Deploying vRR on EVE-NG Community Edition

Juniper Learning Byte: How to deploy vRR on EVE-NG
In this Juniper Learning Byte, Juniper’s Maruf Yunus expands your knowledge of how to deploy the Juniper virtual route reflector (vRR) appliance on the EVE-NG platform.
You’ll learn
Facts about EVE-NG: what it stands for, what it’s good for, and how it can be deployed
A step-by-step demo on how to deploy the vRR on EVE-NG Community Edition
Where to go to learn more about the latest EVE-NG features and requirements
Who is this for?

0:00 [Music]
0:12 hello uh welcome to jinping april's
0:14 turning byte my name is marufinus
0:17 and i'm a lab architect with education
0:19 services adaptive
0:21 in this landing byte we're going to show
0:22 you how to deploy a virtual route
0:25 reflector
0:26 which is also known as vrr on a
0:29 g community edition uh server
0:32 so uh what is evng uh so avng uh stands
0:37 for emulated virtual environment next
0:39 generation uh this is according to the
0:41 uh ng site it's a it's a tool that that
0:45 you can use to learn um
0:47 uh different networking technology or
0:49 virtualization technology uh to create
0:52 your own topology and and you know show
0:55 the uh create the connections uh between
0:58 them and then uh you know configure in a
1:00 way such as uh you know to learn those
1:02 technologies okay very helpful for a
1:04 training or demo
1:06 uh environment as well as i can tell
1:08 and most of the operations uh can be
1:11 managed through a simple to use web ui
1:13 that uh comes built into with the uh
1:16 with the evmg server
1:18 the image server can be deployed on a
1:22 regular regeneration computer pcs uh
1:25 you know in my opinion intel seems to
1:27 work better
1:29 good enough pc with uh a good enough ram
1:31 and storage
1:32 uh
1:33 general generation processors uh he's
1:36 able to deploy avng probably something
1:38 like on a pc
1:41 running in a vmware station something
1:42 like that or player i believe uh you can
1:45 also install it on a bmw server
1:47 hypervisors
1:48 and on the cloud okay
1:50 so uh you know it comes with a uh
1:53 installation instructions for different
1:54 environment
1:56 which you can locate on the evmg
1:58 cookbook
2:00 for for your type of installation okay
2:04 from the from their website
2:06 for this demonstration i'll be using the
2:07 uh
2:08 community edition which is free
2:11 as of today
2:12 and there are paid versions uh which you
2:14 can you can purchase
2:16 uh i think uh which comes with more
2:19 features and support but if you don't
2:21 have any money
2:22 you can use the computer edition today
2:25 start playing labs okay
2:27 and most versatile classes uh the
2:29 juniper ships uh i uh most uh so far
2:33 running on ebay and g5 as well i could
2:35 tell especially you need to download the
2:38 kdm based images
2:40 in most cases because it uses kvm in the
2:42 packet
2:44 you can you can find out more on this eb
2:47 product
2:48 from from their website and uh you know
2:51 and look at the documentation they have
2:53 documentation pretty good documentation
2:55 and a very good cookbook on uh on how to
2:58 use environment okay and maybe yes
3:02 so uh without further ado let's start
3:04 with the demonstration
3:06 okay i'm gonna
3:08 apply it
3:10 next slide
3:11 exit out
3:13 so uh to install the uh
3:17 deploy a vrr
3:19 virtual router vector and the first
3:21 thing i have to do is basically get the
3:23 images deployed on a specific location
3:25 inside the evmg server uh and that is
3:28 done through the uh sss and htcp okay
3:31 um so
3:32 myvng server is running on a vm
3:36 uh inside an esx environment as a nested
3:38 uh vm so uh i just installed the avenue
3:42 server with the iso file that i got
3:45 from the avenue website for the
3:46 community edition and then just install
3:48 it with a hub the bigger hard drive and
3:50 all that so this is my uh
3:52 server i mentioned it right now and i i
3:55 put the vrr images under this directory
3:58 slash root slash images and vr which i
4:01 downloaded the images from
4:03 top file downloaded from the juniper
4:06 dot net support site on our site
4:08 so uh once again i just copy that to
4:11 this directory on this server and then
4:14 uh we're going to follow some steps to
4:16 get it detected by evmg system okay so
4:19 first thing i have to do is basically
4:21 bring up the documentation for that that
4:23 you know they are talking about how to
4:25 download right and this website may
4:27 change so uh beyond that but uh today
4:30 this is what it looks like
4:31 first i need to extract the
4:33 bundle file and then i'm gonna you know
4:37 put some files
4:38 some image files to a certain directory
4:41 under the avng
4:43 yeah sort of
4:45 pick it up
4:46 okay so let's go uh
4:48 let's uh extract my file so i download
4:51 this file i'm gonna do
5:02 while it's extracting the file
5:04 uh we can we can uh log in with employee
5:07 oh it does let's do
5:14 you see i have this image file
5:16 uh the two images file that we need is
5:19 the the tools and the metadata
5:21 so we're gonna basically first uh
5:25 on the cd
5:28 top unit lab
5:31 add-ons
5:35 okay and there are i have different
5:37 folders here uh i i did the vsrs and
5:41 linux which are already there to uh and
5:43 i'm going to create a new one called uh
5:46 uh caller
5:47 juniper vrr and that's
5:49 version number okay make the ir
5:54 actually i'm gonna say this is uh
5:57 one
5:59 two
6:00 and the command
6:03 and
6:13 now i'm gonna
6:15 uh
6:16 move those two files and extract it from
