AI Skeptics: Need an AI Assist? Look to Channel Partners

An open discussion about the concerns customers have with AI
Watch this open discussion from the AI Skeptics webinar about the concerns customers have with employing and using AI. You’ll hear directly from partners who have implemented AI and learn from their experiences.
You’ll learn
How customers perceive AI from the partner perspective
How these customers utilize AI to achieve specific business results
The economic impact of AI and the need for it as device proliferation and network complexity grows
Who is this for?

Guest speakers

0:00 [Music]
0:06 hello everyone i'm ken briley product
0:08 marketing manager for ai and ex
0:10 switching here at juniper networks thank
0:12 you for joining us in the second part of
0:14 our ai skeptics event how partners msps
0:17 and sis are bringing additional value to
0:19 customers with ai our goal in this
0:21 session is to openly discuss some
0:23 concerns partners and msps may have with
0:25 using recommending or even deploying ai
0:28 the hope is to share a few different
0:30 perspectives from partners who've
0:31 implemented ai and learn more from their
0:34 experience later andre kindness from
0:36 forester will lay out challenges
0:38 partners and msps are facing and how ai
0:40 has helped them provide their customers
0:42 with greater user experience with us
0:45 today we have jason gwen whose years of
0:47 experience leading the networking
0:49 practice for a juniper partner will shed
0:51 some light on how ai can help partners
0:53 and msps we also have mark thames a
0:56 business development director for
0:58 partner programs here at juniper
0:59 networks so mark if we could let's start
1:02 with a bit of history a few years ago
1:04 juniper didn't offer a wireless solution
1:07 as part of our campus portfolio and
1:09 because of that we were actually asking
1:11 partners to position our competition can
1:13 you describe what's changed over the
1:14 last few years
1:16 yeah absolutely uh you know we used to
1:18 have the trapeze line of wireless a long
1:20 time ago it was a controller based
1:22 system it was not an effective based
1:23 system had some benefits you know had a
1:25 lot of stuff i was a customer myself you
1:27 know in my past career um but what we
1:30 did is instead of trying to go recreate
1:32 wireless what we did is we partnered
1:33 first with aruba of course they got
1:35 bought by hp enterprise they partnered
1:37 with ruckus we partnered with arrowhive
1:39 and others of course all of those were
1:42 also acquired but during that time is
1:44 when mist was born and mist was a new
1:47 new type of wireless using a.i that was
1:50 the brainchild of sue j hagella and bob
1:52 friday you know bob friday being the
1:54 godfather of wireless right and so
1:57 during that time they understood that
1:59 wireless had to fundamentally change to
2:01 be effective and to be able to utilize
2:03 ai to do that and what we did is
2:06 basically in 2019 juniper acquired
2:08 missed systems
2:10 not just for the wireless piece that was
2:11 a benefit of it but for the platform for
2:14 the ai platform the ai the missed ai
2:16 cloud which now as you can see we're
2:18 plugging in the rest of the juniper
2:19 portfolio into like wired you know
2:22 sd-wan lan you know security things like
2:25 that so a lot has changed uh since those
2:28 days so what really differentiates the
2:30 juniper ai solution i think it comes
2:33 down to the old saying of the earlier
2:35 bird gets the worm but the second mouse
2:37 gets the cheese
2:38 the guys that develop mist had the
2:40 opportunity to see what other vendors
2:42 were doing out out in the industry they
2:45 could see the things that worked the
2:46 things that didn't work and what could
2:48 be improved upon
2:49 they knew that artificial intelligence
2:51 was that next evolution in in network
2:54 automation and network operations
2:57 they also knew that delivering a sas
2:59 cloud type solution you needed to build
3:01 things on microservices as well so they
3:03 married those two components together
3:04 they developed mist then they built an
3:06 ecosystem wired and wireless and now
3:09 wayne assurance around those components
3:11 so rather than trying to bolt those
3:12 things on the side
3:14 artificial intelligence is natively
3:16 inherent to the system it's much easier
3:17 for for miss to pull out and leverage
3:19 artificial intelligence to to operate
3:21 those different networking components
3:23 mark do you have anything to add to that
