Cloud Metro: A Digital Economy-Ready Suite of Advanced Capabilities

Networks are rapidly evolving to meet a rich set of emerging service demands. Still, the key question remains: What should an intelligent next-generation metro edge look like to meet new traffic patterns and higher bandwidth requirements?
Service providers urgently need a "digital economy-ready" metro network architecture to help them with advanced intelligence, automation, and security software capabilities with hardware advances and network delayering efficiencies. Cloud Metro suggests applying cloud principles that help service providers transform their traditional retro metro networks into AI-enabled next-generation cloud metro networks.
You’ll learn
What are the market trends that are driving the need to transform retro metro networks?
What is the next-generation Cloud Metro?
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:01 foreign welcome everyone on this webinar from
0:08 umdia today's topic of webinar is a cloud Metro a digital economy ready Suite of advanced capabilities
0:15 this webinar is co-sponsored with our partner Juniper Networks and I'm Samira
0:21 shwat Malik senior principal analyst and a lead consultant for transport Network routing and switching from omdia
0:29 before we start the webinar formerly in going to technical details some housekeeping points that you have to
0:35 console in front of you and there are a lot of widgets on on the bottom of the screen you can post questions and we
0:42 will be happy to answer all the questions at the end of this webinar you can also download the copy of this
0:48 recorded version of webinar after the webinar and then you can find out all the findings and all all the answers for
0:55 the questions so a lot of widgets is a little bit of complex screen but you can browse and then you can easily find it
1:01 out easy for for more functionalities last but not the least please keep your
1:07 console on the mute button so there will be no distraction in the webinar
1:12 next I would like to thank uh Miss Irene Chan who is director of product
1:17 marketing in Juniper Networks us and she will be joining us as an expert who's
1:22 going to talk about the cloud Metro Network and why it is sustainable uh necessary for the business growth for
1:28 the service providers so before we start the cloud Metro from
1:34 my side being as an analyst from umbia but first I would like to throw a light
1:39 at why we give this uh I mean the name Cloud Metro a digital economy for
1:45 advanced capabilities why we need this Cloud bedroom organization so as I talked with many service providers
1:51 around the world and attending many conferences what I found the missing part in the transport network is about
1:57 the cloud Network Cloud Metro Network where we talk about how we can modernize the existing Network and then
2:04 get rid of the TDS manual operations where we don't have the intelligence so
2:10 most of the service provider they are asking for modernizing their mod or Metro networks and get rid of the Retro
2:17 Metro networks because Edge Computing cloud computing is becoming a new trend and in the Enterprise digitalization and
2:24 when we're moving towards industrial internet or we call it industry 4.0 or maybe after seven eight years in a
2:30 metaverse world there's a new chapter of Internet the Metro Network playing a major role
2:36 and modernization of Metro network is the imperative staff imperative step for
2:41 going or going forward so that's when that's that's the basic reason for doing
2:48 this webinar and to talk and discuss with service providers and other industry partners that how we can do the
2:54 modernization of Metro networks why we need Metro Network modernization and what is the role of the cloud Metro
3:00 Network so that's the basic background of this webinar first topic is about I'm going to present about the demands for
3:07 traditional retro Metro Network modernizations so as we already know that
3:13 that's clear so there are different I mean challenges for the existing Network
3:19 we need the agility we need the service flexibility and we know that with the edge Computing where all the service
3:25 features and capabilities are going towards the edge for the low latency applications a lot of traffic can be
3:31 converged on the Metro Network so service provider's biggest dream is to bring the agility scalability and
3:39 efficiency in the digital transformation era how we can scale the IP fabric how we can scale the IP network for upcoming
3:46 5G or industrial internet or maybe 9 10 years later the matter was area that's
3:51 the biggest challenge for the service provider at the moment though the edge compute and cloud computing is
3:57 developing very fast we already agree on this one but all the traffic now converts to Metro Network and then this
4:04 Metro becomes a new Edge or is a new experience Center where we cannot only
4:09 go along with the best effort services but we can assure the the customer experiences and high user experiences so
4:17 the question is how we can bring the intelligent Network automation on the on the Metro Network how we can do the
4:23 intelligentization prioritization of different services on the Metro when the
4:28 traffic is converged from the residential Enterprise and the mobile domains onto the Metro so that Metro is
4:35 no more than specific ring Network they are not the traditional ring Metro Network where we can only aggregate a
4:42 graphic from the excess or Edge all the way towards a data center Network so traffic steering is a biggest challenge
4:49 and how we can steer the traffic with the best service level agreements uh for
4:54 the VIP users for the Enterprise users where latency plays a major role that's
5:00 that's the biggest concern uh so that that's that's the the challenge that we need to answer then the operational
5:05 movements how we can get rid of TDS manual or skill labor operation and
5:12 orchestration of the network or the traffic on the Metro Network how we can move towards AI enabled Network that can
5:18 intelligently orchestrate all the traffic from excess all towards the data center so Metro again plays a major role
