Cloud is a Network - How Juniper Enables the Telco Cloud

In this video, we look at the unique CSP and hyperscaler relationship and how CSPs are building cloud native hybrid clouds to take back control and protect their share of the profit pool.
Network Operator market dynamics (1:14)
The evolving CSP / Hyperscaler relationship (3:54)
The paradox of cloud (5:25)
Telco Cloud automation (8:22)
Apstra IP Fabric Management (9:54)
CN2 SDN example (10:45)
Evolution to cloud native (10:45)
5G Use Case (15:10)
Telco Cloud service assurance (18:05)
Telco Cloud security (19:38)
You’ll learn
Can communication service providers (CSPs) really build and deploy Telco Clouds?
Are hyperscalers a partner or an adversary?
Who is this for?

0:00 [Music]
0:00 foreign
0:07 from Juniper's cloudwriting data center
0:09 team and welcome to this webinar titled
0:12 Cloud Network now that might be an
0:14 interesting or odd title for some of you
0:15 depending on your point of view but
0:17 consider that compute storage and
0:19 applications are just points in space
0:20 without the network now admittedly I'm a
0:23 networking guy but for me that was when
0:25 the concepts of cloud really came
0:27 together so in this webinar I'll share
0:29 some insight about Cloud Technologies
0:31 used by service providers and
0:33 hyperscalers and how this evolving and
0:35 interesting relationship has changed the
0:37 landscape of the network operator Market
0:40 while this is intended as a technology
0:42 and Market overview I will review
0:43 Juniper's approach to private public and
0:46 hybrid clouds and I'll introduce some of
0:48 Juniper's cloud and data center
0:50 networking products to add context to
0:52 examples and use cases
0:54 for the agenda we will first look at
0:56 Network operator market trends and the
0:58 unique relationship between
0:59 Communication service providers or csps
1:01 and the hyperscalers we'll then look at
1:04 the evolution to hybrid clouds and I'll
1:07 talk specifically about Telco Cloud
1:08 Technologies including a drill down into
1:11 the challenges of 5G microservices
1:14 now if you're like me and you see a tam
1:18 slide you kind of gloss over I mean the
1:20 numbers are incomprehensibly large so I
1:22 want to focus more on market dynamics if
1:25 you've been in the industry for a while
1:26 you likely equate the term Network
1:28 operator to traditional Telecom
1:30 operators or service providers or now
1:32 what we call csps now these are
1:34 companies like Verizon Deutsche Telecom
1:36 or NTT
1:37 but today's Network operator Market has
1:39 evolved to include carrier neutral
1:41 operators or cnnos these are data center
1:44 infrastructure players like digital
1:45 Realty and equinix or Tower companies
1:48 like Cell Max and American Tower who
1:50 make their money leasing managed
1:52 facilities and infrastructure to other
1:53 operators and Enterprises it's the
1:56 smallest of the segments but it has the
1:58 highest growth rate at 12 percent
2:00 at the other end of the spectrum are the
2:02 hyperscaler operators like AWS Microsoft
2:05 Azure and Google Cloud these are massive
2:08 companies with forecasted revenues of
2:10 3.67 trillion with a t by 2026. now
2:14 overall it's a healthy Market but the
2:16 growth of the Telecom operators has
2:18 stagnated at 1.3 percent while the
2:20 others are experiencing double-digit
2:21 growth so what's changed and why the
2:23 disparity now for years these companies
2:26 work side by side as partners staying in
2:28 their own swim Lanes offering
2:29 complementary or supplementary services
2:31 to each other's the telecoms delivered
2:33 networking and connectivity hyperscalers
2:35 delivered content and cloud and
2:36 infrastructure and the cnos delivered
2:39 managed real estate and co-location
2:40 Facilities but over time these operators
2:43 began to cross into each other's swim
2:44 Lanes using Cloud Technologies to
2:46 introduce competitive Services into
2:48 their partner's backyard so for example
2:50 CSP is delivering cloud services to
2:52 Enterprise verticals which competes with
2:54 the hyperscalers hyperscalers offering
2:56 private 5G Services which competes with
