Architectural Shift in the 5G Era | Juniper Networks at Asia Tech Singapore CommunicAsia 2021

The 5G era as begun.
Listen to two solution architects to discuss the impact 5G has on operator networks and what architectural shifts it’s causing inside the networks.
You’ll learn
Key architecture shift in telco networks due to 5G
5G architecture building blocks across RAN, transport, and core
How to create value and differentiation with network slicing and ORAN
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:00 [Music]
0:11 hello and welcome
0:12 to this session on architectural shift
0:14 in 5g
0:15 my name is nitin wake and i'm joined
0:17 today by my colleague aditya khal
0:19 we're both solution architects in the
0:21 juniper networks apac team
0:23 and today we want to discuss with you
0:24 about how 5g is
0:26 impacting the operator networks and what
0:28 architectural shifts it's causing inside
0:29 the networks
0:30 so let's get right into it
0:34 so the 5g era has already begun we've
0:36 got about 158 different operators who've
0:39 launched services on 5g
0:40 100 million plus subscribers that are
0:42 already using id services
0:44 and about a trillion dollars of
0:45 cataracts that has been allocated
0:47 specifically for 5g
0:48 investments between 2018 to 2025.
0:51 if you look at from the perspective of
0:53 the segments that is going to impact
0:55 it includes enterprise government as
0:58 well as consumer services
1:00 but the key question that comes up quite
1:02 often is that what is
1:03 that killer application for 5g
1:06 unfortunately that's a big that's a
1:07 question that's difficult to answer
1:09 but if we look at some of the high level
1:11 analysis and trends it's very clear that
1:14 while we don't know what that killer
1:16 application is going to be we definitely
1:18 know that the killer segment
1:19 is going to be enterprise there's about
1:22 a 3.4 trillion dollars that's expected
1:24 to be invested
1:25 by the enterprise within this 5g
1:28 technology
1:29 and this is just the 5g mobile
1:31 technology
1:32 along with that there's going to be
1:34 cloud and ai and all the other
1:36 investments that will go
1:37 along with this so the enterprise is the
1:40 segment that is going to
1:41 be the largest investor in 5g as well as
1:44 is going to be the largest
1:45 benefit reaper out of this technology if
1:48 you look at some of these industries
1:49 such as industrial automation
1:51 industrial automation is expected to
1:53 have 18 of this 3.4 trillion
1:56 dollar share of the investment and this
1:58 is going to impact everything from
2:00 any machines or the smallest chip which
2:02 is going to be either tracked
2:04 or controlled through wireless
2:05 technology similarly if you look at
2:08 other
2:08 other areas like healthcare or robotics
2:11 there's going to be a huge
2:12 impact that 5g is going to have in these
2:15 domains
2:15 arvr for example is going to impact the
2:18 retail segment
2:19 in a very significant way of how we will
2:21 interact and shop
2:22 in the new edge retail malls if you look
2:26 at the consumer segment
2:27 the consumer segment the cloud gaming is
2:29 expected to be one of the biggest
2:31 revenue spinners for 5g and the whole
2:34 gaming
2:34 ecosystem is expected to change from the
2:36 handheld games towards
2:38 cloud gaming that is delivered through
2:40 the edge using 5g
2:42 similarly ar vr here vr is approximately
2:45 20
2:46 of the total traffic inside the korea
2:49 network where they've launched 5g
2:50 and this is very exciting in terms of
2:52 the new technologies that
2:54 5g is enabling fwa is one of the
2:57 first applications that we will see on
2:59 the residential side for 5g
3:02 from a government perspective the focus
3:04 is going to be on energies and utilities
3:06 because
3:06 that's where a lot of the
3:08 transformations are expected to happen
3:10 and also in segments like smart cities
3:12 and automotive where there's going to be
3:13 a lot of public private partnership
3:15 in terms of how we deliver these
3:17 services while we don't know what that
3:19 killer application is going to be
3:21 we definitely know that 5g is going to
3:23 set that base on top of which
3:25 we will be able to you know first of all
3:27 launch these applications that we
3:29 already know but also be prepared for
3:30 those unknown applications that are
3:32 expected to come in the future
