Sudheer Matta, VP Products, Juniper Networks

AI in Action Customer Panel: Real AI-driven Networks and Outcomes

Exclusive AI in Action 23
Sudheer Matta Headshot
Jun 14, 2023

Hear four Juniper Mist customers tell why they chose Juniper as their network provider and how Mist AI with its AI-driven insights improved network operations and user experiences.
You’ll hear from:
-       Jason Coish, Loblaw Companies, LTD, who explains why Mist was their top choice due to its improved user experience and its reduced mean ticket time to resolution (MTTR). 
-       Amel Caldwell, University of Washington, who raves about their flawless deployment enabling seamless connectivity for users on their large co-located campus. 
-       Mike Worley, Rady’s Children’s Hospital, who shares their incredible story of deploying 900 APs in just 6 weeks and transforming their life-critical network. 
-       Matthew Frederick, H-E-B Digital, who reveals how after a 6-month pilot Juniper emerged as the ultimate Wi-Fi solution with zero Wi-Fi tickets.

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You’ll learn

  • Customer’s experience with Juniper vs competitors

  • Real customer results

Who is this for?

Business Leaders Network Professionals Security Professionals


 VP Products, Juniper Networks
Sudheer Matta
VP Products, Juniper Networks

Guest speakers

Michael Worley
Michael Worley
Network Technician, Rady Children’s Hospital
Matthew Frederick
Matthew Frederick
Lead Wireless Engineer, H-E-B Digital
Amel Caldwell
Amel Caldwell
Assistant Director, University of Washington
Jason Coish
Jason Coish
Network Voice and Wireless, Loblaw Companies Limited


0:00 [Music]