2:58 the csps and the CNN is offering brand
3:01 Services which could be for or against
3:03 other operators depending on their own
3:05 strategic approach
3:06 and these operators are still part of
3:08 the same ecosystem but now their swim
3:10 lanes are more like suggestions so again
3:12 we have to ask why why the disruption
3:14 and what's at stake
3:16 well the answer is opportunity and
3:18 growth has historically been a strong
3:19 measure of a company's Health but with
3:21 the potential for economic challenges
3:23 ahead profitability is the new growth
3:25 Cloud as a development and Service
3:27 delivery platform can lower cost to
3:29 increase profits shareholders like that
3:31 model
3:32 so each of these segments have an equal
3:34 opportunity to compete for any of these
3:36 markets but and there's always a but the
3:39 telecoms began their Cloud Journey a
3:40 little bit late given the others a
3:42 significant Advantage so if you're a
3:44 telecom operator What do you do well you
3:47 look for opportunities to gain some
3:48 advantage and even things out in this
3:50 case the telecoms turn to the
3:52 hyperscalers
3:53 in the hyperscalers they're here to help
3:56 or are they I mean you call it Frenemies
3:58 friends with benefits coopetition on the
4:01 surface it's a totally logical
4:02 partnership for the telecoms the
4:04 hyperscale has developed the cloud and
4:05 virtualization Technologies we use today
4:07 so they're the masters of their craft
4:09 they are the Bruce Lee Cloud but even
4:11 the biggest cynics are going to agree
4:13 that this relationship has challenges
4:15 things started off pretty normal with
4:17 csps partnering with the hyperscalers to
4:19 host their business and it workloads and
4:21 the relationships evolve from there but
4:23 it was the decision by dish to run their
4:25 5G services from the AWS cloud and the
4:28 purchase of att's cloud services by
4:30 Microsoft that was a Tipping Point in
4:32 the relationship
4:33 there was a real watershed moment when
4:35 the Telecom industry announced that
4:37 hyperscalers would be an important part
4:39 of their own growth strategy
4:41 so at the same time things got a little
4:43 more contentious as both hyperscalers
4:45 and csps introduced competitive service
4:47 offerings
4:48 csps look to multi-cloud but look
4:51 multi-cloud is really hard to do even
4:53 for the largest of the csps which brings
4:56 us to 2023 and the hyperscalers are the
4:59 big fish in the network operator market
5:01 now there's nothing nefarious that's
5:03 going on here this is just good business
5:05 development and product management
5:06 they're identifying Market opportunities
5:09 and developing solutions to fill the
5:10 void so here we are csps and
5:13 hyperscalers are working together but
5:15 the csps are looking for a little more
5:16 Independence and control but why and if
5:19 it works some of the time wouldn't csps
5:21 run everything in the public cloud
5:23 well it boils down to economics and the
5:25 Paradox of the cloud which states you're
5:27 crazy if you don't start in the cloud
5:29 but you're crazy if you stay on it
5:31 to give you an example this green line
5:33 represents a typical life cycle curve
5:36 for a service or an application in the
5:38 early stages cloud makes total sense
5:40 because the value of having on-demand
5:41 infrastructure precise scale expertise
5:43 on demand and time to Market outweigh
5:46 the premium of the public Cloud this is
5:48 something we call here the flexibility
5:49 tax which essentially lost profit as the
5:52 service matures and the growth curve
5:54 flattens the need for on-demand and
5:55 elastic resource gets reduced if not
5:57 eliminated so the premium cost of the
6:00 cloud becomes a burden consuming as much
6:01 as 50 to 80 percent of profits somewhere
6:04 along the growth curve it becomes much
6:06 more cost efficient to repatriate
6:07 workloads a new industry buzzword it
6:10 just means to pull them back from the
6:11 public cloud and host them in private
6:13 Cloud to lower cost and increase profit
6:15 for some this may not be practical but
6:17 if networking Cloud your business you
