citizenM Redefines Hospitality With Juniper's AI-Driven Enterprise Solutions

In conversation: How Juniper’s Mist AI is helping citizenM deliver superior guest experiences in every hotel.
Hotel professionals: Watch this in-depth discussion with Bojan Pavicic from citizenM for fresh ideas on transforming the hotel guest experience. Perks include self-service check-in and room preferences customizable using an app or an in-room tablet—all driven by Juniper Mist AI™.
You’ll learn
How Juniper delivers reliable Wi-Fi for guests, from streaming to in-room smart home features
How guests can control room temperature, lighting, and shades from an in-room tablet
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0:00 hi my name is Jamie pitchforth I am head
0:03 of strategic business here at Juniper
0:05 today we're in conversation with bowian
0:07 pavitich who is the director of
0:10 technology and digital here at Citizen M
0:12 welcome thank you good to be here I'm
0:14 delighted to be here
0:16 um I've been here a couple of times
0:17 before on business and it's it's a
0:20 lovely venue great location but it's
0:22 different to all the other hotels that
0:24 that we go to to stay in tell us a
0:26 little bit about the hotel and how are
0:28 you all different to the others for your
0:29 competitors glad to have you here and uh
0:32 and happy to hear hear that you noticed
0:34 the the difference well um I think we
0:37 are different in the way how we think
0:40 about hospitality and how we think about
0:42 serving our guests so our guest is is at
0:45 the Pinnacle at top of of our thinking
0:48 always all that the guest does we try to
0:51 support with human touch and with
0:54 genuine care and with technology so
0:57 that's how we are different I think we
0:59 are really Nate even natural in
1:02 delivering the digital of this world to
1:04 the wishes of our guests and when you
1:07 say digital what kind of Technologies
1:08 are you using to Aid and deliver that
1:12 that wow factor for your guests that
1:14 experience we use a lot of technology in
1:18 our hotel to support we have technology
1:20 from let's say the area of smart
1:22 buildings and how our Management systems
1:26 work in the behind we have frontal
1:28 technologies that we use in
1:29 communication with the guests so wired
1:32 Wireless communication across the whole
1:34 state and we try to use the technology
1:37 that actually drives forward our way of
1:40 thinking and operating the hotel and
1:43 satisfying and providing to the guest
1:45 the best Journey that they can have okay
1:48 and you've chosen misters as your
1:51 underlying technology for uh for your
1:53 network infrastructure how are you using
1:55 the technology at the at the front end
1:58 eye the guest side
1:59 one of our main Pro parts of our product
2:03 is a very high speed internet so the
2:07 guests that are coming into our hotel
2:09 they're digitally Savvy people they're a
2:12 mobile citizen that move around so
2:14 technology for them should be almost
2:17 invisible they should use what they use
2:19 so in that frontal part uh mist is
2:22 leading with a lot of thinking
2:25 the missed Network or the missed
2:27 wireless network is uh enabling us to do
2:31 all the things that we want to do with
2:34 the guests being inside of the hotel so
2:37 so we try to to to remove all of the
2:40 snags that a lot of technology in one
2:43 place can have and we try to be on top
2:46 of the ball and seeing if things are
2:49 going wrong where they are going wrong
2:50 and how they're going wrong so you
2:53 relatively recently chose misters as
2:55 this technology but you looked at the
2:57 market at other vendors why did you
2:59 choose and why do did you conclude that
3:01 the Miss technology was the the
3:03 direction you wanted to take at the
3:05 point we were presented with a with a
3:07 challenge in operating uh certain part
3:09 so far landscape uh when looking into
3:12 the market mist is one of the
3:15 um let's say devices and systems because
3:18 it's not only a device that provides
3:21 flexibility and transparency that we
3:23 need from the get-go from the part that
3:26 is for us very important which is
3:27 building of our hotels into operating
3:30 our hotels so the way how we onboard uh
3:33 the devices and how we how we get them
3:36 into the place is much easier with mist
3:39 Mist has a logic uh Cloud logic and a
3:42 huge Cloud compute area which is exactly
3:46 what we want to achieve with all of our
3:49 systems we centrally manage
3:52 all our hotels just because we want to
3:55 be very flexible on the offering and the
3:57 product that we give to our guests
3:59 today's mobile citizens they are very
4:03 used to the digital way of thinking
4:05 around mobile apps devices in which you
4:08 mean you are actually changing your
4:10 opinion and your wishes and your your
4:12 need very fast to be able to operate in
4:16 that fast changing consumer world you
4:19 have to adjust your services to the
4:22 guest wishes and that's where what is
4:25 the most important for Us guest wishes
4:28 yeah mist is one of the technologies
4:30 that is enabling us to do that so I know
4:33 there was a a proof of value a process
4:35 that you undertook tell us a little bit
4:37 about that uh we usually when we're
4:40 implementing new technology we try to go
4:42 through a process of ensuring that
4:43 that's a fit for a for a longer period
4:45 and we first do proof of concept that we
4:48 do in in the lab but then we first go
4:51 further on with the pilot pilot means we