5:25 and that's one of the reason we need to to modernize the Metro Network and then on top of it last but not the least the
5:32 the energy efficiencies and then security threats how we manage the security effects in the digital era in
5:39 the ICT era or we can call it an industrial era how we can secure our networks that's the biggest challenge
5:45 how we can do the predictive maintenance predictive security measures in coming
5:50 all the traffic from The Edge all towards the metro and then go to the data center so that's what are the views
5:55 being from my side and NLS advanced talking with many service providers that macron network modernization is very
6:01 imperative for going towards Next Generation Network so that's that's one of the existing I mean challenging areas
6:09 from from the transport Network then if you do the Apple to Apple comparison of the Retro Metro networks and the cloud
6:15 Metro Network and by the way the cloud Metro network is the new term is a new name we can
6:21 also call it as a Next Generation Network architecture for Metro or is a
6:27 Next Generation Metro architecture and then we we are not anymore depending on
6:32 the ring based Metro Network we are more going towards a leaf spine what we use smile leaf or leak spine whatever you
6:39 name it and we used to use it in the data center architecture so we need uh moving if you can see from my left side
6:45 of the screen is Operation side he has more device Centric to service experience Centric operations so we
6:50 don't need Hardware manual do it yourself operation where we need intelligent orchestrating AI enabled
6:57 automation of a traffic or the services that can give them a service provide as
7:03 an edge for time to Market of the new Services enable Enterprise Empower Enterprise users you know on on more
7:10 control on the network then in the system level traffic aggregation we are doing with a retro Network or
7:15 traditional Network Cloud Metro we need a smart and intelligent scalable agile
7:21 and efficient aggregation of traffic because my regional data centers and actually now located in the Metro
7:27 centers they don't need to go back to core or towards the the far ends but after that that's a next point of
7:34 aggregation this is not anymore a simple aggregation but an intelligent aggregation
7:39 then we talk about the Monolithic Power design I already mentioned before that we need adaptable and green energy
7:45 efficient power designs with automatic ventilators less power usage because the
7:52 power is another scarce resource at the moment so how the service providers need to optimize their power efficiencies and
7:58 power resources for existing routing chassis that's that's the biggest challenge so Cloud Metro answers that
8:05 one then we talk about the life cycle usually the Metro Network or exist for
8:10 existing Metro Network or Metro the time span is three to five even seven years but how we can do the scalable Cloud
8:16 Metro so that the theme is pay as you grow so you can enlarge you can scale the network depending on your users
8:23 capacity and that's what actually helps the service providers to optimize their total cost of ownership that that's very
8:30 important because cost per bit analysis is the fee in Cloud Metro and then talk
8:35 about architecture point of view the scale up we are doing in a retro Network and the Retro Metro Network or
8:41 traditional Metro network but in a cloud Metro or the Next Generation background Network we are doing the scale out and
8:46 the scale up method methods to to modernize our existing Cloud method uh
8:52 before we only talk about The Silo networks in existing Metro like the residential Metro Mobile Metro and then
8:59 the Enterprise Metro but in in coming era we are more focused on the converged
9:05 Network we call it fixed mobile convergence we call it a fixed mobile converged Metro for high user experience
9:12 that's the the new new philosophy of the Next Generation Cloud Metro Network so
9:18 that that's very important because your experience actually actually converge on Metro though the edge is is very
9:25 important for low latency but they are throwing a lot of traffic burst on the Metro so Metro should be smart enough to
9:31 manage everything from the Zero from the security perspective as I mentioned before that
9:37 we don't need security when we release something happen in our Network we really need a predictive security
9:43 measures we need uh we have to preempt the the security threats before this
9:50 anything can happen in network because Metro is converging the experience of traffic from different sources so
9:56 built-in zero trust security trusted architecture and with the AI
10:01 enable automation is is a way forward for the cloud Metro so this slide uh I
10:07 can I can I mean give you an idea just showing you that why we need Cloud Metro and what is wrong with existing Metro
10:14 Network because I know that I talked with couple of customers they said we don't need to move towards Cloud Metro
10:20 because retro Metro networks are good enough to converge but many I mean most of the CSP is not believe that macro
10:27 network modernization is very important and these are some of the compelling reasons of moving towards a cloud metal
10:33 Network uh so this is just the first part for for my part of session this short
10:38 webinar that why we need Cloud Metro and how Cloud Metro can help to enable sustainable business growth for service
10:45 providers and then we are more than happy to answer your question at the end of this webinar but before we're going
10:52 towards the next session I would request Irene to talk about the cloud Network there is a poll question here
10:58 what are the primary business drivers to modernize your Metro Network so you can you can click and you can choose answers
11:04 from a list of items and then we can see the result number one is increase Network reliability and resilience that
11:10 you think is one of the major reason or we're meeting traffic growth requirements that we will be talking
11:16 about for many years or we want to talk meeting H Cloud requirements uh lower
11:21 TCO for total cost of ownership or other reason or maybe we can say is all of