3:34 so with all of this said one of the
3:37 questions that again
3:38 comes up is that what is it about 5g
3:42 that makes it different
3:43 is it just about the speeds or is there
3:45 something more to it
3:47 so let's look at the two of the
3:49 components of 5g that
3:51 are critical to to create this
3:53 differentiation
3:54 for 5g and that helps it to enable all
3:56 of these different applications that we
3:58 spoke about
3:59 to really unlock its potential the first
4:01 of these is network slicing
4:03 traditionally we've offered networks
4:05 which are one size bit all
4:07 and they've not really been dedicated
4:09 for service differentiation inside the
4:12 you know for different kind of use cases
4:14 with network slicing we have the
4:16 opportunity
4:17 to build dedicated end-to-end virtual
4:19 networks with prescribed cl
4:21 slas for all the different services so
4:23 whether you have healthcare or
4:25 industrial automation or
4:26 a v2x application you can allocate
4:29 dedicated slices with prescribed slas
4:31 for those
4:32 which will offer the real
4:34 differentiation that is required for
4:36 these services
4:38 if you look at some of the studies that
4:40 have happened operators are looking at
4:42 network slicing as the one of the key
4:44 ways to monetize 5g
4:46 and this report from ericsson is kind of
4:49 a testament to that fact
4:50 what ericsson is predicting is that 34
4:54 of the revenue growth that these service
4:56 providers are going to have
4:57 till 2026 is going to come from
5:00 non-best effort slices so only once
5:02 service operators start to launch
5:04 network slices which are dedicated for
5:06 services that's when they will see this
5:08 uptake in revenue and 34 is a huge
5:11 potential for growth
5:12 for service providers the other key
5:14 technology that's going to be
5:15 a differentiator in 5g is open ramp
5:19 so we all know that one of the key
5:21 motivations for open brand is to reduce
5:24 the vendor lock-in that exists today
5:26 inside the land domain but one of the
5:28 other key things
5:29 that open ran the opportunity to launch
5:31 new services and monetization options
5:34 the adoption for oren is expected to
5:37 grow almost
5:38 10 fold in the next six years we've
5:40 already started to see some
5:41 initial deployments happen in operators
5:44 but currently a lot of the operators are
5:46 in trial phases to look at how open run
5:48 applies to their technologies
5:50 if you look at the use cases they
5:52 include traffic steering
5:53 brand slice optimization massive minor
5:56 rent sharing energy efficiency and a lot
5:58 of these different use cases
6:00 now another key component within open
6:03 ram
6:04 is that how do you monetize services
6:07 using openran openland is great because
6:09 it helps you
6:09 unlock innovation it helps you unlock
6:11 you know the vendor locking so that
6:12 newer players can come in
6:14 but how does it enable monetization so
6:17 for monetization to happen with openran
6:19 we need a rick a rand intelligent
6:22 controller
6:23 and this brand intelligent controller
6:25 basically provides the operators the
6:27 levers that they need
6:28 to be able to fine-tune the rand network
6:30 based on the requirements that they have
6:32 for the specific services
6:34 or the network types etc if you look at
6:37 some of the recent trials that have
6:38 happened vodafone for example
6:40 just concluded a trial where they used
6:42 the random housing controller to
6:44 increase their
6:45 sell side capacity by two times in one
6:48 of their massive minor
6:49 use cases similarly kddi last year
6:52 demonstrated how the rig
6:54 is going to become the control point for
6:56 them for network slicing within the rank
6:58 domain
7:00 so with that said let's now look at what
7:04 is the impact that these new
7:05 technologies are happening are having
7:07 on the service provider networks on the
7:09 operator networks and how we expect this
7:11 to evolve
7:14 so definitely with with all of these
7:16 changes that are happening there is a
7:17 shift in the architecture that's
7:19 happening in each of the domains inside
7:21 the operators
7:22 so including the ram the transport as
7:24 well as the core
7:25 if you look at the ram we spoke about
7:26 the open brand that is you know enabling
7:28 new interfaces to be formed
7:30 the cell side is becoming significantly