6:19 can and you have to make this work
6:22 to do this it requires a csps have their
6:24 own private Cloud platforms which means
6:27 that somewhere during this relationship
6:28 with the hyperscalers csps invest in
6:31 their own cloud so that they can gain
6:32 back some control and protect their
6:34 share of the revenue
6:35 this model for running workloads in both
6:37 private cloud and public clouds is the
6:39 definition of hybrid Cloud which in our
6:41 view is the most strategic way for csps
6:43 to evolve forward participate in the
6:46 cloud economy grow revenues and control
6:48 their share of the profit pool the
6:50 hybrid cloud model is well suited for
6:51 any of these Telecom use cases like spit
6:54 for business apps Edge and Telco clouds
6:56 for Telco workloads like 4G and 5G and
6:59 Enterprise managed services for business
7:00 and consumers hybrid Cloud isn't just a
7:03 solid Cloud architecture it's a smart
7:05 business model that establishes an exit
7:07 strategy when the partner cost exceeds
7:09 value so for the rest of this webinar
7:12 I'm going to drill down a little bit
7:13 more into the hybrid Cloud architectures
7:15 specifically around Toco cloud services
7:17 like 5G
7:19 now the path to Telco Cloud isn't
7:21 without its challenges but there are
7:22 three pillars we've identified that are
7:24 key to success these clouds have to be
7:26 automated assured and secured
7:29 as we learned in our partnership and
7:31 success with Georgia Telecom and their
7:33 next Generation IMS Cloud it starts with
7:35 automation the automation architecture
7:37 has to be defined as a first step with
7:39 buy-in from all stakeholders so that
7:41 every aspect of the cloud from the
7:44 underlay to the overlay to the vnfs and
7:46 cnfs that run in the cloud are automated
7:48 If It Moves it needs to be automated
7:51 second Cloud technology span physical
7:53 and virtual boundaries which makes
7:54 service Assurance super challenging now
7:57 csps need tools to catch and resolve
7:59 issues before their customers experience
8:01 issues that might result in churn or
8:03 loss revenue and that's not easy to do
8:07 and third Toco clouds have to be secured
8:10 with strong security strategies to
8:12 secure East-West traffic across the VMS
8:14 and containers that deliver Telco
8:16 services and north Salt traffic that
8:18 crosses the physical and virtual
8:19 boundaries
8:21 let's first drill down into automation I
8:25 think it's pretty safe to say that most
8:26 of us are guilty of viewing Telco Cloud
8:28 as a set of Technologies and from that
8:30 perspective Telco cloud looks really
8:31 hard
8:32 at the physical level you have compute
8:35 and storage you have networking you have
8:37 plugable Optics and miles of cabling
8:39 that need to be connected integrated
8:40 operational lives for production Network
8:43 the racks themselves are connected
8:45 across spine Leaf top of rack and bottom
8:48 of rock switches usually from multiple
8:50 vendors which requires a team of guilty
8:53 Lodge jockeys to get them configured now
8:55 it's manually intensive error prone and
8:57 extremely time consuming
8:59 now on the top of the physical underlay
9:01 you have the virtualized and
9:02 containerized workloads the BNF cnfs and
9:04 orchestration systems like openstack and
9:07 kubernetes where networking isn't a part
9:09 of the orchestration stack so pods and
9:11 workloads are born into the cloud with
9:13 an open mic to talk to whoever they want
9:15 it's inherently insecure
9:18 instead kubernetes uses the container
9:20 network interface or the cni to add
9:22 networking policy and security for these
9:24 ephemeral workloads that can appear grow
9:26 shrink move and disappear so okay it
9:29 does sound pretty complex but by viewing
9:31 Cloud as a set of Technologies CSP is
9:34 focused on virtualizing the service
9:35 without changing their business models
9:37 and that's kind of like buying a vacuum
9:39 and trying to use it like a broom but
9:41 when csps adopted Telco Cloud as an
9:43 operational model they reap the benefits
9:45 of cloud automation so let's take a look
9:48 at two Juniper's products that help to