3:25 you know i think with the ai piece it's
3:27 really about the experience i mean what
3:29 it comes down to is you know what we
3:31 call experience based networking it's
3:33 the improved experience from the end
3:35 user it's the improved experience from
3:37 the operator the people managing the
3:39 networks absolutely and that makes that
3:41 makes a ton of sense so
3:43 given your background in business
3:44 development i mean could you share your
3:46 thoughts on why customers still need
3:49 partners and msps given that ai makes
3:51 deploying and managing networks so easy
3:53 well they don't deploy manage themselves
3:56 i mean we're not to that point yet we
3:57 don't have hal you know operating the
3:59 mother ship right we do have marvis
4:01 which is our virtual network assistant
4:02 which is absolutely amazing i mean you
4:04 ask people do you have any virtual team
4:06 members they're like you mean i have
4:07 people working from home no people that
4:09 are not humans on your team right
4:12 but with that being said we still need
4:14 that design architect deploy
4:17 be able to manage there's a lot of
4:18 things like change control people don't
4:20 just want things to automatically be
4:22 done sometimes they want some some
4:23 checks in the back things to be tested
4:25 some quality control just for their own
4:27 peace of mind you know but there's a lot
4:28 of different services that are offered
4:31 by our partners that are critical to
4:33 delivering the best experience and also
4:35 when you're moving to a new platform
4:37 you're moving to a new system you really
4:39 need a partner like our partners to be
4:42 able to go in there and make sure that
4:44 that customer has an incredible
4:45 experience from the time that they they
4:48 log in for the first time that
4:49 everything's working everything's up and
4:51 running and you know that's where our
4:52 partners provide the most value when it
4:54 comes to this offering
4:56 hey mark just to add on to that i think
4:59 you know when you look at msp managed
5:01 service provider the most important
5:02 piece of that is is the word service and
5:05 as an msp i would want to deliver the
5:08 best service to my customers that i
5:10 could possibly could and i want the best
5:11 tools that are available to me and i
5:13 think artificial intelligence really
5:15 gives me as you mentioned you know that
5:17 second set of hands that allows me to
5:19 deliver not just a good or acceptable
5:21 level of service to my customers but i
5:23 want to exceed their expectations so
5:25 what are the advantages of ai for those
5:27 interested in expanding their business
5:29 to cover managed services
5:31 well if you look at what it takes to do
5:33 managed services i can't tell you how
5:34 many times i've talked to you know
5:36 owners principles of companies saying
5:38 well we have to invest so much we got to
5:40 go build a knock we got to go buy tools
5:42 we're going to buy hardware we got to
5:44 hire a bunch of people
5:45 the low barrier to entry to be able to
5:48 create a service around the ai driven
5:50 enterprise is the lowest in the
5:52 marketplace you know really what do you
5:54 do you log in right i mean think about
5:56 that it's a cloud-hosted managed
5:58 solution uh you know it's all kinds of
6:01 things that can go wrong when you're a
6:03 service provider you know you know one
6:05 of the biggest parasites in your profit
6:07 is downtime right the faster mean time
6:09 to repair means you can offer higher
6:11 slas without having to make massive
6:13 investments um you also have ways to
6:16 where you're going to be able to meet
6:17 your slas because you're going to have
6:18 better uptime right so that way you
6:20 don't have to pay penalties for downtime
6:22 because you didn't make your slas so by
6:24 utilizing ai and utilizing these tools
6:26 you can provide a very low barrier to
6:29 entry easy way to get up and running
6:31 fastest way to deploy and manage and on
6:33 top of that think about profitability
6:35 how much does it cost you in manpower to
6:37 go out there and upgrade networks do
6:40 change control do management do all this
6:42 kind of stuff
6:43 i mean it's like having a system that's
6:45 upgrading itself just makes you that
6:47 much more efficient so there's so many
6:50 different benefits being able to do this
6:52 through a managed service that you might
6:54 not think of the traditional ways at the
6:56 end of the day makes you more profitable