7:32 simpler because we're reducing some of
7:34 the active components on the cell side
7:35 and the components like the control unit
7:38 and the data unit are getting
7:39 distributed much deeper inside the
7:41 network
7:41 and this also has an impact on how the
7:44 networks get designed
7:45 uh front hall and for mid-hall in terms
7:48 of the requirements for the network in
7:49 terms of timing latency etc
7:52 and last but not the least as we said
7:54 for the rank a key portion
7:56 is how the architecture is going to
7:57 change to adopt the ram intelligent
7:59 controller so that you can have
8:01 enhanced intelligence inside the rank
8:04 from a transport perspective the focus
8:06 is all around reducing the protocol
8:08 layers to make the transport simpler
8:11 and to virtualize and disaggregate
8:13 wherever it makes sense
8:15 the last but not the least from a
8:17 transport perspective the key trend that
8:19 is that we're going to see is a shift
8:21 of the traffic and service delivery to
8:23 from
8:24 the edge or traditionally from the board
8:25 towards the metro and to the cloud
8:27 so the metro is going to become a
8:29 melting pot of where
8:30 all of this is going to come together in
8:32 terms of the integration to the cloud
8:34 the network slicing and all of those
8:35 different pieces
8:37 and last but not the least is the core
8:39 where the architecture is definitely
8:41 changing towards a more microservice
8:43 based
8:43 service based architecture and the
8:45 distribution of the core towards
8:47 into multiple points inside the network
8:49 using the distributed upi for the mac
8:53 so with that said in the rest of the
8:54 section we are going to focus
8:56 more around the rand and the transport
8:58 pieces and with that let's dive in a
9:00 little bit deeper
9:01 into what does it take to make all of
9:04 this happen end-to-end
9:07 so if you look at it this from a network
9:09 slicing orchestration perspective
9:10 because that we see
9:11 is going to be the key driver for the
9:14 architecture change as well as for how
9:16 services get delivered so let us look at
9:18 this from the perspective of network
9:20 slice orchestration
9:21 so at the highest level we see that just
9:23 below the oss and vss we have the always
9:25 orchestration layer
9:26 and that service orchestrator is then
9:28 talking to the specific domain
9:30 controllers in each of the domains
9:32 so the rand domain controller
9:33 orchestrator for the ram
9:35 the transport domain orchestrator for
9:36 the transport and similarly the
9:38 the core domain orchestrator for the
9:40 core now let's
9:41 peel the onion a little bit more to look
9:43 at how this looks like from a network
9:45 slicing perspective
9:48 so we can see here that the service
9:51 orchestrator
9:52 has a slice management function and then
9:54 that slice management function
9:56 is also translated into each of the
9:58 domains so each of the respective
10:00 domains have their slice subnet
10:02 management functions
10:03 plus they have something that's a
10:05 controller for that specific domain so
10:07 for example in the in the rand domain
10:10 you can see that's the non-real-time
10:11 rate
10:12 in the transport domain that's the van
10:13 sdm controller and then in the core
10:15 domain we will have the nfv over there
10:17 so
10:18 each of these domains are going to be
10:20 responsible for
10:21 the orchestration and for the slice
10:23 management within their own domains
10:25 and they will be talking to the service
10:27 orchestrator that is responsible for
10:28 stitching all of this
10:29 end to end so let's now delve a little
10:33 more deeper into the rand domain
10:34 and then from there on we'll move on
10:36 towards the transport
10:39 so as you can see the rank domain if we
10:42 blow this
10:42 out we see that it has a few key
10:45 components the first is the service
10:46 management
10:47 and orchestration which is the smo and
10:49 the smo has a few components like the
10:51 management and orchestration
10:52 the oam the ram uh slice management as
10:56 well as the non-real-time grid
10:58 and then we have the oh cloud which is
11:00 the layer that
11:01 provides the containerization and
11:03 virtualization for all the applications
11:05 that are going to sit on top
11:07 so let's now look at how all of this
11:09 comes into play and
11:10 and how this whole slicing orchestration