9:50 automate the data center starting with
9:51 appstra after is a day Zero through day
9:54 two data center automation application
9:56 that converts racks of data center
9:58 switches into a juniper calls the cloud
9:59 Metro a network fabric that connects the
10:02 ran Edge clouds Telco clouds and data
10:04 centers into one unified cloud
10:07 there's some great videos on our after
10:09 demo page to give you lots of details
10:11 but what I love about app store is that
10:12 it's truly multi-vendor you can deploy
10:14 switches based on your criteria cost
10:17 performance density maybe it's a supply
10:19 chain issue and you need to check out an
10:21 alternative vendor in all these cases
10:23 use intent based language to develop a
10:25 profile and App Store renders the
10:27 configuration there's no need to write
10:29 hundreds of lines of code or remember
10:31 the CLI Syntax for different operating
10:33 systems appstra even checks the config
10:35 for errors before you push to production
10:37 it's a game-changing technology
10:40 so while after automates everything from
10:42 the Nik card into the fabric Juniper's
10:45 Cloud native control networking or cn2
10:47 for short is our software-defined
10:49 networking for the virtualized and
10:51 containerized workloads running on the
10:53 network data center servers scene 2 runs
10:55 as a kubernetes native application which
10:57 means that as compute and storage are
10:59 spun up kubernetes uses the cni to
11:01 request networking and security policies
11:03 from cn2 for these new clusters and pods
11:06 so in other words if we're adding a pod
11:08 for the blue Network let's just make
11:09 sure that only members of the same blue
11:11 Network can access the service
11:13 let me take a minute to walk you through
11:15 a simple example to demonstrate
11:17 as an SBN cn2 has two components a
11:20 control plane that runs in its own
11:22 cluster represented by the large cn2
11:24 icon on the left and a forwarding plane
11:26 called The V router that runs on every
11:27 physical server connected to the fabric
11:29 represented by the small cn2 icons on
11:32 the right
11:33 the v-router can run in the Linux kernel
11:35 the data plane development kit or dbdk
11:37 or a smart Nook depending on your
11:39 performance requirements in this example
11:42 I have two physical servers named host
11:44 one and host 2 each running the router
11:46 and we're running a three-tier
11:47 application with a web front end an
11:49 application and a database backend
11:52 kubernetes treats server notes is just
11:54 logical Bank of compute so as a result
11:56 we have the web pods running on host one
11:58 the database pods running in host 2 and
12:00 the app pods in the middle running
12:02 across both those with network and
12:04 security policy distributed from the cn2
12:06 controller the V routers handle all L2
12:09 and L3 traffic without ever leaving the
12:10 server while all non-local traffic is
12:13 tumbled across the underlay without
12:14 changing IP addresses or worrying about
12:16 overlapping IP address ranges in fact
12:19 cn2 and apps are now integrated to
12:21 connect the underlying overlay layers so
12:23 that pods deployed in containers and
12:25 pods deployed on SR iov Coast can be
12:28 automatically detected and plumbed for
12:29 networking without trouble tickets or
12:31 manual intervention you can learn more
12:34 about this technology and our cn2 demo
12:36 page but to sum things up this
12:37 combination of underlay and overlay
12:39 automation converts some very complex
12:41 Technologies into a completely automated
12:43 Cloud platform
12:45 now automation software isn't just
12:47 practical it's fundamental to realizing
12:49 the full value of what cloud can deliver
12:50 to your business and In fairness the
12:53 path can be complex but we know
12:54 firsthand that Telco Cloud isn't only
12:56 achievable the results can be
12:58 transformative we help one of our major
13:00 tier one operators to modernize their
13:02 Telco Cloud deployment starting with the
13:04 foundation built around automation the
13:06 results have been amazing using devops
