Create 500 Sites in Less Than 5 Minutes - Mist API and Automation

Watch as 500 sites are created using Mist APIs and automation in less than 5 minutes. This demo also shows two different ways to onboard thousands of APs and how to monitor users on all sites from a single window. Register for the full demo and learn more about how Marvis can help you run your network more easily and efficiently.
You’ll learn
How to monitor users on all sites from a single window
Why this method is error-proof
Who is this for?
0:03 Mist AI is in the air
0:06 our mission is to create 500 sites in
0:10 less than five minutes onboard thousands
0:12 of APs
0:14 and monitor all your users across all
0:17 your sites on a single dashboard without
0:20 any costly errors
0:22 [Music]
0:24 first we create an org on the Miss
0:26 dashboard
0:27 [Music]
0:29 login
0:31 [Music]
0:34 select your org you may have a few
0:38 we're done with step one and now let's
0:40 go set up templates
0:42 this org has RF profiles and three
0:45 different WLAN configs as seen here
0:49 now we have the templates let's automate
0:52 we asked the customer to provide a
0:54 spreadsheet containing site names site
0:57 addresses and any other required site
1:00 info the amount of sites could be in the
1:02 thousands but for this example we did
1:05 500 we will now automate the creation of
1:08 500 sites based on the information
1:10 provided by the customer using a simple
1:12 python script note it is a human
1:15 readable file and not very large now we
1:19 run the script and create 500 sites in
1:22 under four and a half minutes
1:24 Miss 100 API architecture allows you to
1:28 fully automate this process removing any
1:31 chance of human error
1:33 check the audit logs
1:35 perfect
1:37 [Music]
1:38 and now we can validate from the
1:40 dashboard that all the sites were
1:41 created correctly
1:45 with your current vendor how long would
1:47 it take to set up a thousand sites
1:50 without a single error
1:52 machines should program machines
1:56 [Music]
1:57 let's go deploy some APS
2:01 here we provide two options
2:04 use the Mist AI iPhone app to claim ap's
2:08 on-site or pre-stage APS using some very
2:12 simple Miss tools let's look at Option
2:14 One first we download the missed AI app
2:17 from the Apple App Store
2:21 install
2:23 open and choose your org
2:26 [Music]
2:29 now choose the site you're installing
2:31 [Music]
2:33 claim your first AP by scanning the QR
2:36 code
2:39 [Music]
2:41 SAS
2:42 this is how you would deploy all the aps
2:44 on the site
2:45 you can also locate APS via the LED
2:48 blink function
2:51 claim the API into inventory
2:53 assign the proper site and automatically
2:56 schedule it for the approved firmware
2:58 download
2:59 if this is your install method you're
3:02 done
3:03 there's another option some customers
3:06 prefer
3:07 at a pre-staging site
3:09 use a generic USB scanner connected to a
3:12 laptop to scan AP QR codes and
3:15 automatically claim them to a specific
3:17 site we can also Auto name the AP using
3:21 a regular expression matched with a
3:23 simple count or the MAC address of the
3:26 AP and we could also print the label now
3:29 the aps are ready to be shipped and
3:31 installed Mist has many customers using
3:34 these simple processes to install
3:36 thousands of APs
3:38 [Music]
3:40 and we make monitoring your org a breeze
3:43 with missed sles service level
3:46 expectations these metrics show how your
3:49 users are doing site by site on a single
3:53 screen or you can monitor time to
3:55 connect across all your sites and if a
3:57 site is troublesome you can click into
3:59 it to take a closer look
4:03 using automation our customers have
4:05 saved many thousands of dollars
4:08 how much do you think you can save this
4:10 is the power of missed AI