6:58 makes your customers happier right and
7:00 jason from your side do you have
7:01 anything to add to that
7:02 from like a partner perspective right
7:04 i'm i'm looking to
7:06 uh
7:07 like deploy an environment i can use
7:09 some experience um
7:11 where we had a large customer a large
7:13 university customer that came to us i
7:15 want to do a wireless refresh
7:17 and this is a fairly large campus with
7:20 around 70 buildings ultimately they
7:22 purchased 4 000 aps
7:24 and it was up to us to get that deployed
7:26 into the campus right
7:28 now this did happen around covet so we
7:29 had a slight advantage where
7:32 the students weren't on campus and
7:34 things so we didn't have to work at
7:35 night thankfully
7:36 um but we had a three-man team
7:39 and to go in and deploy 4000 aps that's
7:41 a daunting task
7:42 right i
7:43 just the design in in
7:47 the design and implementation that we
7:48 did
7:49 that's one thing but then ensuring the
7:51 system is operating properly uh making
7:54 sure that from a wi-fi perspective all
7:56 the channels and powers were set the way
7:58 they need to be and to run and
8:00 provide the best user experience that
8:02 that's a whole other task
8:04 because we had artificial intelligence
8:05 that could take on that operation side
8:08 all i had to do was design
8:10 uh where the aps needed to go in the
8:12 buildings have a cabling team strap them
8:14 to the ceiling and we came back two days
8:16 later just to verify that everything was
8:18 working fine i didn't go back to a
8:19 single building and retune anything
8:21 because artificial intelligence was that
8:23 second set of hands that we could rely
8:25 on to take that that part of the project
8:28 forward for us so where you know again
8:31 where that that project would have maybe
8:33 taken a year and a half or
8:35 ten guys we were able to knock this out
8:37 with just three folks so if i'm a
8:39 partner i'm looking at this thinking
8:40 that
8:41 you have artificial intelligence that's
8:43 great what does that give me it allows
8:45 me to deliver
8:46 um
8:47 faster to my customer it allows me to
8:49 deliver more with the same amount of
8:50 resources it's going to make the people
8:51 out there in the field more valuable all
8:53 right so jason could you describe what
8:54 benefits you see for uh partners and
8:56 msps looking to grow their business
8:59 absolutely i mean i just talked about
9:01 how easy it is to deploy but from a
9:04 customer perspective i usually look at a
9:06 network um as a means to an end right i
9:09 need to i need to have a way for my
9:12 workforce to access resources in my data
9:14 center right
9:16 there's there's nothing really
9:18 inherently good about that it just ends
9:20 up being a cost center but what if as a
9:22 as an msp
9:24 you can affect some business outcomes
9:25 from your customers network what if i
9:28 can show my customer how to leverage
9:30 maybe user data from a retail
9:32 perspective pull that data off of the
9:34 network provide insight into what maybe
9:36 my customers are doing what my retail
9:39 customers are doing uh who maybe who
9:42 who's buying what who where where's
9:44 heavy foot traffic inside of a store
9:46 those kind of things from a health care
9:47 perspective
9:48 if what if i can help those customers
9:51 identify patients or track those devices
9:53 that we all know are millions of dollar
9:55 units i want to know where all those
9:57 things are at so as an msp i can bring
10:00 that additional value i'm not just
10:02 selling a wireless network or a wired
10:04 network i can then take it to a more
10:07 valuable conversation and how i can
10:09 truly help you leverage your network
10:11 as a business thank you so much for
10:13 joining us here um jason mark really a
10:16 great point to end on right there
10:18 up next we actually have an overview
10:20 from forrester's andre kindness covering
10:23 how ai is impacting the market let's
10:25 kick it off with andre thank you thank
10:27 you very much for inviting me and i
10:28 appreciate the juniper team
10:30 giving me a chance to kind of share our
10:32 research and uh you know talk about what
10:34 we've been working on at forrester
10:36 research
10:38 i think i'd like to uh kind of spend the
10:40 next 20 minutes talking to you about
10:42 some of the research as i spoke about
10:44 earlier
10:45 and in the sense of you know how's you
10:47 know taking a combination of artificial
10:49 intelligence and data science tools
10:51 going to help simplify