13:08 and cicd pipelines this customer
13:10 automated 97 of their test cases which
13:12 dramatically reduce the time it takes to
13:14 update their Cloud infrastructure going
13:16 from 18 months to just 16 days
13:19 and it gave them the ability to shift
13:21 from what was a multi-month process to
13:23 deploy a cloud to just a single day
13:24 they're extraordinary results but
13:26 possible for all of our CSP customers
13:29 and why is automation become so critical
13:31 and what's so special about Telco Cloud
13:33 use case is that makes them so
13:35 challenging to answer this question
13:37 let's take a minute to review a couple
13:39 of definitions and look at the evolving
13:41 Telco Cloud architecture
13:42 as I presented earlier Toco Cloud refers
13:45 to clouds that host Telco infrastructure
13:47 services like 4G and IMS the term Edge
13:50 clouds in this context are highly
13:51 distributed form of Telco Cloud where
13:53 you might host 5G Edge services or Rand
13:56 workloads bringing the compute and the
13:58 applications closer to end users as for
14:00 architectures I assume most of knowledge
14:02 of the first three phases of this slide
14:04 so let's jump to where we are today in
14:06 the cloudified realm
14:07 here are some services are delivered as
14:09 virtual Network functions on Virtual
14:11 machines orchestrated by openstack and
14:14 others are container Network functions
14:16 deployed as containers and orchestrated
14:18 through kubernetes
14:19 well this mixed vnf CNF environment
14:21 isn't ideal it's something the industry
14:24 needs to manage for the next five to ten
14:25 years
14:26 luckily cn2 supports both openstack and
14:29 kubernetes to simplify this hybrid sdn
14:31 model
14:33 where we're headed is to a purely Cloud
14:35 native environment where applications
14:36 like 5G have been developed specifically
14:39 to run as microservices on kubernetes
14:41 with microservices the control plane
14:43 affording plan services that were once
14:45 local to a machine they're now connected
14:47 across the network
14:49 so as Standalone workloads these 5G
14:51 services are just chewing up resources
14:53 on servers Somewhere In The Ether
14:55 but when they're connected across a
14:57 network these workloads become Revenue
14:59 generating services
15:01 now the dependency on the network in a
15:03 cloud-native microservices world is huge
15:06 hence the webinar title the Cloud's a
15:08 network now let's look a little bit
15:10 deeper at the 5G architecture or as I
15:12 like to say a face only a mother could
15:13 love now the first thing that likely
15:15 comes to mind is that 5G isn't simple in
15:17 fact I'd argue that the 5G Architects
15:19 likely made things more complex but
15:21 their goal was to design an open
15:23 architecture that was scalable
15:25 performant and multi-vendor to move csps
15:27 out from under the thumb of single
15:29 Source vendors now 5G Builds on the
15:31 disaggregated 4G architecture with a set
15:34 of cloud native microservices that
15:36 together make up the 5G services-based
15:38 architecture these Services communicate
15:40 across apis and well-defined signaling
15:42 interfaces across a message plus now as
15:45 we just talked about these microservices
15:47 are geographically independent so while
15:49 the diagram appears to show them sitting
15:51 next to one another the reality is that
15:53 they're probably sitting in separate
15:55 subnets physically apart
15:57 now from a network point of view there
15:59 are two primary areas I want to point
16:01 out with 5G first the cluster
16:03 architecture of the 5G core services and
16:05 second is the complexity with assuring
16:07 the quality of the 5G Services delivered
16:09 to your customers let's start with the
16:12 5G cluster architecture in a cloud
16:14 native environment clusters are domains
16:16 of kubernetes orchestrated compute the
16:18 microservices and apps are deployed as
16:20 pods with connectivity and security
16:22 within and between clusters provided by
16:24 networking Solutions like cn2
16:26 it may be possible to purchase a lab
16:28 version of a 5G core Service as a single