11:27 them you can click all of them because it's not only the radio buttons but you can select all of them so I mean that's
11:33 one of the way of using uh a more interactive way and getting your opinion as well for Metro Network modernization
11:39 so you have like 10 15 seconds to read out the question and then please answer then we can share the results
12:02 okay so I think you already answered that one so moving towards the next PATH so these are the results it's automated
12:10 automatically populated all the fields so you can see from here right 83.3 percent or we call it 84 percent people
12:17 they believe is not only the one compelling reason but Network reliability resiliency Edge Cloud
12:23 requirements because the low latency higher traffic grows and total cost of ownership there's a big biggest reason
12:29 for modernizing your existing Metro Network and that what I was expecting out of you guys to answer all of them uh
12:36 because some people believe there's only the traffic is the only issue that we need the modernization for Club Metro
12:42 network but that's not the basic answer the answer is that H Cloud that's the biggest driver for modernization then
12:49 Network reliability and resilience is the second part so it's a good good survey answer from you guys and happy to
12:56 answer on more and talk more at the end of this session and I would like to invite
13:02 uh Irene Chang was from juniper Network us and she is going to talk about his
13:07 experience about her experience and expertise on the Juniper Cloud Network solution and what Juniper is looking
13:13 forward to modernize service providers Cloud Metro Network so over to Irene
13:19 thank you Samia so before we jump right into talking
13:25 about Juniper solution Innovation I want to Echo what um Samia have talked about
13:31 the market Trend because from juniper perspective we absolutely agree that is where the market is happening and
13:38 transitioning so someone asked what is the simple way to think about Metro so Metro
13:45 essentially is the traditional where Network domain where is the SS and aggregation domain before you hit the
13:53 multi-service edge and core um and in some terms you may also reference it as the middle mile
14:01 now when we look at the network architecture the traffic patterns it is
14:07 changing and we see that as a new Edge this is where the the connectivity Edge
14:13 Cloud hosting and service experience converge so if we look at the left diagram where traditionally the traffic
14:21 pattern is very much the north south where you have the the user generated traffic and then the Metro is pretty
14:27 much a downpipe the aggregated traffic and then get it to the multi-service app
14:33 to the port to the cloud and it's pretty much like a vertical Direction and as
14:38 the workload the applications moving more and more towards the new Edge because of the benefit all the benefit
14:45 of edge Computing it comes much closer to the users and so if you look at the
14:50 diagram on on in the middle here right where the a lot more distributed Cloud are deployed in the metropolitan areas
14:58 so the traffic pattern is no longer just no North and South but also a lot of the
15:04 East-West traffic and with that that would impact the underlying transport
15:10 Network how it should be architected how it should be managed and how it should
15:16 be secure frankly so so as we look at that and also look at the numbers right
15:23 the edge Computing is growing very quickly from
15:28 from about um 10 or 15 billion to about 500 billion
15:33 in 2030 which is at incredible category and for some of you who are a little bit
15:38 more familiar with Edge Computing you may ask what is the connection between Edge Computing and Metro Network well
15:46 you can do Edge Computing in a lot of different locations you can do on-prem you can do it
15:51 um really from anywhere from the on-premises all the way to the car anywhere in between you can deploy Edge
15:58 computing however if you are from the operating side where you have a lot of
16:03 great assets the pre-activation aggregation central office facilities in the Middle where in the metropolitan
16:09 areas networks that have the advantage of being a lot of those
16:15 facilities and the distance is close enough so that it still get the benefit of the low latency benefit of edge
16:22 Computing but at the same time we have lots of facility that you can do with Source polling which will make the
16:28 business case which is why the metro area becomes a really popular choice for
16:33 where the distributed Edge car are deployed so with that then you see the traffic is actually anticipated to grow
16:40 from 2021 to 2027 five-fold that is 500
16:46 percent increase that is pretty crazy um and also to
16:52 to also validate the the data traffic right got
16:57 another forecast that more than 50 percent of the Enterprise data will be distributed at Edge Cloud so those are
17:05 the reasons why Metro becomes a new strategic priority for Juniper and
17:10 frankly for the industry for everyone to really see it and
17:16 um take advantage of this transformation
17:21 so we talk about there's a huge opportunity in Metro and for me I talk about retro Metro uh it's nothing
17:28 necessarily wrong of it except that with this huge potential with the virtual Metro where it was typically a little
17:35 bit just like a very trick to optimize for the north south
17:40 traffic pattern is no longer as suitable to support and drive the sustainable
17:46 business growth to capitalize on those Trends and when we talk about sustainable business growth or
17:52 sustainability we need to look at holistically and so we can look at it from a 3p framework The Profit people
18:01 and Planet so profit is relatively easy to understand where if the bandwidth is
18:07 going to get fivefold 500 growth but then chances are most operators budgets
18:13 are not going to increase that much if increase anything
18:24 I'm with second user expectation will only increase and we all know that if
18:30 the quality is not that great we just change last but not least with 5G the attack