10:53 uh improve you know kind of the network
10:55 operations and what i mean by that is
10:57 kind of service level assurance event
10:59 correlation root cause identification
11:01 for example
11:03 even you know private analytics anomaly
11:05 detection and some of the really kind of
11:07 the foundational pieces of self-driving
11:10 network
11:11 and why a lot of this you know piece of
11:13 it is really coming from the cloud
11:15 you're starting to see a big shift on
11:17 where the tools like management
11:18 monitoring tools are
11:20 and um why the cloud really makes sense
11:23 for a majority of them out there
11:26 even in europe and um what i know
11:28 there's some concerns around gdpr when
11:30 it comes to cloud-based tools
11:32 but you know i can talk about some of
11:34 that
11:35 and then why you know you brought up
11:36 earlier about wireless land land and
11:38 even
11:40 you know wireless lan and lan and lan
11:43 is the fact is that it's meshing
11:45 together kind of this fabric of
11:47 connections um you know that's we're not
11:49 really looking at
11:51 things very broken down into a
11:53 particular silo you know in in analyzing
11:56 in that area but the realities are it's
11:58 a mesh of them to really enable what
12:00 needs to happen
12:02 you know
12:03 unlike a lot of other kind of
12:05 presentations or maybe uh reports out
12:08 there we are going to put some actually
12:09 and i'm going to bring up some financial
12:11 analysis that will support this and um
12:14 you know makes it important to the
12:15 business itself
12:17 so if uh you take a look you know as we
12:19 kind of go into the next slide itself um
12:22 i'm going to start a little bit
12:23 differently than probably a lot of firms
12:25 out there a lot of presentations when it
12:27 comes to the analysts i'm not going to
12:28 show you you know the market drivers or
12:30 these huge uptakes in uh in adoption
12:32 around particular tools itself
12:35 as i mentioned
12:36 the business is really expecting a lot
12:38 more from technology
12:40 and you're starting to see this in
12:41 different areas on request on why should
12:44 we invest in particular technology so
12:46 i'm going to start off more on if we
12:48 head into the next slide itself
12:50 more on the business side and um
12:54 really kind of dig into that area and
12:56 then why you know some of the financial
12:58 analysis we did behind this
13:00 the technology that juniper is offering
13:03 uh resonates well with with the business
13:05 itself
13:06 if you're on the left-hand side and then
13:08 you see the business and the business
13:11 very similar to you know what's the
13:13 customers are doing
13:15 that a business is serving a customer
13:17 by
13:18 using a lot of different resources
13:20 combining together so you know the
13:22 actual the realities of marketing firms
13:23 or vendors you know whether being like
13:25 in the retail store stocking shelves or
13:27 the products in the retail store itself
13:29 doesn't come from the retailer it comes
13:31 from a bunch of vendors out there and
13:33 even the technology they use
13:35 the distribution the trucks the
13:37 warehouses all come in from a different
13:40 set of resources and you see this kind
13:41 of business perspective of of different
13:43 types of connections out there
13:46 it makes a much more reactive to what
13:48 the customer wants on the right side is
13:50 they're using a bunch of connections as
13:52 well to a different set of resources and
13:54 we think about customers using their
13:55 mobile phones
13:57 and they're not going to one set of type
13:59 of resources when they make the
14:00 decisions any part of their life they're
14:03 using a lot of different connections as
14:04 well and little bits of resources
14:06 information whether it be friends on
14:08 facebook whether it be review sites
14:10 whether it be you know um you know
14:12 youtubes or instagrams
14:15 as they make these decisions in each one
14:17 of their lives themselves and then if
14:18 you go into the next slide where we talk
14:20 about this kind of fabric of connections
14:24 that
14:24 is mirroring so the business is saying
14:27 that they have this ecosystem of
14:29 resources and you see this kind of
14:31 fabric connections in there
14:33 the same thing is happening in the
14:35 technology world itself right and we're
14:37 not we're moving shifting ourselves and
14:39 we've been this has been happening for a
14:41 while
14:42 of applications being in a central