0:13 thank you very much for joining awesome

0:15 thank you sir so uh maybe I'll turn it

0:18 over to you and I'll introduce yourself

0:20 hi I'm Emil Caldwell I'm an assistant

0:22 director at the University of Washington

0:24 um we support three campuses and three

0:28 hospitals and several clinics

0:30 and we've been working with Miss for a

0:33 little over a year now

0:34 but a long time Juniper customer we've

0:36 been a long time Jennifer customer on

0:37 the wired side

0:39 since about 2000 we've had in our

0:41 gigapop and our Washington K20 network

0:44 and on campus and routing and switching

0:47 as well awesome thank you

0:50 uh yes so good afternoon everyone my

0:52 name is Jason koich I'm the director of

0:54 network voice and wireless for loblock

0:56 companies limited largest retailer in

0:58 Canada correct awesome okay hi I'm

1:01 Michael Worley I'm the senior Wireless

1:02 technician at Rady Children's Hospital

1:04 in San Diego we're the uh

1:09 San Diego County's Premier

1:11 Pediatric Hospital supporting uh you

1:15 know all of the kids in our County and

1:17 areas awesome thank you Mike for joining

1:19 Matthew yeah I'm Matt Frederick I'm the

1:21 lead Wireless engineer at HEB it's a

1:23 grocery chain in Texas it's around 370

1:25 stores

1:26 awesome there you go

1:29 they've planted their sales teams in the

1:31 audience and so cheering that's where

1:33 the sharing is coming from but

1:35 um Matthew maybe I'll start with you how

1:38 did how did you come to know about

1:40 Juniper because you were we were not an

1:41 incumbent provider for you yeah so we

1:43 were just um looking for our next

1:45 Generation Wi-Fi solution and uh you

1:47 know Juniper is one of the Front Runners

1:48 so we um we did a pilot with three

1:51 different vendors three different stores

1:52 for about six months it was a uh we were

1:56 kind of forced to accelerate ours

1:57 because there was an urgency to kind of

1:59 get off our older solution

2:02 um but yeah at the end of six months um

2:04 all of the metrics that we put out for

2:06 uh evaluating the solutions

2:09 um Juniper went out on that and um that

2:11 one of the biggest data points on it was

2:14 um that at the end of the six months the

2:16 Juniper store was the only one that

2:17 didn't have a Wi-Fi ticket put in and so

2:20 awesome thank you thank you yes so uh

2:23 zero ticket evaluation the zero ticket

2:26 POC uh yeah now that's something we

2:29 strive for I can't promise that every

2:31 time but uh uh Mike what's been your

2:34 experience uh our experience with with

2:36 uh you know evaluating uh Juniper Mist

2:39 uh against the incumbent and others was

2:42 we did about a two-year evaluation uh we

2:44 we partnered with a company to do with

2:46 Baker and not only did uh Mist win the

2:49 bake off but our personal uh preferences

2:52 and insights and and being able to see

2:54 you know client information come through

2:56 to us to make our job easier was

2:58 no-brainer awesome and and specifically

3:01 speaking for you it's it's a healthcare

3:03 institution yes it changes hard and the

3:06 network is you know life critical it's a

3:09 big decision so thank you for partnering

3:10 with us Jason about you so my our story

3:14 is uh very similar uh to um to the to

3:17 this two stories you just heard we

3:18 completed a two year lit we evaluated

3:21 four vendors and actually a fifth vendor

3:22 if you consider Cisco Meraki as separate

3:25 platforms we deployed it to seven or

3:28 eight stores each we spent a lot of time

3:31 we evaluated it against I would say 10

3:33 different categories and probably 100

3:35 different features or metrics and uh

3:38 Mist came out on top

3:39 um so it was it was an easy decision

3:41 once we laid it all out awesome thank

3:44 you very much so if if you're new to

3:46 Juniper Mist one thing I ask you to do

3:49 not do what Jason did do not try for two

3:51 two years

3:53 we starve ourselves for software if you

3:56 don't buy for two years so Amal you

3:58 didn't do that thankfully no we didn't

4:00 do that

4:01 um we first started with about 20 APS on

4:03 the floor in our building

4:05 um we worked with different engineers

4:08 and within about a week

4:10 we had everything that we worked on that

4:13 was working on our other vendor working

4:15 on mist and fully integrated

4:17 um and so at this time we were looking

4:20 at thinking about six gigahertz where

4:23 our other vendor is starting to cloud

4:25 cloud implementation so I felt like

4:28 we're going to be looking at Cloud with

4:30 them as well

4:31 and so I figured though you're a brand

4:33 new vendor and I think like a lot of you

4:36 I I had people I know people from our

4:39 current vendor that it currently works

4:40 for missed so I reached out to them and

4:43 you know it was great working with them

4:46 and you know Sadir says I had the

4:49 biggest pilot he's ever seen we ordered

4:52 a thousand APS and we put in our

4:54 building then we put in our computer

4:56 science buildings our electrical

