Bringing Value to Customers with Juniper Networks’ ORAN Solutions

At Mobile World Congress 2023, Juniper Networks’ CTO Raj Yavatkar shares why openness of 5G networks is important for service providers & the value that we are bringing to providers with our ORAN solutions.
You’ll learn
The value Juniper brings to telco customers
Juniper is bringing together third-party application developers
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Guest speakers

0:00 Raj it is great to be here at Mobile
0:02 World Congress Barcelona 2023 excitement
0:05 in the air I know so tell us a little
0:08 bit about open run I mean I know we've
0:10 got a lot going on with juniper so maybe
0:12 tell us a little bit about the value
0:14 that we're bringing to customers with
0:16 our open round Solutions so the open run
0:18 is very important to our customers I
0:20 tell because they want to really
0:22 disaggregate the
0:24 traditional architecture so they don't
0:25 have to depend on couple of vendors yes
0:28 and for the first time in Juniper's
0:30 history we are participating in that
0:31 destruction by bringing forward products
0:34 that allow us to deliver what I call
0:37 operating system for the ram the control
0:39 Point as well as bring together third
0:41 party application developers so we can
0:43 start delivering new services
0:45 it's very exciting and I know you know
0:47 we've had a couple of announcements as
0:49 well leading into Mobile World Congress
0:51 maybe if you give us a couple of
0:52 highlights yeah so for example Vodafone
0:54 did a commercial field trial with the
0:56 real subscribers and real traffic uh
0:59 involving multiple sectors multiple cell
1:01 sites to try out the oran architecture
1:03 because one of the concerns is can we
1:06 match the kpis exposed by the
1:09 traditional architecture they're very
1:10 happy in the public announcement they
1:12 said we met or exceeded the kpr so that
1:16 shows the architecture is real and we
1:18 can go forward that's fantastic great uh
1:21 proof point and everything thank you Raj
1:23 and listen I know you're really busy so
1:25 thank you thank you