14:44 location the data center now you're
14:46 starting to see applications and usage
14:48 of them
14:49 from the cloud and it's not just an
14:51 infrastructure as a service where they
14:53 get built out there but we think about
14:55 sas as an application or backup and so
14:59 interesting enough if we just look at
15:00 the left-hand side of the slide is
15:03 it's becomes this data center and these
15:06 clouds and multi-cloud hybrid clouds
15:08 where you're having multiple connections
15:10 everywhere and the idea of what we saw
15:12 in the data center itself with this
15:13 fabric of connections that you can do
15:15 with
15:16 vxlan evpn
15:18 and
15:19 in this type of environment starts to go
15:21 out to the cloud where
15:23 now you have these bits of resources
15:25 everywhere and they even say that
15:27 on the other side of it is
15:30 that cloud and hybrid or multi-cloud and
15:32 those definitions
15:34 are now really not just public and
15:36 private cloud and and what that entails
15:38 is now you're starting to see this edge
15:40 come into the play where you see
15:43 data and applications
15:45 being dispersed in all these areas
15:46 itself
15:49 and so
15:50 the fabric connections we think about in
15:52 the data center now starts to as i
15:54 mentioned starts to appear on the lan
15:56 side
15:57 and even inside the retail store or your
16:00 bank or your hospital
16:03 that's happening that's happening as
16:05 well
16:07 that there's all these connections in
16:08 these areas and we think about from
16:10 from the customer in there or from the
16:13 from the
16:15 uh
16:16 employee in there or we're just even a
16:18 sales office to be employees in there
16:21 that it's not just about them and their
16:23 device connecting out to the area itself
16:26 what you're starting to see is even iot
16:29 um and you think about phillips light
16:31 bulbs uh oh sorry they've uh sold them
16:33 off in 2015 they're simplifying now
16:35 that's right or you think about bosch or
16:37 you think about these other areas
16:39 um hvac systems from uh and and control
16:43 systems from like bosch and security
16:45 cameras
16:46 and mobidex
16:48 are a few of them that
16:49 you think about them the realities are
16:51 the cameras and the security lights and
16:53 are the lights themselves even the hvac
16:56 systems within those areas the devices
16:57 are con talking to each other
17:00 very similar to what we saw in the data
17:01 center where vms were talking to each
17:03 other right
17:04 yeah and so we see that on this other
17:06 side starting to appear where light
17:07 bulbs and then heating systems and and
17:10 security cameras
17:11 based on the building and making these
17:13 decisions what goes on there in the
17:15 interactions of the amount of employees
17:17 and in the time they just start and
17:19 things that are going on
17:21 that we see this kind of inner traffic
17:23 as well as this traffic going in and out
17:25 of the site itself and so you start to
17:27 see this very meshing of types of
17:29 connections out there
17:31 in this world and so
17:33 the reason why i bring it up is is you
17:35 go into the next site which should be
17:36 the iot side and kind of the the pies is
17:41 is the realities of
17:43 if you look at the left side where
17:45 ports out there and virtual ports in
17:47 this environment
17:49 you know historically has been very
17:51 dominated by mobile phones amount of
17:53 connections
17:54 and then there's a slice of the pi
17:55 amount of connections
17:57 by
17:58 servers and printers and things like
18:00 that so we look at the overall amount of
18:01 ports in the world around us
18:04 it's going to be shifting to the right
18:06 side is
18:08 the realities of ports or virtual ports
18:10 are going to be dominated by the iot
18:13 devices themselves so vms and printers
18:15 and and um servers themselves and um
18:20 that we traditionally thought is going
18:22 to be a small piece of the pie compared
18:24 to the 20 30 50 100 billion whatever
18:27 people are
18:28 talking about there the majority and
18:29 will be these iot devices all talking to
18:32 each other
18:33 and and so this is a very important
18:35 aspect of why i want to bring this up is
18:38 that
18:39 when we think about that in that area is
18:42 you're going to start to use and think
18:44 about the fact is that
18:46 all these things all these devices as
18:48 well as the traditional
18:50 technology as we kind of go into the
18:51 next slide itself is