18:36 service actually increased this expanded security threat as more and more data getting distributed and and open up so
18:44 before there's not much threat because there's not much data to steal at the Metro and now there is and so that means
18:51 you need to actually increase the investment at those facilities to
18:56 protect the distributed device data and user in addition to profit what about people
19:03 so if we look at some of the recent data point and even just look at a news headlines
19:10 86 percent Telecom executive named SKU staff shortage as the number one
19:16 industry Challenge and when you think about what does that mean and look at
19:21 the day-to-day operations usually the realist skill really
19:27 experience stuff those are the ones that really hard to keep and as more workload
19:33 getting to them we talk about a bandwidth goal the device growth is going to be more work how to keep the
19:39 people when the work life balance is not maintained also as the people as people
19:47 retired and there's not enough transfer it's gonna have a big skill Gap so it's
19:53 very important to transition from menu operations to more automation assisted
20:00 by AI Ops last but not least nowadays especially this year that some of you probably have
20:06 seen that the the importance of ESG the importance of green networking the
20:12 importance of the carbon commitment so there's a new i2u sender that require
20:19 all the ID vendors whether it's operators the service providers or data
20:24 center operators to reduce greenhouse gas emission by 45 from 2020 to 2030.
20:30 and GSM may have a similar mandate about Net Zero carbon emission by 2015.
20:37 so if you look at how to how can you accomplish that if you're a operator right of course you need to
20:44 use renewable energy but if you look at scope one scope to scope three majority
20:50 of the carbon emissions are actually from the upstream and downstream which means that when you choose technology
20:56 vendors is even more important to make sure those products and solutions
21:01 hardware and software are very much optimized for energy and safe efficiency
21:08 and also instead of weapon replace how to ensure that those those products
21:14 those Hardware especially Hardware actually the longevity of it so that you can reduce the E-Waste so all in all
21:21 make the case that a new approach is needed and what what we believe that new
21:27 approach is Car Metro and just as Samir said that is a very dramatic contrast to
21:34 Retro Metro
21:52 [Music] yes I I have a little technical problem
21:57 to push the slide so I can now you can see with slide in
22:03 2021 Juniper announced yes uh I don't see that one on my screen
22:09 but um if that's it that's great all right so in 2021
22:16 um it doesn't show on my screen but that's okay um in 2021 Juniper is the Pioneer in car
22:22 Metro announced our first set of solution to go to market and we are very
22:29 proud to have that as the first vendor to come to Market and even more proud
22:35 this year to introduce an expanded Suite of innovation
22:40 where we have [Music] um a significant expanded portfolio so on
22:47 the operations that in addition to the Paragon on-premise version we have
22:54 make it even more powerful with air enabled and SAS delivered
23:01 um double chat with me that uh are we talking about the portfolio size
23:08 okay now it moves thank you thank you so you can see you can see the equipment
23:13 right yes now I can thank you all right
23:19 yes that's too late um and then on the system side the 867k
23:25 family so in addition to the A6 7100 the two version we now have another four
23:32 platform adding to the family so it's a full complete portfolio all the way from assets pre-activation to aggregation
23:39 anywhere in between any performance any customer needs this portfolio will cover that
23:45 and also we introduced the Juniper 400 gig Zia and Zia plus Optics so it's
23:52 really helps to boost the performance and address the incredible traffic
23:58 bandwidth increase last but not least on the sustainable architecture in addition
24:03 to introduce the IB Services fabric where as Samia mentioned that we have
24:09 the leverage the data center design that lip and spine designed and evpn slv6
24:17 those protocol support to allow customers to do not only scale up but also scale out and also able to use
24:25 Network sizing to address multiple different use cases from 5G and from industrial iot industry 4.0
24:33 Etc and then on top of that we add two new capabilities into the architecture
24:39 where we have embedded the active assurance and viewing zero trust security
24:45 in the next couple slides I will elaborate a little bit more about what exactly the new innovation of each
24:50 products okay so first on a paragon automation as a
24:57 service this is the industry first service provider level automation that
25:03 is cloud deliver and we are extremely proud of um bring it to Market
25:09 that's twofold one is the cloud deliver so how this is in contrast is
25:15 contrasting the DIY approach where instead of spending months and months of
25:21 doing it yourself duplicate effort and trying to boil the ocean to try
25:26 everything and then get frustrated that slow adoption and costly why not use the
25:32 Innovation that have it on automation delivered from the cloud where you get instant outcome and also instead of
25:38 boiled ocean why not have that adopt as a use case approach where you can try
25:44 from which use cases are most critical or which use case that are low-handed fruit depending on what you want that
25:50 you can try and adopt it and that will have an easier success for
25:56 full adoption on AI enabled so this is where we learn and get expertise from
26:02 our Miss Ai and with the AI is about how to detect the issues which humans may
26:08 miss and how do you identify the alarms that matter instead of catching the
26:13 noises all the time and how do you diagnose the root cause and fix issues
26:19 before customers complain and the outcome speak for yourself that
26:24 we are able to reduce the deployment Time by more than 50 percent and able to