16:30 cluster but the production 5G services
16:33 that I'm aware of deploy each 5G
16:35 function within their own separate
16:37 self-contained cluster so so okay so
16:39 what well with these cluster you need
16:41 kubernetes to orchestrate your compute
16:43 and storage and cni to manage the
16:45 networking both of which consume their
16:47 own compute and storage to operate the
16:49 cluster as the network scales so does
16:52 the number of clusters and as 5G
16:54 Services span from centralized data
16:56 centers to highly distributed Edge and
16:58 o-ran clouds so does the complexity and
17:00 the cost of managing an end-to-end
17:02 Network
17:03 given the scale of a Telco Network can
17:05 extend to thousands of locations csps
17:08 are vulnerable to Cluster sprawl and the
17:10 resulting cost and complexity that comes
17:12 with it now one of the ways to scale
17:13 these networks and contain cluster
17:15 sprawl is to deploy a C9 with full sdn
17:18 capabilities to manage these clusters
17:20 from a central location
17:22 for example cn2 uses a centralized
17:24 controller to provide a single cni
17:26 across clusters to simplify management
17:28 at scale reduce Opex and capex cost and
17:31 enforce consistent security policies
17:33 across the entire network
17:34 as new clusters are created they plug
17:36 dynamically into the network fabric to
17:39 simplify operations even at scale in
17:41 fact cn2 is Now supported on Amazon's
17:43 elastic kubernetes service or eks which
17:46 allows operators to run your controllers
17:48 from the public cloud or even Federate
17:50 multiple sdn controller domains under a
17:53 single centralized sdn controller that's
17:55 either on-prem or within eks so you have
17:58 deployment options
17:59 now let me shift to the second Point
18:01 troubleshooting and service assurance as
18:04 we discussed these 5G clusters are
18:06 deployed as unique subnets with each
18:07 cluster physically separated from the
18:09 others across different servers switches
18:11 and likely even sites
18:13 so for example the access to Mobility
18:15 function or the AMF it needs a signal to
18:18 the session management function the SMF
18:20 well these clusters may be logically
18:22 adjacent physically then they have to
18:24 cross multiple hops to communicate then
18:26 while products like abstra and cn2
18:28 automate the deployment and life cycle
18:30 of these complex networks automation
18:32 can't solve the need to troubleshoot
18:34 resolve performance issues or locate and
18:36 isolate problems
18:38 in etoco Cloud the value of active
18:40 Assurance is to test out a service prior
18:42 to customers and locate problems much
18:44 faster which is especially critical and
18:46 distributed CSP Network given you can't
18:48 improve what you can't measure Juniper
18:50 offers a suite of automation products
18:52 and tools including Paragon active
18:54 Assurance which uses synthetic traffic
18:56 generation and networking agents to
18:58 trace performance loss bandwidth latency
19:01 and the overall quality of services
19:02 being delivered to customers these tests
19:04 can be automated for continuous
19:06 monitoring Assurance or on demand to
19:09 investigate potential problems
19:11 the agent software runs as a vnf or CNF
19:14 to look inside the physical Network hot
19:15 by hop as well as inside and across the
19:17 cloud and one new enhancement is the
19:20 introduction of a mobile client which
19:22 allows you to perform service Assurance
19:23 across the Rand to verify a 5G service
19:26 quality before a live customer is ever
19:27 brought online
19:29 so again there's a fantastic group of
19:30 demo videos available on the Paragon
19:32 site at so I encourage you
19:35 to take a look if you'd like more
19:36 information
19:37 and finally let's talk about Cloud
19:39 security security itself isn't a product
19:42 it's a strategy that goes well beyond my
19:44 own limited areas of expertise but what
19:47 makes Telco security so demanding is yes
19:49 you guessed it it's it's scale it's
19:51 really easy to do something once but
19:53 it's really hard to do anything at the
19:55 scale that telcos have to deal with so