4:58 engineering buildings our lecture Halls

5:01 um all of our highest capacity most

5:03 demanding users and it was flawless

5:07 awesome thank you Flawless that's a

5:09 great don't use that if you do want to

5:12 do a thousand AP pilot I'm all for that

5:15 so uh if if your budget allows that

5:17 that's great so Matthew you're a

5:19 Hands-On engineer uh this was a big

5:22 decision for your team you've been with

5:24 your previous vendor for several years

5:26 actually two generations what for you

5:29 was the compelling event for our

5:32 choosing mist

5:34 um yeah so I mean from from our

5:36 perspective the the wireless team

5:38 perspective just the um the usability of

5:41 the platform but also the amount of data

5:42 that we got in the platform so we um we

5:46 are able to now

5:48 use that data to then now get to like

5:51 the root cause of you know what an issue

5:53 was in the previous vendor we weren't

5:55 able to have much visibility into that

5:57 so it was kind of like a reboot and prey

6:00 that it just goes away and um but with

6:03 this one we're actually we're actually

6:04 not rebooting we're actually getting the

6:06 data we're getting the packet captures

6:08 we're seeing what's actually wrong and

6:10 whether it's residing with our team or a

6:12 different team we can use that to to

6:15 drive to a solution for it awesome

6:17 awesome and uh Mike um how was the

6:21 deployment experience uh because uh that

6:23 that's it's very critical especially a

6:26 hospital in California with all the uh

6:29 all the requirements there how did you

6:31 go through that we uh subcontracted out

6:33 to a low voltage vendor uh about four

6:35 guys uh deployed 900 APS within six

6:38 weeks and it's been fantastic

6:41 yeah and and uh the brackets talk about

6:44 the brackets your sales Engineers are

6:46 going to tell you that you can reuse

6:48 your existing brackets provided you're

6:50 with an incumbent vendor um don't use

6:52 them use the brackets that come with the

6:55 aps they're so much better I love those

6:58 things so the and you have a story about

7:00 brackets as well so talk about that yeah

7:03 so one way to put with our other vendor

7:05 when we deploy we have to know what this

7:07 what the modeling type is what ceiling

7:09 grid is like or is it hard lid is it

7:11 wall mounted and we have to supply we

7:14 have to maintain a stock of at least

7:17 five to seven different mounts

7:19 and with mass we get the map the

7:22 mounting bracket with the AP and it fits

7:24 95 or more percent of our installations

7:27 Universal bracket it's a universal

7:29 bracket it's a thing yeah

7:31 Jason how how was your POC experience

7:36 human long POC uh all kinds of vendors

7:39 uh what's the AHA from mist

7:44 okay

7:45 I think the

7:47 um we we evaluated that the AI the ml

7:50 platform was probably between 18 to 24

7:53 months ahead of the competition and

7:56 that was that was difficult to ascertain

7:59 but the level of detail that we went

8:02 into as you know we talked about a

8:04 two-year two-year two-year two-year and

8:06 don't do two-year

8:08 but it really it really hammered home a

8:11 lot of the things that you're hearing

8:12 today from from the customers and from

8:14 you know the the engineers and the

8:15 Juniper folks it really is

8:18 um a fantastic platform and it really

8:20 does learn about the environment and can

8:23 help us help our customers and that

8:25 ultimately is what makes our mttr go

8:28 down our customer experience go up and

8:30 uh and really provide that world-class

8:32 service that our clients and our

8:34 customers expect awesome

8:36 um if any of you have a question for our

8:38 esteemed panel here walk up uh I guess

8:41 if you ask a question just to Mosey up

8:44 and stand up to a mic I'll give away a a

8:46 Marvis jacket how about that right so if

8:49 you have a question please uh you know

8:51 even if you're an existing customer if

8:53 you have a genuine question please walk

8:55 up Amel uh the

8:58 higher ed is a Melting Pot of devices I

9:02 mean it's the it's sincerely you know of

9:04 all the networks I know the healthcare

9:06 folks think it's their network is hard

9:08 everybody thinks their network is hard

9:09 but your network literally changes on

9:12 you every three months when students

9:14 come in with their new devices no

9:16 control but the harder part is actually

9:18 doing this transition you have 18 000

9:21 APS and you're only a thousand fifteen

9:23 hundred APS through Mist how are you

9:25 dealing with that transition that's

9:27 where a lot of customers get started

9:28 right so with our other vendor

9:30 everything is tunnel back to a central

9:32 location so we deployed must Edge

9:35 devices and we we put the client user

9:37 mainlands on the same VLAN so they share

9:40 the same IP space

9:41 and so when we and we're also careful to

9:44 not mix within buildings we'll have a

9:47 missed building that it might be next to

9:49 naruba building I'm sorry or the vendor