26:30 have the new use case deployment 70 percent faster and also everybody loves
26:37 it the 40 cost reduction
26:43 for Juniper um the first use case that we go to market is going to be the AI enabled
26:48 device onboarding as a service so this one as we hear from customers and also look
26:55 at the market there's a misconception where people may conceive the onboarding
27:00 as equals to GTP and frankly every vendor can do CTP but the issue
27:07 that if we when we look at the survey and talk to customer it still take incredibly long sometimes hours
27:14 sometimes half day to complete the onboarding for a customer side why
27:20 the why is because it's way more than just CTP there is the trust score that you need to evaluate there's the image
27:26 upgrade there's the device help score there's a link permission there's the Assurance test and also update the
27:32 inventory there's different workflow that different steps that include in the workflow and reality is that most
27:40 vendors Solutions don't consider all of them and maybe just one part of it and so it end up either using different
27:45 systems and also a lot of menu efforts still included in the process which is why it still takes so long to complete
27:53 the onboarding imagine that if all of those tasks are actually fully automated
27:59 and done in minutes how would that look like and transform
28:05 and that is exactly why when we do the survey that it was voted as the number
28:10 one primary use case for service providers to consider for um the SAS automation that is because it is a pain
28:19 point and also onboarding is the first step for any customer experience
28:27 next on the system side we are extremely proud the a67k platform and family is
28:33 future proof performance when we look at the entire family it has the industry highest portfolio scale anywhere from
28:40 one gig per one gig to 345 terabits just sit for a moment to
28:47 think about how big that range is um of course that is where that is is
28:53 payers to grow you don't have to have 345 terabits on day one but the future
28:59 proof is when you need you can always turn it to that level and to enable such high performance one
29:07 of the innovations that we together with the system is we have the industry buses
29:12 line card today compared to any routers in the industry that is at 21.6 terabits and that is uh
29:20 with 54 ports of 400 gig enable and it's totally
29:26 ready for 800 gig and 1.16 when it's available in the future when the industry
29:31 um gets to the standard uh and some of you may think that performance equals how much how many
29:38 ports and how many chips that you can fit but um something to also consider as
29:43 we work with engineering and Manufacturing something that if we are at a point where it's no longer just a
29:50 physical having the boxes or having the the slot size but it's also above a balance and also the thermal balance
29:57 that when you run the Optics it gets really hot and so how do you make sure that the cooling is in place and
30:04 effective so that it doesn't happen and it's true story where some some some
30:10 products in the market today that when you try to turn on multiple of those Optics that it can you can burn down it
30:17 can just just becomes too hot so that is something to consider and so when we
30:23 talk about sustainability and sustainable those are all the things that we commit and it's about how to
30:30 effectively use less components how to effect we designed the thermal and
30:35 cooling so that it doesn't consume as much energy and also while at the same
30:40 time bring more performance so those are the balance that we are very proud that our product team out engineering team
30:46 are able to bring to the market um the other aspect the thing about sustainability is the poor flexibility
30:52 and density you probably have experience where that is you don't need as like 400
30:58 gig on day one you may have one gig 10 gig 25 40 however the value you need but
31:04 then as you need the next step to grow that is a pain if your your existing
31:11 vendor just tell you hey we don't support that you have to change to another box and that those could be a
31:17 huge waste what if that it actually have a lot more flexibility about different port speed so that you can use pretty
31:25 much the same Appliance for much longer lifetime to tailor to the bandwidth need that when you need it so that is another
31:32 way to consider how to reduce the e-waste the pot density we talk about the
31:39 cooling we talk about the highest timing Precision accuracy that is class D
31:44 verified so if this is extremely important for 5G
31:49 whereas some of the applications are extremely sensitive to latency so in
31:56 some case the class B or Class C are just not enough and with the a67
32:03 000 we're able to accomplish the cost D with um with the testing with entc the
32:09 Adaptive power innovation um if you look at the the picture we're in the middle there's the chassis one
32:16 and so for those of you that are familiar with chassis actually uh it's another pain point that we've been keep
32:21 hearing where as you did more performance you draw more power and the
32:27 power shell usually are fixed to the chassis which means every time you upgrade then you you might need more
32:33 power draw and because it's fixed then you might have to just end up using a
32:38 new chassis uh why not have the power shelf and the chassis the rest actually
32:44 decouple where the um the power shaft can be removed but the the rest you can
32:49 still reuse it until you really need a new box but in this case that way you
32:55 can again reduce the E-Waste and have the much system longer Lifetime and that is
33:02 one of the way that we can accomplish with um not only just three to five year
33:07 we've been replaced but actually get to Seven to even 12 years and that is com
33:13 accomplished through the power chassis uh the Powershell the couple design as
33:19 well as the cooling effect where it can accommodate multiple generation of
33:24 chipset Innovation so that it's not just Driver 2 and then Drago 3 you need a new
33:30 Appliance but but instead it it can accommodate Jericho 3 and even Jericho 4.
