to go what
5:24 do one achieve and how do they measure
5:26 it because companies talk about i want
5:29 to bring products faster to the market i
5:32 want to improve my customer satisfaction
5:34 my mps
5:36 score
5:36 so there are different ways or different
5:38 why's in a sense on why you're doing it
5:41 so if you not crisply define it and make
5:45 everyone aware that this is where you
5:46 want to go
5:48 you're doomed to a journey that will not
5:50 be successful i would say that's kind of
5:53 first reason the second is around lack
5:56 of executive support
5:58 because by definition digital
5:59 transformation will cross over different
6:02 business silos
6:04 and the only way to do that in a in a
6:07 way to get to your goals is to have
6:10 executive sponsorship and we'll talk
6:12 about
6:13 who who is the right person to drive it
6:15 but that's definitely an area we see
6:17 where companies fail and the third is
6:19 the mindset is the perception
6:21 specifically with people
6:23 if you're not training enough the people
6:25 and making sure they are with you or all
6:29 the improvement with you on that journey
6:31 people might get the wrong perception
6:33 like you know they want to
6:35 automate me out of my job or all my job
6:37 is getting redundant and so on and
6:40 that's not the case from what we've seen
6:42 all of those digital transformation
6:44 improve the company's efficiency and how
6:47 they operate and that in a sense help
6:50 the company grow and hire more employees
6:59 [Music]
7:07 you