9:51 building

9:56 um I'm not doing a robot

10:00 um but since they keep the same IP they

10:03 just roam freely and you know with the

10:06 integration that they helped us with it

10:09 just works what works with that issue

10:12 and that's a big deal especially for a

10:14 large co-located campus Because without

10:17 changing the profile on the user the

10:19 user should know that they're connecting

10:21 to a missed AP or another vendors AP and

10:24 and I would say that

10:26 um

10:27 the thing that really helped was

10:31 your engineers now the other vendors

10:33 products as well are better than those

10:35 vendors do

10:37 that's good that's good you have a story

10:40 Mike on that white glove right how we we

10:44 talk about because

10:46 we Juniper you know we have a great

10:49 product but we have four percent market

10:51 share in in Wireless we have we every

10:54 nothing within is something that was

10:56 handed to us we earned that and so

10:58 culturally the way we are built is to

11:01 literally just White Glove these these

11:04 engagements so much that you not only

11:06 love the product but the people talk

11:08 about your experience uh White Glove and

11:10 earning it it has never been more true

11:13 uh with another render uh rather than

11:15 fire and forget meaning you know hey the

11:17 sales made the POS cut I don't want to

11:19 hear from these people calling to tech

11:21 support I I feel that uh I've personally

11:24 been in touch and surrounded with my

11:26 sales engineer uh and opening a ticket

11:30 or opening an incident and then getting

11:31 on the phone with the product Engineers

11:33 product developers the the knock at

11:36 Juniper missed eight people sitting on

11:38 this call troubleshooting this issue

11:40 coming to a resolution and saying hey

11:43 you know what this is what we're going

11:44 to do for now we've got a feature

11:45 request then we'll get a firmware out in

11:47 a couple of months it's been amazing

11:50 awesome thank you Mike and support wise

11:53 ml you have a story around just the

11:55 support interactions uh yeah yeah no

11:58 it's been great so

12:00 our issue is our client

12:03 um tickets we have very little on either

12:05 side either vendor but we're I really

12:07 see the savings is with our other vendor

12:10 I probably spend one and one to one and

12:13 a half ftes

12:14 supporting

12:16 issues with their software with their

12:18 hardware and we have tickets that have

12:21 gone on for two years

12:23 with missed we we spent maybe five

12:28 percent of our time at most and most of

12:31 our tickets are

12:33 are resolved sometimes the same day

12:35 an example at

12:37 um so there doesn't know about this but

12:39 yesterday we had a big Zoom call

12:41 all of our department 400 people on it

12:43 and our avps in our building some of the

12:46 surrogate and garbled connections

12:48 and so we had the zoom integration in

12:50 our Miss portal and we could see that in

12:53 the in the zoom statistics

12:55 and we're able to use the slas to see

12:59 that we're having a lot of broadcasts

13:01 would look like high DHCP issues DNS

13:04 issues and we found the trigger

13:07 and then I reached out to people at this

13:09 conference with about two hours they had

13:12 figured the root cause analysis and know

13:14 what the problem is no thank you very

13:16 much thank you yeah uh great story

13:21 Tom I'll go to you since you're standing

13:22 there I don't give you t-shirts for

13:24 Juniper employees but sure try first of

13:26 all you do owe somebody a t-shirt they

13:28 tweeted that Cydia rocks and Tom sucks

13:32 I just wanted to thank you for that

13:35 second I wanted people to know the mic

13:37 was right here if you have questions and

13:39 then third I have a question for the

13:41 panel so when you made the migration

13:44 from your old Network to the Juniper

13:47 Mist Network how big a deal was that for

13:50 you how difficult and painful and you

13:53 had to manage two workflows for a while

13:55 the old workflow for the old Network and

13:58 the new workflow was that a big deal was

14:01 that a challenge how did you deal with

14:02 it

14:03 Matthew maybe you if you want to start

14:06 um yeah sure so um as far as the

14:08 transition process I mean the the

14:10 installation of the APS and and getting

14:12 getting the old Network out and the new

14:14 network in

14:15 um has been

14:17 um has been really great like with uh

14:19 we're able to train our vendors on the

14:21 insta on the missed AI app and then they

14:23 can then you know place the aps on the

14:25 map name them and stuff and so there's

14:27 no more of the you know just getting a

14:29 hand-drawn map from the vendor and just

14:31 getting a picture from the cell phone

14:32 and then having to track everything down

14:35 um so just when it's cut over it's it's

14:37 up and it's working

14:39 um and um as far as as

14:42 um the two workflows the workflow with

14:44 Miss is is

14:45 um it's it's pretty much lined out there