33:36 um and then another thing that we accomplished very proud is the titanium grade that is a measure for power
33:43 efficiency this is the one that we believe we are the first one to accomplished that compared to bronze
33:50 compared to uh Platinum so as you get um how much power you draw in and convert
33:57 there's always a loss but then if you only get to 80 something percent or 90 or 96 percent that is a huge difference
34:05 in terms of the power efficiency so the titanium gray is the highest one that is
34:10 you get the most efficiency pretty much there's not much loss from the power grid that you draw to where how you
34:17 consume um and that's on the software side we are also able to with the journals command you can automatically turn off
34:24 any unused packet forwarding engines and software functions so just like if you think about Smart Homes where the smart
34:31 thermometers that can help you automatically turn off the lightings in any electronics that you don't use that
34:37 allow you to save power and reduce your utility bill that is what we are trying
34:43 to do with this new design and the ability to automatically turn off those functions when you're not using it so
34:49 the numbers again speak yourself the 61 to 77 lower power consumption lower TCO
34:56 much longer system lifetime it's not just a couple months or a year or two it's four to seven years and that is in
35:04 a normal cycle that's completely a new cycle of purchasing so that that is a huge Savory right there
35:12 on the architecture side we have embedded active Assurance what do we
35:19 mean by that there is two words that is very important one is active Assurance
35:24 so that is different than passive Assurance where you use only the probes
35:29 and and Telemetry to Monitor and infer the quality after the fact
35:34 active Assurance means that you are always actively monitoring the user
35:40 experience and and able to assure them if they have something going wrong and
35:47 how we do it is by simulating the user traffic as it's like a real traffic so
35:53 that's how we detect and then the Innovation that we are having in here
35:58 embedded means that instead of having you need to have another um Appliance to run the agent now all
36:06 the test agents are reinvented into the adrenal's evil in the operating system
36:11 that is available in in order 867k family so that means that you don't need
36:17 to separate appliances or is embedded and when you have the 867k platforms
36:23 there is right available all you need is you can choose to turn on the capability
36:28 or not but that is totally your choice and that allows you to have the active testing and service Assurance from day
36:35 one it's simplify the deployment and as I said there's no need for extra Appliance another point that is very
36:42 relevant for the 5G use cases where it has the ability to run the
36:48 um Emily the 5G UE and Geno B so that allows operators to measure the 5G data
36:56 plane from UE through 5G core all the way end to end so when you think about
37:01 Network slicing for Network slicing multi-tenancy is important but it's equally if not more important is make
37:08 sure how the different slices able to meet expected slas when there are different use cases and different use
37:14 cases have different SLA with different Matrix so that is extremely important
37:21 um the result we are able to reduce the incident resolution Time by half and
37:28 also increase customer satisfaction by 30 percent
37:33 last but not least on the Zero charge security so zero trust is essentially the principles that never trust by
37:41 default always verified always validate so it has become a best practices for
37:47 implementing security and there may be some perception whereas zerocha is only
37:54 applicable to Enterprise or maybe zero chance only equal ctna but that is not
38:00 true what we believe at Juniper is that the zero trust as a security principle
38:06 should be applied across all Network infrastructure and that is how you can
38:11 fully get the organization the infrastructure really secure and how we
38:17 do it is that we have embedded unique device identity to every device so if we
38:23 leverage a chipset called TPM 2.0 which is cryptographically bound to each device so device identity cannot be
38:30 spoofed by hackers and on top of it we are able to um
38:35 enable operators to do both hardware and software attestation so that during the
38:40 secure boot you can verify the device authenticity and integrity and also with
38:46 that then you can do the IFC compliance secure CTP or sctp and then
38:53 um soon we will also have a specific software interface where you can
38:58 measure the trust score based on all the devices in the network there's security posture so that you can get a better
39:06 sense of overall whether there is something you should concern or whether it's something that you need to enhance
39:11 the security posture there last but not least security is about securing device
39:17 secure the and also secure the data so we protect data arrests with file
39:23 encryption so even though the some of the devices might be sitting in the Metro areas where there's no people
39:30 actually physically monitoring the device as on site unlike
39:35 data centers which means that some people might be able to actually get in touch with those boxes but with file
39:42 encryption you can't really get anything out of it because it's fully encrypted and then for data in transit we have
39:49 enabled macsa on all ports so um and that is something that should not be
39:54 underestimated because the devils are in the details where when you compare different different offerings make sure
40:02 it's not just a couple ports but actually all ports all right uh okay my last slide is we
40:11 built at Juniper we believe that cloud Metro is really key to enable sustainable business growth we talk