11:12 works from a random perspective
11:15 so the first thing is from the
11:16 management and orchestration perspective
11:18 we talk to the old cloud
11:19 and the o cloud brings up the respective
11:22 control plane or the user plane
11:23 functions like the
11:24 po control plane as well as the near
11:26 real-time brick
11:28 now as you can see the rig has two
11:29 components the non-real-time rig that is
11:31 under the smo
11:33 and the new real-time brick that is
11:34 sitting next to the cu control plane
11:36 and each of them have their own set of
11:38 apps so we will discuss this in a little
11:40 more detail in the next slide
11:42 but the key thing is that the management
11:43 and orchestration informs the o cloud to
11:45 bring up the control plane as well as
11:47 the
11:47 near real-time break in the next phase
11:50 the operation operations and maintenance
11:52 talks to these components to make sure
11:54 they have been
11:54 they've been brought up appropriately
11:56 based on the requirements
11:58 and then collectively with the rand
12:00 slice management
12:01 the the user plane is set up based on
12:05 the different network devices so this
12:07 includes the
12:09 cu user plane as well as the the du
12:12 functions
12:12 now as you can see these functions can
12:14 be distributed into multiple
12:16 clouds regional cloud edge cloud cell
12:18 site and this would depend upon the type
12:20 of deployment
12:20 that operators have but overall the
12:23 model is flexible
12:24 enough to support these kind of
12:25 deployments now once we've done this
12:28 we need to tie this back to the
12:30 transport domain
12:31 and how does these slices translate into
12:34 what's happening in the transport domain
12:36 so for that purpose the ranked domain
12:38 orchestrator or this smo
12:40 talks to the transport domain
12:41 orchestrator to orchestrate the
12:43 respective
12:44 tunnels that are required in the
12:45 transport to make all of this
12:47 these slices happen and aditya will talk
12:49 more about how
12:51 each of these tunnels come into play how
12:53 are they formed and then how do
12:55 they talk they help these clouds to talk
12:57 to each other with the clouds between
12:59 the cell side and the edge cloud the
13:00 edge cloud and the regional cloud
13:03 so let's look at it a bit deeper into
13:06 the
13:06 this non-real-time break and the near
13:08 real-time break
13:11 the non-real-time break as we mentioned
13:13 it resides inside the smo
13:15 and it has yeah it hosts the r apps so
13:17 the job of the non-real-time break
13:19 is to provide policy-based guidance it
13:22 tells the near real-time
13:24 rick what it needs to do and the near
13:27 real-time break
13:28 sits very close to the edge cloud it
13:30 resides inside the edge cloud very close
13:32 to
13:32 the cu control planes and it hosts the x
13:35 apps
13:35 and this is where the what gets
13:37 translated into the how
13:39 so the near real-time rig talks to the
13:41 ceos and the dus and translates the
13:42 policy guidance that it receives
13:44 from the non-real-time break into the
13:47 actual commands to the
13:48 cu and to do you to make the actual
13:50 functions happen
13:52 so in the end when we want to realize
13:54 the use cases for the
13:56 rand which includes the slice
13:58 orchestration or
13:59 the massive mimo or the other use cases
14:02 uh like rank sharing
14:03 then this is the non-real-time break in
14:05 the near real time will have a
14:07 very important role to play to make this
14:10 happen
14:10 and the key thing here is that both of
14:12 these support the hosting of
14:14 third-party apps the rx and the x apps
14:17 which is where the most most of the
14:18 innovation is expected to happen
14:20 so from a juniper perspective juniper
14:22 has acquired a company called nexia
14:24 and we will be building both this
14:26 non-real-time as well as the near time
14:29 non-real time in the near real-time rate
14:31 as well as the smo functions
14:33 so that is how juniper is contributing
14:35 from an orion perspective
14:37 in this domain so now we've discussed
14:41 how things look like from a rand
14:43 perspective aditya
14:45 so what how do you think this translates
14:47 in terms of requirements
14:49 for the transport domain so is the
14:52 transport domain
14:53 the way we have it today is that good
14:55 enough or does that require