14:48 kind of what you need to do because it's

14:50 if something's wrong it kind of tells

14:51 you this is wrong and this is where to

14:53 go and things and um you know all of us

14:55 are are Norway round enough to where we

14:58 know you know to read packet captures or

15:01 something like that if there's an issue

15:02 so

15:03 um really it's just like if an issue

15:06 arises at one of the newer missed stores

15:08 and

15:10 um then we just take care of it if it's

15:12 an issue arises at one of the stores

15:14 that we have in transition yet it's like

15:15 no and then yeah

15:19 Jason you have a massive Network right

15:22 almost 35 000 APS you haven't

15:25 transitioned quite yet a lot of that yet

15:28 how is that working for you uh so very

15:31 similar

15:32 um so we came from a zero touch event

15:34 under today so we expected nothing but

15:36 zero touch and the nice thing about the

15:39 the transition to mist has been our

15:41 partner our feet on the ground

15:44 um in today's world in our incumbent

15:46 they've got full access to our platform

15:47 and that's something that I would rather

15:49 not have that requires in order for them

15:51 to do their job uh with the missed

15:53 platform we stepped it back we reduced

15:56 the access that they have reduced the

15:58 ability to make for them to make changes

15:59 that could cause a problem and we

16:02 maintained a the exact same deployment

16:04 methodology so it had a the you know pun

16:07 intended there was Zero impact yeah

16:10 nice Mike yeah our uh you know the

16:13 deployment rollout was actually fairly

16:15 seamless 20 of our sites were remote

16:17 locations that uh shut down in the

16:19 evening so we were able to go in and

16:21 knock these buildings out very quickly

16:23 and very easily our big challenge at the

16:25 hospital is I've got four large

16:27 buildings at the main campus that

16:28 comprised roughly half of my AP

16:30 deployment with patients clinicians

16:33 families moving through roaming from the

16:37 incumbent to the the new missed APS as

16:39 we went through and it took us about two

16:41 weeks I did not have one ticket

16:44 from from that deployment process that

16:47 we we established very clear boundaries

16:49 and let people know if you're roaming

16:52 and using uh say a jabber client device

16:55 for your phone calls stop

16:58 finish your call then continue about

17:00 your business and that saved us it

17:02 really it made the The Experience just

17:04 awesome awesome thank you thank you very

17:07 much that's a question there yeah

17:11 oh yeah I had a two question so the

17:12 first question is for anyone who like

17:14 migrated from like an incumbent Wireless

17:17 provider to mist

17:19 um have you has anybody done so in

17:21 predominantly outdoor environments and

17:24 what type of performance differences did

17:26 you see and then the second question is

17:28 since you've migrated over to miss and

17:30 you've come from like an incumbent kind

17:31 of driver has anybody leveraged the apis

17:34 and obtained data that you couldn't get

17:36 from the other provider and how are you

17:37 using those apis today

17:39 yeah

17:40 I can say we work with our Telecom team

17:44 quite a bit and they're deploying a lot

17:47 of Wi-Fi phones

17:48 and so to support e911

17:51 they have to they look at the API from a

17:54 missed and they're able to get the

17:55 bssids figure out what IP they're on and

17:58 based on our naming structure they know

18:00 where the the client is connected

18:03 the other side

18:05 they better still run SSH commands and

18:08 parts show show commands to figure out

18:10 that data because the API doesn't give

18:13 them everything they need

18:15 as for outdoor we have very little we

18:18 did put some on our building and it it

18:21 has been performing very well

18:23 um at the top of our parking deck it's

18:26 probably 150 feet

18:29 um or more

18:30 we get 200 megabits anywhere on that on

18:33 that parking deck

18:34 nice Jason not much outdoor in in your

18:37 environment so um we do actually have uh

18:40 so um the business that I support is a

18:43 largest grocery chain in Canada we've

18:46 got about 1100 grocery stores as part of

18:48 that we have garden centers so what we

18:51 do is we drop we drop an ap63 on the

18:54 side of the building and we then we use

18:55 an ap12 to mesh the point of sale lanes

19:00 that are in our parking lots to support

19:02 our our actually busiest time of the

19:04 year and that is you know the springtime

19:06 as those garden centers kick up so and

19:08 then so far it's been fantastic there's

19:10 been no issues whatsoever and we're

19:11 looking to expand our outdoor offering

19:14 um specifically in our supply chain

19:15 space awesome and you have some outdoor

19:17 yeah yeah so we have almost all of our

19:20 stores have outdoor curbside so we have

19:22 APS there but we also have I mean it's

19:24 not quite outdoor but we have wire uh

19:27 warehouse and Manufacturing and stuff