18:54 is that
18:55 now you have this kind of
18:57 disappearing of of the idea that things
19:00 are just on the wireless lan or just the
19:02 lan and these segments get broken down
19:04 that the reality now you kind of create
19:06 this
19:07 business-wide fabric
19:09 because data and applications are going
19:11 to be everywhere whether it be on some
19:12 of the iot devices or like an edge
19:15 compute server storage or in a cloud or
19:18 a sas or private cloud
19:21 all these are going to have not just
19:23 physical but these virtual connections
19:25 all over the place and um
19:28 and so why i want to bring this up is
19:31 the complexity is going to be blown two
19:33 or three four or five magnitudes
19:35 compared to what you see in a data
19:36 center and creating fabrics or even more
19:38 we see when today that
19:40 that that the realities of
19:43 of what we've done in the past and you
19:45 know dependent on very kind of manual
19:47 tools or even just tools that are just
19:49 you know kind of dumb is not going to
19:52 suffice to where we need to go and where
19:55 things are going in the world around us
19:56 itself um
19:58 and then as we kind of go into the next
20:00 slide where we're seeing this clock
20:04 you know
20:05 the realities are
20:06 it's not just also about you know people
20:08 talk about and they come to you and they
20:10 talk about one particular technology or
20:12 another
20:13 uh the realities are it's a lot of
20:16 technologies are going to enable this
20:18 world
20:19 that is responding to the digitalization
20:22 that's starting to happen within these
20:23 companies are already happening within
20:25 companies out there um
20:27 and the realities are that it's the
20:29 intermixing of all these technologies
20:31 that are going to enable a lot of those
20:33 responses to the customer and the
20:35 customer
20:36 using technologies to make decisions in
20:38 every day of their life and so you just
20:40 see this increase of speed and
20:42 information
20:44 using multiple technologies in this area
20:46 itself which then drives us to the idea
20:49 that if you go into the next slide yawn
20:52 is that
20:53 we start to see the realities of one
20:55 thing happening is
20:57 to be able to manage this world you
20:59 start to realize that we're going to
21:01 have to have artificial intelligence and
21:03 machine learning
21:05 take up a lot of this because
21:08 making decisions on security and
21:10 connections that are not going to be
21:12 static that they're always going to be
21:13 readjusting depending on the types of
21:16 connections need to happen and where the
21:18 information needs to come from when we
21:20 think about that the fact is that
21:23 a lot of things inside that building
21:26 are caustic are not safe um you know
21:29 that that don't belong to the company
21:31 and they need to be segmented and need
21:32 to be isolated and similar to what we
21:34 saw vms in the data center
21:37 um you're going to start to see iot
21:38 device get put into vx lands and evpn
21:41 lands i'm sorry vxland and managed by
21:43 evpn on the edge of the network itself
21:46 very similar to what we saw in the data
21:48 center and and these cabra these
21:51 connections that come and go
21:53 need to be dynamic and you need to
21:55 understand what goes on whether it be on
21:57 wired or wireless or lan itself
22:00 and so the idea that
22:02 having something on site
22:04 having this ability to to
22:08 recognize and make decisions and shift
22:10 and spin things up and down
22:12 it's not going to work anymore that you
22:14 need to have management and monitoring
22:16 things that typically were
22:18 on-site itself start to be in a cloud to
22:20 use that cloud-based compute and storage
22:24 that is a lot larger than what a lot of
22:26 organizations have on site so you start
22:28 to see this shift in in companies and
22:30 especially networking organizations
22:32 use um
22:35 sas
22:36 and use um
22:38 as as a main foundation to supporting
22:41 the networking organization and the
22:42 tools coming from that area and because
22:44 when we think about
22:46 that so many things need to happen at
22:47 one time that ai and machine learning
22:50 can be better you leveraged the compute
22:53 storage that's out there for for many
22:55 organizations
22:57 and i realized that um you know
22:59 a lot of european customers come to me
23:01 and say well we're worried about putting
23:02 information out there because of gdpr