6:18 the images and the uh removing these uh
6:21 two files
6:23 this one
6:24 and this one another
6:26 they'll be called first one will be
6:28 called birth i o a q two and the second
6:31 one i obtained on the
6:45 qr2
6:48 the other one
6:51 that is the metadata file
6:56 called word
6:58 i o
6:59 d dot
7:03 make sure we have those two files here
7:06 and
7:07 uh you know
7:09 now we're gonna run this command to fix
7:11 the permission
7:30 i think man is different let me go to
7:32 vsrx i think i saw the command that
7:35 blocked me last time
7:38 yes rex so i'm gonna relax into what i
7:41 think i had is somewhere
7:42 here not better this is the command i
7:44 think
7:50 okay i think what
7:51 is this command here
7:54 the documentation needs some
7:55 correction probably
7:58 so done okay so now we can go back now
8:00 the image has been should be detected by
8:02 the apg server gui and we can we can we
8:05 can go on to the gui and see if we can
8:07 use it okay so i'm just going to go to
8:09 my unity server here
8:12 and we already see
8:13 2.0.3112 you get here okay
8:17 i'm going to use the html5 console
8:22 okay
8:23 and uh
8:24 i i get dropped into a lot of file
8:26 manager here molecular wrap i don't care
8:28 basic lab but give it name
8:30 uh vrr
8:32 deployment
8:37 lab course or something you can put some
8:39 on description
8:43 all right
8:44 and my author name and i don't have to
8:46 whatever you can do
8:48 the confused script come out as i keep
8:50 it default for the small environment but
8:52 you can do more uh higher values
8:55 you know
8:56 okay
8:58 uh you know
9:00 save
9:02 and i will drop into this empty canvas
9:04 here
9:05 and i have different options here to do
9:07 certain operations so the first thing to
9:09 do is add a
9:11 node
9:13 and object okay
9:17 say vrr
9:22 there you go juniper rr
9:24 it become turned blue because it
9:25 detected the image okay
9:28 the image and we want only one instance
9:30 of that
9:32 and cpu ram i'll keep it to default
9:36 these are important little default
9:38 uh and the name i can call it vrr1
9:44 okay and the network adapter i can keep
9:47 default
9:48 um so there are different options you
9:50 can do i'm just going to keep it all
9:51 default for now it's a very simple test
9:54 uh i don't think there's an image for me
9:56 or not i don't see any but uh it makes
9:58 uh
9:59 it makes
10:01 fine
10:05 click on save
10:10 i want to create a
10:13 network
10:17 i'm gonna call it uh
10:20 vrr
10:22 our band management
10:25 i'm gonna choose cloud one so that's all
10:27 internal uh cloud zero is basically
10:29 going to internet
10:30 uh
10:36 [Music]
10:40 uh and you can find uh more about them
10:42 in the cookbook
10:44 which ones does what you can have
10:46 multiple links on it you can just serve
10:48 a new server
10:50 probably the one i will choose
10:52 and uh save
10:56 and the network
10:59 okay i'm going to add a venus uh
11:02 vm
11:04 which i'll use to manage kind of show
11:05 the connectivity
11:07 ah and then linux
11:09 one
11:10 okay default here
11:12 uh the only thing i'm going to show cpu
11:13 and memory because i don't use that much
11:15 for my linux vm
11:17 i only want internet port in this case
11:19 and i will keep the default
11:22 i cannot give a name
11:24 server call it
11:26 bastion post
11:30 and i don't have to use exposure does
11:32 not work i'm just gonna it's a gooey
11:34 tool to marry all that
11:36 and
11:39 drop it here maybe you can align the way
11:41 you like
11:42 get bigger
11:43 and then let's connect them
11:45 network bridge
11:48 and i choose em0 that's the management
11:50 first nick of the vrr
11:54 i can do this properly so i'll do here
11:57 the first thing that was only one nick
11:59 uh of the
12:01 bastion host
12:03 and then i'm gonna start the uh
12:06 trust the trust startup not basically
12:08 it's gonna start due to probably right
12:10 and then once i do that i may i will
12:12 pause the video and come back i'll
12:14 configure some ip on both of these vms
12:17 and then show the connectivity okay but
12:18 this is like you know at this point we
12:20 deployed them
12:21 so i'm going to start and it will
12:23 basically start
12:25 uh as i'm going through the initial boot
12:27 process
12:30 this is involving right now
12:32 basically it's in guatemala for uh
12:35 html5 access
12:38 launching so we're just going to pause
12:40 the video right now and come back so
12:43 okay it looks like uh our vms are back
12:45 online and uh
12:47 they went to the boot process and i
12:48 configured some basic ip addresses in
12:51 both of them so this one i assigned the
12:53 vrr1 to
12:55 and this one 172
12:59 55
13:00 11.254 so i can actually go to the br by
13:04 clicking on it it becomes the html file
13:07 page and then i can log in
13:09 okay i'm going to cli
13:11 it's going to show
13:14 little interfaces
13:16 matching
13:18 and here's my em-0 interface which has
13:20 which we assigned to that network and
13:22 then i uh i can clean the linux server
13:26 i can pick it
13:28 let me see if i can do the
13:30 ssh to this box from this
13:32 action hose
13:34 so this is the ip
13:36 page root
13:44 integration and all that i can see from
13:46 that uh
13:49 as well
13:52 so well there it is you know our vr is
13:54 deployed and uh i hope this video helps
13:56 and it's simple uh i think if you can
13:58 follow those steps uh unless they change
14:00 the new version so it should be still
14:02 fine
14:03 with community edition thank you for
14:05 watching
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14:37 [Music]