14:57 some kind of a change yeah thanks
15:00 so let's start with the base ib
15:02 transport infrastructure
15:04 there is a significant shift required in
15:06 terms of the transport
15:08 architecture to address the 5g
15:10 requirements
15:11 and so what are those requirements first
15:14 5g services and cell densification now
15:17 this brings a massive
15:19 bandwidth and scale increase majorly in
15:21 the metro
15:22 or xor networks this also brings
15:26 a massive explosion of end user id
15:29 devices
15:30 whether we have these devices as
15:32 enterprise cps
15:33 iot devices or consumers having said
15:36 that
15:36 timing has become much more stricter
15:39 with 5g
15:40 and low latency is now a key requirement
15:43 another requirement which we see for
15:46 this architecture shift
15:47 is around service differentiation and
15:50 application way routing now this is a
15:52 basic requirement when we talk about
15:54 network slicing
15:56 meanwhile we also see a need for
15:58 centralized
15:59 automation control and distributed
16:01 performance
16:02 which requires a hybrid architecture
16:05 how do we address these requirements we
16:07 need an architecture which is scalable
16:10 stateless and most important it should
16:12 be simple to operate
16:14 having said that segment routing if you
16:16 see segment routing is a foundation
16:18 for the ip transport architecture it's a
16:21 key enabler
16:22 that can reduce our protocol stack by up
16:25 to 70
16:26 which reduces the state and the scale
16:29 requirements
16:31 it is also inherently programmable which
16:34 kind of provides a centralized
16:36 automation control
16:38 now within segment routing there are two
16:40 approaches with similar benefits
16:42 to achieve the end objectives of 5g sr
16:46 mpls which is segment routing for mpls
16:49 now this is best
16:50 suited for existing mpls networks
16:53 as it brings the least disruption and
16:55 also mitigates risk
16:57 during migration to sr or the evolution
17:00 to sr
17:01 now within sr and pls we also have tools
17:04 to integrate with nodes and networks
17:08 which may not be capable enough to
17:09 deliver sr day 0
17:11 or which would require a certain
17:14 software upgrade
17:15 to deliver sr now the other flavor
17:19 of segment routing which we call as srv6
17:22 which essentially is
17:23 segment routing for ipv6 this is best
17:26 suited
17:27 for green field networks as it brings
17:30 the massive
17:31 scale of ipv6 and also
17:34 interesting capability to embed
17:38 the intent within the packet now from
17:41 services evolution perspective we see a
17:44 shift
17:45 more towards evpn which provides a
17:48 unified
17:49 services architecture for both layer
17:52 free
17:53 and later vpns while being transport
17:55 agnostic
17:56 which means it can run over plane ip any
17:59 flavor of mpls
18:01 or srv6 so this is
18:04 the basic ip transport infrastructure
18:07 requirements which we see
18:09 happening with the advent of 5g next
18:12 slide
18:13 nithin all right
18:16 so what are the key end-to-end network
18:18 slicing requirements
18:19 so within the ip transport world we have
18:22 been traditionally
18:23 delivering network slices as in layer 3
18:26 vpns or layer 2 vpns
18:28 however with 5g we see new requirements
18:31 which require networks to error to
18:32 stringent slas and
18:34 also very important a need to map
18:37 similar intent
18:38 within individual domains like ram metro
18:41 core
18:42 so these are essentially uh holistic
18:45 requirements
18:46 but what about the key network slicing
18:48 requirements first and foremost
18:50 traffic isolation now we need to
18:52 maintain traffic separation for
18:54 different slices
18:55 or customers and also a mechanism to
18:58 provide
18:58 security and segmentation another
19:01 requirement key requirement is topology
19:03 aware slice
19:04 now what do we mean by topology where
19:07 slice it essentially needs a slice
19:09 for example a load latency slice which
19:12 requires
19:12 a latency part between the consumer and
19:16 the application
19:17 and not necessarily the shortest path to
19:20 reach a destination as defined by igp
19:22 which essentially might not be the
19:24 lowest latency path
19:26 and one of the most important aspects or
19:28 requirement from network slicing
19:30 perspective
19:31 is the end-to-end orchestration
19:32 mechanism now this is the key