19:28 like that so it it's you know very

19:30 similar to outdoor in those large spaces

19:32 um and it's we we've got them

19:35 um as far as curbside it's worked great

19:38 um the only the only downfall I will

19:40 continue to Hound West and Jean until I

19:41 die for an integrated directional AP

19:43 that's right so you need that you need

19:45 the accessories here

19:47 and figure that out right here right now

19:49 so but so but yeah with working with

19:53 Excel text we have antennas that we use

19:55 and and the performance is great

19:57 um and as far as API

19:59 um we're just doing stuff every day

20:01 because it's basically just a Json

20:02 output you just interpret whatever you

20:05 want from it and um so you know we have

20:07 scripts that you know find find me APS

20:10 that have 100 megabit Uplink find me EPS

20:12 that have the wrong IP address find

20:14 meeps that are or find me clients that

20:16 have more of this installed or you know

20:18 just I mean the data is just there so

20:20 you can the script basically whatever

20:22 you want

20:23 awesome last question and then we'll we

20:26 we're we're going to a break right uh so

20:29 uh go ahead please

20:31 yeah I had a question regarding

20:34 um Legacy

20:36 devices uh iot and BYOD devices what

20:41 improvements in in metrics and data have

20:45 you guys seen when it comes to

20:48 supporting troubleshooting

20:50 older and upcoming newer devices that we

20:54 know all cause a lot of trouble for us

20:57 hmm oh I could definitely take this one

20:59 so

21:02 um well we have an iot device in our

21:05 stores that's responsible for some music

21:09 um it's a Raspberry Pi and once it gets

21:12 deployed

21:13 um you know it it stays and it's

21:15 supported by a vendor and it wasn't a

21:18 good Wi-Fi device it wasn't a good Wi-Fi

21:19 client we spent with the data that the

21:23 Mis platform was able to generate for us

21:24 we spent weeks working with the vendor

21:27 to try and isolate it and and modify the

21:29 device such that it would play nice and

21:32 in the end it wasn't going to so we we

21:35 turned back to the Miss team we said fix

21:37 it and less than 24 liters 24 hours

21:40 later we had a beta build that was

21:42 tested and validated and then a day

21:44 later it was deployed and addressed the

21:46 issue brought those devices online that

21:48 was one iot device so that was great

21:50 yeah one one per store I should say

21:53 um and then the other one was uh we've

21:55 got scales so you know you're checking

21:57 out your meat you whatever

21:59 um some of these scales are older than I

22:01 am

22:02 um and that's that that's hard for a

22:04 wireless device to play with current

22:07 generation technology and we had to

22:10 solve it again we solved the problem

22:11 with the Mis platform not by swapping

22:14 out the hardware very cost you know

22:16 prohibitive for us we didn't rely on the

22:19 vendor to make changes they weren't

22:20 going to make changes to a platform that

22:22 had expired

22:24 um we we basically tasked Miss with it

22:25 and they resolved it for us it took a

22:27 little bit longer than 24 hours but uh

22:30 but in the end they provided the

22:31 solution we implemented it and now our

22:33 scales are happy on the network and

22:35 people are buying product and it doesn't

22:37 notice the difference so very nice and

22:40 and the question came from a large

22:41 retailer I can't mention them uh but uh

22:44 uh very large so anyway uh thank you

22:47 very much I know we are out of time what

22:49 I can commit to you is uh these folks

22:52 are here uh they're here if you want to

22:55 uh tap on the shoulder and and ask more

22:57 questions tomorrow is the boot camp so

23:00 so definitely during all day tomorrow or

23:02 anytime this evening uh please connect

23:04 with them uh I think the the thing that

23:07 if you are new to Juniper mist

23:10 the thing that I want you to count on is

23:13 it'll be the best network experience

23:15 you've ever had

23:17 and more importantly it'll be the best

23:19 team you've ever worked with we take

23:21 pride in who we are as a company and how

23:23 we interact with our customers and so

23:25 anyway talk to our customers talk to us

23:27 we're going to a break but right after

23:29 break if you're on time if you're on

23:32 time I'm going to give away a piece for

23:34 everybody no I'm not gonna

23:37 I did that once and I'm still I lost a

23:40 person because of that so uh so but

23:43 we're gonna give away some great prizes

23:44 Beyond Time come back next is is all the

23:48 product updates so so actual roadmap

23:51 product updates from the wild Wireless

23:52 team the data center team our security

23:55 team is in the house and so the entire

23:58 product portfolio and advancements we're

24:00 making there is right after the break

24:02 please take a break and come right back

24:04 thank you very much

24:06 [Music]

24:18 thank you

24:20 [Music]

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