40:17 about the three piece where it have good positive impact to all the three areas
40:24 profit people and planets and with this year the innovations that we have
40:30 Innovation across sustainable operations systems and architectures and to samir's
40:36 point is definitely a new solution categories and we believe as the Pioneer
40:41 in Cloud Metro Juniper have a food portfolio that can deliver comprehensively for anyone who's
40:46 interested in adopting Cloud Metro with that I'll hand it over back to you
40:52 Samir thank you Irene thank you very much for your presentation uh blue is very
40:58 comprehensive and very detailed one uh we'll try to explain the cloud Network Juniper's expertise on this one so now
41:06 the another poll question for the audience that are you planning to apply Cloud principle to modernize Metro
41:11 Network yes no or not sure or maybe so we have 10-15 seconds then we can wrap
41:19 up the session
41:29 okay so we can see the the poll results
41:36 it's not showing anything or we can go earlier
41:41 now is the time again then I can see the full result I think I'm not showing up in the next slide
41:50 so the answer is yes 50 or 50 maybe so
41:55 that's the most interesting part to see that why people think is still maybe because maybe many other concerns that
42:02 they are not sure how to do it and why to do it that was my understanding that's why half of the people of the
42:09 audience actually chosen that maybe they're not sure at the moment but half said yes they need to modernize the
42:15 Metro Networks so the conclusion of this webinar from my side after during the very detailed
42:22 session from Irene and the Juniper understanding of the cloud Metro somebody already asked the question in
42:29 the chat window uh that what is a simple and standardized definition for Metro so I think this is the conclusion and that
42:35 answers well your question that cloud Metro is the new Edge or will be the new Edge in the industrial internet or
42:42 digital transformation era and why it is because for low latency higher traffic convergence and for better user
42:48 experiences there is very I mean there is this is very difficult to explain a simple and standardized definition for
42:55 cloud Metro because it's not like one term Cloud Metro actually stands on the pillar of security for intelligence or
43:03 and automation higher capacity routing structures uh leaves or leap spine or
43:10 smile Leaf Network topology and then of course the AI enablement on top of it so
43:16 these are some of the feature just that it really defines how the cloud Metro can or the Next Generation Metro
43:21 architecture will form the the basic part of the new transport Network architecture that's why I just
43:28 summarized couple of points here you can maybe you agree to some of them or maybe you have a different opinion on on some
43:34 other as well but the most important underlying story is to get guaranteed user experience for your business and
43:41 Enterprise users for sure consumers but for Enterprise is the most important and to get that granted level agreement in
43:48 that particular digital transformation era where the traffic is boosting and bumping a lot and that scenario you need
43:54 a highly scalable large capacity or poor density routing infrastructure in the Metro that can work as a new Edge or new
44:02 experience Center for your all upcoming traffic so that's that's the simple and standardized definition for my site
44:09 correct me if I'm wrong on that one and that what the conclusion of this webinar as well so on on concluding this one I
44:16 think I would go for question and answers you are feel free to ask questions and and write the question in
44:22 the question answer widget on on your screen or console and we would be happy to answer that one
44:29 so for that one the few questions comes on my screen now uh one is already I
44:34 already answered that what is a simple and standardized definition of Metro uh there is another question Irene that I
44:41 think you want to answer on that one how does the cloud macro serve on emerging evolve Edge 5G customer need or Market
44:49 dimensions um absolutely so first uh we talk about
44:56 Metro as the new Edge right where the applications are moving to
45:02 um Metro and so 5G s where the 5G weather is over and or 5G core a lot of
45:08 applications are moving exactly to those locations and Cloud Metro is because
45:14 those amounts that are transforming to address that and specifically on architectural standpoint where as the
45:21 applications the 5G applications are pretty much running in the distributed Edge Cloud the the underlying transport
45:27 architecture to transform with the spine Leaf architecture would be much suited to address that and in addition as I
45:35 mentioned having the embedded active Assurance the ability to do the um 5G
45:41 service Assurance the ability to Monitor and assure the 5G user traffic anywhere
45:47 from L2 to L7 from 5G UE all the way to 5G 4 end to end so that every Network
45:53 slice there is fully compliant and meet the SLA expectation those are the ways
45:59 that call Metro can um can serve those needs for 5G
46:04 applications oh and last but not least uh is whether
46:09 it's the architecture whether it's the systems it needs to support network sizing and that is uh another thing that
46:17 cloud Metro are supporting and that is also one of the requirements for 5G
46:25 good thanks Irene another question and I would like to get your expertise or
46:30 Juniper's opinion that what is your recommendation to service providers in
46:35 best utilizing the cloud Metro or the Next Generation Metro architecture yeah so um I think that so so while we
46:44 say that cloud Metro is very different than retro Metro right but we all know