19:35 to maintain the intent which resonates
19:37 with consistent intent
19:39 within each domain this also unifies
19:42 the mechanism to deliver or provision
19:45 the intent
19:46 across different domains like the ram
19:48 the metro
19:49 the core and finally assurance
19:52 and guaranteed availability of network
19:56 resources
19:57 now this is a key aspect which is
19:59 requested by the slides
20:01 so these are essentially the key
20:04 end-to-end network slicing requirements
20:06 this is a public demonstration of
20:08 juniper
20:09 slicing solution and there is a url url
20:12 there
20:13 this provides you a view of how to
20:15 create and maintain
20:17 transport network slices using juniper's
20:21 nostril controller which essentially is
20:24 one of the most important aspects when
20:26 we talk about
20:27 automation and centralized control
20:30 you could visit the website for the demo
20:32 and the technical details
20:34 so now we have covered from a transport
20:37 aspect of the 5g and also the
20:39 requirements in terms of the network
20:41 slicing perspective
20:42 so nathan what's your view on the
20:44 end-to-end
20:45 slicing mechanism and how do we stitch
20:48 these
20:48 domains essentially yeah thanks aditya
20:51 so as we discussed we've looked at how
20:54 the ram
20:55 and the rig inside the ram is going to
20:56 take the responsibility of doing the
20:58 slices inside the network
21:00 inside the rand domain we've looked at
21:01 how the transport is going to look at
21:03 taking those that intent and translating
21:05 that into controller
21:07 requirements from a transport
21:08 perspective the key here
21:10 is that how do we stage all of these
21:12 together firstly from a multi-domain
21:14 perspective so that the intent
21:16 is from the rank or the transport of the
21:17 core we can ensure that that intent
21:19 is delivered seamlessly across the
21:21 entire network
21:23 and so that is the first component which
21:24 is where the service orchestration piece
21:26 comes in
21:26 but the other thing is that we also in
21:29 addition to being multi-tenant we also
21:31 want this to be
21:32 multi-domain we also want it to be
21:33 multi-tenant and multi-cloud so what
21:35 that means is
21:37 that in terms of offering these services
21:39 this could also be offered as a
21:41 tenant-based service wherein an
21:43 enterprise or an mvno might buy
21:45 a slice or a hierarchy of slices within
21:48 an operator network and they may want to
21:50 run it like that so you want
21:51 to be able to create network slicing not
21:53 just for your own operator requirements
21:55 but to be able to create it for hosting
21:58 other operators or other
21:59 enterprise services on top of that as
22:01 well the other thing is that we also
22:04 need to be
22:05 able to extend this not just into
22:06 distributed clouds within the operator
22:08 network
22:09 but also into the public cloud because
22:11 we expect that a lot of these services
22:13 that are not
22:13 latency sensitive will eventually move
22:16 to the public cloud and be hosted out of
22:17 there
22:18 so we need to be able to ensure that we
22:19 can do all of this stuff and do it
22:21 at scale so that is kind of like the
22:23 high level message
22:25 so with that let's wrap this up with the
22:27 three key messages that we discussed for
22:29 today
22:29 on how the architecture for for the
22:32 operator networks is changing because of
22:34 5g
22:35 and there are three key architecture
22:36 shifts that we're seeing the first one
22:38 is open rank which is uh making the
22:42 network simpler from a sell side
22:43 perspective uh it is making the rank
22:45 more intelligent by using things like
22:47 the brand intelligent controller
22:49 the second piece is the transport where
22:51 we are significantly simplifying
22:53 transport by reducing six
22:54 up to 70 percent of the overheads we are
22:56 making it more application aware and we
22:58 are
22:59 tightly integrating this with the ram
23:02 and the core domains to make this
23:03 an end-to-end solution and last but not
23:06 the least is network slicing
23:08 which has to be multi-domain
23:09 multi-tenant and has to be executed at
23:12 scale
23:13 with that we thank you for your time and
23:16 we hope
23:17 you found this session useful and we'll
23:19 probably see you in the next one
23:20 thank you thank you very much