23:04 and privacy and security
23:07 already 43 percent of organizations are
23:09 using european organizations are using
23:11 you know
23:12 erp systems and businesses using erp
23:15 systems they're using and 33 of
23:18 companies out there and europe or
23:19 european-based companies are already
23:21 using uh financial sas based systems so
23:25 if if if they're meeting the gdpr
23:28 requirements of that sas space or the
23:30 sas based company like you know if we
23:31 think about mist that you know whether
23:33 it be a processor or a broker then they
23:36 then you can use that as as part of your
23:40 collection of tools out there
23:42 and the realities is that sas based
23:44 systems and especially when it comes to
23:46 upgrades
23:47 much quicker the they fix bugs within
23:50 the software a much quicker rate than
23:52 than organizations can do on site itself
23:55 typically what you see is also sas based
23:58 systems are much more secure because
23:59 they are fixing it much quicker itself
24:01 but also they find things quicker and
24:02 they have ones that really
24:04 software they're updating and not
24:05 requiring it to be pushed out to
24:07 different customers that have on-site so
24:10 not just from a security perspective but
24:12 even a cost perspective
24:15 we're seeing that instead of setting
24:17 things up on site
24:18 managing and keeping them updated and
24:20 making sure that meeting the security
24:21 profiles and and in in having a
24:24 dedicated set of servers and storage for
24:26 these devices
24:27 the cost is much lower for sas based
24:30 systems out there
24:33 and even the
24:34 the reality is too that
24:36 one of the biggest things is
24:38 infrastructures need to be on five or
24:40 six nines
24:41 always on
24:42 and because the realities are that so
24:44 much of a business whether it be
24:45 healthcare or even aircraft or airports
24:49 they're using so much technology there's
24:51 no acceptable downtime anymore it's too
24:53 costly in the u.s we had four airlines
24:55 that had network issues the least amount
24:58 in the us was 280 million dollars to
25:00 remove aircraft around and re-ticket
25:02 people just for an hour of downtime from
25:04 the network itself
25:06 it's just too too costly in this area
25:08 and so we think about from a disaster
25:10 recovery
25:11 a lot of on-premise systems can't be
25:13 moved to another data center or out to
25:15 the cloud and so sas based systems are
25:17 much more resilient to to that area
25:19 itself i know i'm a little bit over time
25:21 but let me just kind of summarize that
25:25 that
25:26 as i mentioned a lot of the fact is that
25:30 the aiml has been will be and is be a
25:33 fundamental piece to kind of
25:34 software-driven network and and the fact
25:36 is that where things are going and it's
25:38 really going to be from these
25:39 cloud-based
25:40 systems but remember not of all of them
25:43 are equal out there and take a look at
25:45 and may really do your homework on
25:48 their ability to do it and just because
25:49 they put something in cloud doesn't make
25:51 it good i see a lot of the companies out
25:53 there do a lift and shift they have
25:54 stuff that's on site and they're just
25:56 putting in cloud
25:57 99.99 percent of them are not good if
26:00 you dig into the features you do the
26:01 capabilities it's really a clumsy type
26:05 of thing that a lot of
26:06 good sas based systems are actually
26:08 built from the ground up they were built
26:10 in cloud and then uh and then
26:12 as a brand new system as not compared to
26:15 lift and shift
26:16 uh i can highly recommend that a lot of
26:19 the the market will shift to
26:22 not everything but most monitoring
26:24 management tools especially from the
26:26 networking perspective will shift to the
26:28 the cloud-based systems itself and um
26:31 the realities are
26:33 uh it's worth the investment today
26:35 because
26:37 the the things that are going on the
26:39 wired and wireless and the lan side
26:41 is really only a drop in the bucket to
26:43 the amount of devices i'll be connecting
26:45 that that will generate traffic and need
26:47 security concerns and and it will be
26:49 causing issues on the network itself and
26:51 it's worth the investment
26:52 today and to build that out and
26:54 expertise in that area
26:56 uh before
26:58 you'll see the deluge of iot devices
27:00 which will wreak havoc on most business
27:03 99 of businesses out there
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