46:49 that transformation doesn't happen on just day one and it's always a transition Journey so my our
46:57 recommendation is actually to start the way we submitted right there's the system level this architectural level
47:03 and there's operations level so on operations level first that is choose
47:09 instead of trying to the automation to every everything every use case first
47:14 start small find a use case that are most relevant and you start experimenting it and and feel
47:22 comfortable with that right and then as you you have success in that use case and then you roll out to other use cases
47:29 so that kind of use case approach will be a lot more have a more highly chance
47:34 to succeed for adoption uh on the system side there that is more practical
47:42 that it's more when you're having locations where frankly not every
47:47 locations are equal that way you have locations where they're higher bandwidth then try to experiment
47:54 having it when you modernize it having systems that are future proof that already have the sustainability benefit
48:01 built in into it instead of just trying same old same old because you are comfortable with what you previously are
48:08 using uh on the architecture side when you're at a point where you have projects that are specifically
48:14 modernization that you get you get to we design the architecture then instead of
48:21 and it's not either off right it's knowledge is complete either ring or spine leave is how do you have an
48:27 architecture that actually allow the both end the hybrid right
48:33 um and and it's just when we think about architecture is how do you bring those finely like principles into the design
48:39 again is is having that considered a transition from what you are today to
48:47 call Metro and having choose vendors that actually allow you to do the both
48:52 end approach okay thank you Irene on answering this
48:59 in a detailed way and there's another question I have seen in the chat window and I think I would like to answer this
49:04 one that what is a digital economy Trend and ICT marketing Trend including Hong Kong so as being an analyst and I'm
49:12 monitoring and tracking all the market for the IP routing and switching I would like to answer in a way that digital
49:19 economy Trend or the biggest ICT Trend in coming next five years will be the industrial internet or industry 4.0 most
49:27 of the Enterprise They want to Leverage The 5G capabilities especially the standard Standalone architecture or with the
49:34 upcoming release 18 or 19 for 5G advance so considering that one they want to
49:40 utilize and leverage the massive mimo massive Spectrum for industrial internet so private 5gs will be more and more
49:47 more and more but on top of it how they can integrate or orchestrate with different
49:54 van networks or the or you can call it transport Network there you can go at the modernization of the Metro network
50:00 is actually the basic uh for the success number one so digital economy for sure
50:06 everybody talks about it but digital economy means that enterprises now having a strong wish strong vision of
50:13 moving towards the cloud so B2B business to business or business to business to Consumer would be the next step that
50:20 that's one thing industrial internet 4.0 when we talk about the industrial Internet of Things where the man machine
50:27 automation will be a key uh I mean capability in industry era and then on
50:34 top of it last but not the least the meta was where everybody is talking about the metaverse for digital Twins
50:40 and then narrowing the gap between the uh the real and the artificial
50:45 augmentation that's that's that's the biggest one but I can see as an analyst and watching industry that metaverse can
50:52 be happen like after seven eight years but we need to be ready from the transport Network perspective to gather
50:59 all the demands of this strong digital economy friend uh because everything will be moving towards metaverse and
51:05 when it considers a new chapter of network and internet in that scenario your Metro Network should be very strong
51:13 now maybe the question comes your mind why not the edge Network so in the future Edge and Metro in my
51:18 understanding become converged as a cloud Metro or as a Next Generation Metro no matter whatever the name you
51:25 can give it but traffic can be converted so Metro network is no more the simple ring or the manually operated Network
51:32 but it should be intelligent automated and leave spine sort of structure that can do the same job what the data
51:39 centers are doing for many years or even today so Metro Network modernization should be very important for ensuring
51:45 the higher level user experiences that's what I'm trying to see for I mean before see for the next
51:52 coming seven eight years and then you have your own right to uh to agree or disagree on this one so these are some
51:59 of the questions that pop up in the window there's a couple of more but we yeah I think we already answer all of
52:06 them so I would like to thank everyone uh for joining this webinar and taking
52:12 your time out to listen about the cloud Metro I would like to thank this Irene
52:17 Chang who's actually from us is a very I mean is a very late timing there and she
52:22 actually share her experience and Juniper expertise on the cloud Metro and
52:28 become become the panelist for this webinar uh so thank you very much everyone for joining all of us on this
52:34 session and you can feel free to download the recorded version of the cloud Metro and the slide there the PDF
52:40 uh after this session and if you have any question you can find my email address uh smu.malek or Irene
52:49 mentioned here mentioned at the bottom so and then we are happy to answer your
52:54 questions so once again thank you very much and have a good day thank you