Baseline and Anomaly Detection in Juniper Mist

Gain real insight into user experiences with Juniper Mist AI.
IT managers rejoice: Thanks to Juniper Mist AI™, radio resource management is no longer a black hole. Watch how Mist AI’s intelligent baseline and anomaly detection provides real insight into how system changes impact the user experience.
You’ll learn
How Juniper Mist AI’s baseline and anomaly detection can correlate the effect of a system change on SLE performance metrics
How Juniper Mist AI can spot trends needing attention across device types and identify trouble spots
Who is this for?
Experience More
0:00 drill down to see if issues are
0:01 happening in a specific period of time
0:04 or are a result of recent system changes
0:07 radio resource management is no longer a
0:10 black hole you can now see what the
0:12 impact of any changes are on the user
0:15 experience
0:17 Mist lets you spot Trends across device
0:19 types operating systems and applications
0:23 pinpointing the areas that need
0:25 immediate attention and those ah
0:28 maybe not so critical and with mist you
0:30 can identify Troublesome APS and or W
0:33 lands and spend your time on where it
0:36 matters the most
0:38 all of these insights are possible
0:40 because now you have real insight to the
0:42 user experience
0:45 and with the first generation cloud
0:46 provider all you're going to get is an
0:49 event log
0:50 and taking a look at another popular
0:52 vendor
0:53 I see events I see Mac addresses
0:57 and a path to an access point CLI this
1:01 is Back to the Future