19:57 think of it this way hyperscalers
19:58 combined may have hundreds of physical
20:00 data centers globally while service
20:02 providers have hundreds of thousands so
20:05 it's a massive attack surface that
20:07 requires a multi-layered security
20:08 strategy to protect these assets
20:11 and Juniper identifies four primary
20:13 areas of focus the data center firewall
20:15 will literally protect your centers of
20:17 data enter data center security to
20:19 protect and isolate workloads and
20:20 virtual networks Data Center and Cloud
20:22 connect services to securely
20:24 interconnect brand Edge Telco and data
20:26 center sites and public Cloud
20:28 interconnects to extend your security
20:30 policies to the public networks
20:32 a juniper approaches security with a set
20:35 of physical virtual containerized and
20:37 cloud-hosted Security Solutions that
20:39 together secure the physical to the
20:41 physical the physical to the virtualize
20:43 and the virtualized of the cloudified
20:46 within the Tocco Cloud there are several
20:48 key use cases where security plays the
20:50 leading role now one clear example is
20:52 within kubernetes not working as I
20:54 hinted earlier the problem with
20:56 kubernetes networking is that it's flat
20:58 meaning there's only one subnet for all
21:00 workload pods so everyone is in each
21:02 other's business now if you want further
21:04 isolation let's say to keep your
21:06 development and your system test users
21:08 and workloads isolated from one another
21:10 you need a cni like cn2 to provide high
21:13 performance routing and micro
21:14 segmentation in the server now there's
21:17 several different isolation models to
21:19 employ including Network policies custom
21:21 pod networks that will choose bnrs or
21:24 isolated namespaces I recommend a great
21:26 demo posted by Rasika subramanian from
21:28 our PLM team which uses a familiar
21:31 e-commerce shopping example to
21:32 demonstrate how namespace isolation
21:34 simplifies micro segmentation another
21:37 key area is the creation and enforcement
21:39 of service chain that's both Dynamic and
21:41 policy driven in this Rand example cn2
21:44 is steering centralized unit or cu to
21:46 control plane traffic through SRX
21:48 encryption to a distributed rain cloud
21:50 within the ram a remote distributed unit
21:53 or du is co-hosted on a single server
21:56 which Universe Cloud native router which
21:58 provides high performance low profile
22:00 software-based routing for kubernetes
22:02 clusters and is ideal to cost optimize
22:04 high volume Cloud networks like Rands
22:06 and finally we've all seen news reports
22:09 when Cloud providers or network
22:10 operators are hit with a DDOS attack we
22:13 don't like it when applications become
22:14 unresponsive if you're a gamer like my
22:16 kids you're passionate about keeping our
22:19 data centers and networks free of
22:20 extraneous traffic well whether you know
22:23 it or not
22:24 so for this use case Juniper is
22:26 partnered with Carrero to integrate
22:28 specific ddocs and Elementary capture
22:29 into our MX and PTX routers which act as
22:32 data center gateways and interconnects
22:34 so that DDOS attacks can be identified
22:36 and programmatically shut down at their
22:39 Source before they ever lag your Call of
22:41 Duty gaming experience
22:42 I want to thank you for attending this
22:44 webinar I know I covered a lot of
22:46 information but I hope you found the
22:47 material helpful if you'd like to learn
22:49 more about any of these Technologies I
22:51 encourage you to visit from
22:53 our landing page you can navigate to
22:55 events and demos to find helpful videos
22:58 and even download free trial versions of
23:00 our products to try them out in your own
23:01 lab
23:02 also if you're further along in your
23:04 Cloud Journey but you can't do it alone
23:06 our partnership with the IBM Cloud team
23:09 and their integration labs in Dallas are
23:11 here to help you to design deploy
23:13 integrate and manage your Cloud
23:14 environments just reach out to your
23:16 local Juniper account team
23:18 thank you
23:22 [Music]