AI-driven SD-WAN Demo: WAN Assurance

Get an expert-led tour of the Mist AI user interface.
This demonstration is must-see viewing for network operators who want to learn how Juniper WAN Assurance, powered by Session Smart Routing and Mist AI, works to provide actionable insights into events impacting end user experiences.
You’ll learn
The myriad ways the Juniper Mist WAN Assurance service simplifies operations and improves visibility into end-user experiences
How Marvis works proactively to show you actions that improve your network
Additional cool things the Mist AI engine can do to help you monitor user experiences
Who is this for?
00:04 welcome to a demonstration of juniper
00:06 mist wan assurance with session smart
00:08 routing
00:10 wan assurance is just the latest in a
00:12 suite of assurance offerings in mist
00:14 built to understand and assure user
00:17 experience completely
00:19 in the journey of a packet from client
00:21 to cloud as it hops onto your
00:23 industry-leading missed wi-fi
00:25 crosses your best-in-class enterprise
00:27 switch fabric
00:29 and traverses your innovative tunnel
00:31 free secure sd-wan the wireless wired
00:35 and wan assurances work together in a
00:37 complete full stack branch solution
00:41 let's hop into our missed user interface
00:43 for a look around
00:46 starting at the highest level view
00:48 designed for msps and the largest
00:50 enterprise network operators you have a
00:52 dashboard showing you the estate at an
00:55 organizational level
00:57 you see your device inventory and get a
00:59 top level indicator of organization
01:01 health drawing your attention to areas
01:04 that may require it
01:06 moving into a particular organization we
01:08 get our first glimpse at a site level
01:10 view
01:11 we see devices and user activity
01:13 happening at the site
01:15 a history of user and device events are
01:18 shown with client events categorized
01:20 into good bad and neutral events
01:23 applications being consumed by users at
01:25 the site are also shown giving a
01:28 comprehensive overview of user activity
01:31 further down key wan edge device
01:34 performance data is plotted in a set of
01:36 charts we see resource utilization
01:39 including cpu forwarding core and memory
01:42 near the bottom of the page we see when
01:44 performance for the network paths
01:46 connecting this wan edge to its peers
01:49 this gives a historical look at path
01:51 behavior including loss latency
01:54 jitter and moss score
01:58 moving back up to our clients list we
02:00 can even get a detailed view of
02:02 applications being used by a particular
02:04 user device at the site
02:07 now being able to see network data with
02:09 your own eyes is great but let's head
02:11 over to marvis and see what your ai
02:13 powered network assistant sees
02:16 these are marvis actions the proactive
02:19 side of marvis
02:20 actions are things that marvis has
02:22 already noticed found and understood
02:25 from taking a proactive look at the data
02:28 if there is an action that can be taken
02:30 to improve the user experience it will
02:32 be brought to the forefront here
02:35 from our wan we can see that marvis has
02:36 identified a persisting lte signal
02:39 quality issue
02:40 from here we can drill into the details
02:42 of the issue and get a better sense of
02:44 the impacts
02:46 looks like i should take some action and
02:47 have the antenna adjusted this is a
02:50 great example of marvis helpfully
02:52 suggesting actions we can take to make
02:54 the user experience better
02:57 marvis also features a conversational
02:59 interface where you can ask it questions
03:01 about the network
03:03 additionally marvis is conveniently
03:05 located at the bottom throughout the
03:07 interface so you can always ask it to
03:09 help you do things like troubleshoot a
03:11 device or access documentation
03:14 heading back to the wan insights page
03:16 let's take a closer look at some of the
03:17 cool stuff that the mist ai engine is
03:20 doing for us
03:21 at the heart of wan assurance are
03:23 something called sles this stands for
03:25 service level experience
03:28 sles break the network down into simple
03:31 units of measure
03:32 for the user experience called a user
03:34 minute
03:35 which is then used to score the various
03:38 things which may have an effect on user
03:40 experience
03:41 behind these seemingly simple
03:43 measurements are the complex and
03:44 powerful ai models of the miss cloud fed
03:47 by the rich telemetry from the session
03:49 smart network
03:51 this is where we can be assured that our
03:53 user experience was good and if it
03:55 wasn't quickly get to the root cause
03:58 here we see that our user experiences
04:00 have not been too affected by things
04:02 happening within the wanage device
04:04 itself or by issues on the wan links
04:08 but even still mist has noticed that
04:10 some application experiences are being
04:12 impacted
04:13 what could be going on
04:15 let's hop into our application health
04:17 sle to see
04:19 each sle contains a set of classifiers
04:21 that break down the root causes of poor
04:23 user experience in this case 98 percent
04:26 of the time that user experience has
04:29 been poor the cause has been actual
04:31 application server responsiveness issues
04:34 going even further we can see that
04:36 applications themselves have been slow
04:38 to respond
04:39 even while all the rest of the wan has
04:41 been performing perfectly
04:43 as we look at affected items by this
04:45 issue it shows us the users and
04:48 applications that have been impacted
04:51 so mist is telling me that my network is
04:53 fine
04:54 but that issues out on the internet are
04:56 still causing poor experiences
05:00 let's check the news here to see if
05:02 there's public reports of these issues
05:05 sure enough the same day of this
05:07 recording there was an amazon server
05:09 outage
05:10 applications reported as impacted are
05:12 the same ones that mist told us about
05:16 this is when assurance in action showing
05:18 us exactly what is happening in the
05:20 network
05:21 thanks for watching this quick
05:22 demonstration of missed wan assurance
05:24 with session smart sd-wan
05:27 hopefully you got a glimpse of how mist
05:29 assures user experiences on the lan and
05:32 helps you find and resolve impacting
05:34 issues faster than ever before