4:54 are running actual technology in a
4:56 certain hotel for a certain period of
4:58 time we did a pilot of the Miss
5:00 technology in couple of our hotels
5:02 before we actually decided to go fully
5:06 uh that is important for the
5:08 standardization factor of ours uh when
5:11 we change certain technology we want
5:13 that the future process is frictionless
5:16 so we continue doing that flow but the
5:18 pilot is important to ensure that we can
5:21 do all that and on the back end you know
5:23 the operational side AI operations so
5:26 inherently within the platform built on
5:29 Market Services Cloud architecture and
5:32 artificial intelligence how is that
5:34 benefiting you and your operators of the
5:37 of the networking structure across the
5:39 business
5:40 well as you mentioned we are relatively
5:42 young in the missed world so we're still
5:44 learning how to live with that but
5:46 definitely the abundance of data lying
5:49 around us not only from from the obvious
5:51 parts and from the from the let's say in
5:54 user interactions but you have a lot of
5:56 data lying around in systems in the way
5:58 how systems operate AI is is an
6:02 important helper in triaging dissecting
6:05 getting to the right point because it's
6:07 simply uh it's overwhelming for for
6:10 human uh cognition right yeah so so so
6:13 the AI is a helper like it can sift
6:16 through a lot of things we experiment
6:18 with a lot of uh uh new technologies AI
6:21 also and uh actually uh
6:25 we are experimenting with how can we use
6:28 Mist even better than that so so we
6:32 we're looking forward to actually future
6:33 use cases of of the AI uh helping handle
6:38 the data and in terms of looking out to
6:41 that future and and various different
6:43 use cases what does the future hold what
6:45 uh what services and experiences are you
6:49 expecting or planning to deliver to to
6:51 your guests and to to the staff of the
6:54 the brand well we believe in in um
6:59 removing frictions so so anything that
7:02 in a customer Journey or a gas Journey
7:05 uh same for the employee journey is a
7:09 friction that's what we try to to remove
7:11 so I believe the future of technology is
7:14 exactly there and I believe the future
7:17 of technology is same as the facilities
7:19 today so same as the the the water uh or
7:23 electric uh once the digital
7:26 Technologies at that level of enablement
7:29 that's where then the the the main play
7:32 of the of the guest will be so we're
7:35 looking into how to get to that world
7:37 we're trying to do everything that's
7:40 current technology enables but we
7:42 explore continuously future looking
7:43 Technologies to support the gas journey
7:46 in different ways some of the
7:48 Technologies we park for a while because
7:50 guests are not actually still right
7:53 there so for me the the Technologies
7:57 like Ai and etc etc cannot ever uh
8:02 substitute the human touch
8:05 and that's where the magic is of the
8:08 citizen app we believe in human touch we
8:11 believe in genuine care uh supported by
8:14 technology and those Technologies we
8:16 Implement in in our hotel now one of the
8:19 things I've heard you talk about is
8:21 cloud only tell us a little bit about
8:23 that sure well we're looking into
8:25 getting to the cloud only strategy at
8:28 one point but uh basically to enable the
8:31 standardization and control and
8:34 operation of the a huge amount of
8:36 distributed locations we have to use
8:40 cloud and uh and we use cloud across
8:43 different system and different
8:44 Technologies because that enables us to
8:47 to provide the exact operational uh
8:50 let's say standards that we that we want
8:52 and that we need we cannot be truly
8:56 Cloud only always because our delivery
8:58 points are hotels but everything else
9:01 can be Cloud so so we expect that future
9:04 for us is perfect delivery on location
9:07 supported by a huge compute on the cloud
9:11 and how do you think your competitors
9:13 are the other hotels and the brands when
9:16 you see a new disruptive differentiated
9:18 product effectively coming into the
9:21 market what's been the feedback what's
9:23 uh what are people saying well uh I I
9:26 love that part uh I think people are
9:29 reacting quite well on on our disruption
9:33 of the market meaning down the the lane
9:35 of what we want to uh to do uh we see a
9:39 lot of copycats uh we see people
9:42 changing the postures in different types
9:44 of hotels and in different parts of the
9:47 world uh I think what differentiate us
9:50 than maybe all of the other aspects is
9:53 it's it's about the guest Journey we are
9:56 fanatic about our guests I always say
9:58 that like it's we do that with Ultimate
10:01 Care and all of the tech teams actually
10:04 first think about the guest and that's
10:06 that's how we do it that's what we
10:08 believe it felt like that when I arrived
10:10 and greeted by an ambassador and so
10:13 helpful and actually they weren't able
10:15 to answer my question they went off to
10:17 find out and then they came and found me
10:19 and so it was it was good it was it was
10:22 a great experience coming in so
10:23 brilliant I want to say a great big
10:26 thank you I think this is an exciting
10:28 Journey for you um it's an exciting
10:30 Journey for us and we certainly look
10:32 forward to Growing the partnership and
10:35 enabling you to excel in in delivering
10:37 these great guest experiences and
10:39 growing the brand thank you very much
10:40 thanks