Customer Case Study: Advania Chooses Juniper Apstra for Simplified Data Center Operations

How Advania made its data center so much simpler.
In this episode of Tech Bytes, hear from Darko Petrovic of Advania, one of Iceland’s largest IT solutions providers, on how his company uses Apstra to operate its data centers, simplify its operations and improve user-experience.
You’ll learn
Why Advania chose the Apstra system over other competitors
How Apstra is easy to use and, according to Petrovic, “effortless”
The many benefits Advania realized through Apstra automation, including continuous validation and multivendor support
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Guest speakers
00:00 today on the techbytes podcast sponsored
00:02 by juniper we talk with a customer of
00:04 juniper's abstra intent based networking
00:06 data center software our guest is darko
00:08 petrovic he is principal engineer at
00:10 advania iceland avani is an i.t
00:12 solutions company offering managed and
00:13 professional services and i.t
00:15 infrastructure and integration uh darko
00:17 welcome to the podcast so what drew your
00:19 interest to appstore's product
00:21 first off like you said that vanier is
00:24 working for advania managed service
00:26 provider we are one of the biggest if
00:29 not the biggest in
00:30 msp in iceland
00:33 our main goal going with abstract was we
00:36 wanted to automate our data center as
00:39 much as possible and go away from the
00:41 traditional layer twos that many data
00:44 centers are having trouble
00:46 in the past years
00:47 so we were looking at different
00:49 solutions vendors um uh even thinking
00:53 about doing ourselves with some kind of
00:56 habitation with ansible
00:58 okay so you're looking for an automation
01:00 solution you maybe investigated a little
01:03 bit of doing it yourself but what was
01:04 there something that about appstore that
01:06 you thought oh wait this is going to go
01:08 better for us so
01:09 the first
01:11 impressions from abstract i had a couple
01:13 of years ago when i was doing my
01:15 investigation about uh
01:17 similar solutions that are out there but
01:19 it it went
01:21 uh to the to the side that abstract is
01:24 way more than and offering way more than
01:27 other solutions and vendors there
01:30 just because
01:32 the level of automation and the level
01:35 that
01:36 it's doing the provisioning and the
01:38 whole networking bits and pieces that
01:41 are under the bonnet it's
01:43 so easy and it's effortless basically
01:46 effortless so what you've found is that
01:49 putting abstract into your managed
01:51 services network into the underlay of
01:53 that data center environment has really
01:55 just reduced the friction about making
01:57 changes right not even that the margin
02:00 of human error is minimal so
02:04 how the abstract does that is
02:06 it has basically every in each scenario
02:09 that you can have in your data center
02:12 and based on your inputs he's going to
02:14 calculate the option we're going to
02:16 calculate is that feasible or not if
02:18 it's visible it's going to apply it on
02:21 your network
02:22 it's like pre-applying the configuration
02:25 the app calculates is the the links are
02:28 okay is the routing okay and based on
02:31 all that pre-calculated stuff it expects
02:34 some results when you commit that
02:36 changes so the human
02:39 when it's the engineer when it's uh
02:41 provisioning vlans vague slangs or links
02:45 servers new servers it's basically four
02:48 clicks to provision that so what you're
02:50 saying is actually sanity checking if
02:52 you're trying to make a configuration i
02:53 want this vlan here to be connected to
02:56 this vlan but it also needs to connect
02:58 to this
02:59 segment of the network it's actually
03:01 going to sanity check that everything
03:03 that you want or you think you want to
03:05 configure is actually possible
03:07 correct even the ips the vlans it's
03:10 going to cross-check the vagus lines the
03:12 v-lines it's going to complain if you're
03:14 using the same vlan
03:16 or the same ip addresses ranges or
03:18 scenes right correct that's that's
03:20 really cool what can i ask just for a
03:22 second here what because it's obviously
03:25 you as a managed service provider you've
03:26 got a choice of switches and you're
03:27 probably operating at a reasonable sort
03:29 of scale
03:30 what sort of switches physical switches
03:32 did you go with so
03:34 one of the huge elements that we wanted
03:37 from our fabric is that we don't want to
03:41 do
03:42 vendor lock that's especially important
03:44 for the larger data centers
03:46 when they have multiple vendors inside
03:49 their network and juggling between the
03:51 features you know
03:54 so we wanted something that's going to
03:56 give us the freedom of choice in the
03:59 future years if we don't like or we are
04:02 going to have a bad relationship at that
04:04 moment with someone wender
04:06 all right we have an alternative so it's
04:09 giving us leverage basically in the
04:12 negotiations for the underlay hardware
04:15 at this point we went for the dell
04:18 and where and with their enterprise
04:20 sonic
04:21 distribution
04:22 sonic is based on the fr so like the
04:26 majority of vendors are i know the
04:29 vmware also uses the facebook
04:32 um so yeah
04:34 the the the sonic is so del owen
04:37 dell's open networking switches with the
04:39 sonic
04:40 uh distribution that they've got which
04:42 is supported right dell supports that
04:45 and then you're running abstract on top
04:46 of that so you correct you've actually
04:48 stopped not taps on top abstraction just
04:51 let's say a controller you know yeah so
04:54 the the operating system is sonic
04:57 the the dell itself is shipping so that
05:00 has two flavors of of operating systems
05:03 they have their stock operating system
05:05 os 10 or nine
05:07 um and then there is an enterprise grid
05:10 for their operating system that's sonic
05:12 okay so you've got dell sonic underneath
05:14 and you've got some flexibility there
05:16 because you could either replace the
05:17 dell hardware with another open switch
05:18 running a sonic you could replace the
05:20 sonic with another os but more
05:22 importantly abstra
05:23 over the top here gives you the freedom
05:25 to change the hardware underneath
05:27 i guess that the idea here is that
05:29 appstre is doing the provisioning of the
05:30 switches for you you're not
05:33 using the command line or excel
05:34 spreadsheets or text files to configure
05:36 them right
05:37 nothing nothing so not it's not just
05:40 giving you freedom to change the
05:42 hardware it's you can keep the same
05:44 topology same ip same everything so
05:48 everything is the same from your
05:49 perspective but the hardware you can
05:51 swap
05:52 of course it's not that easy in uh in uh
05:55 in the real world in sense you need uh
05:58 good planning and migration scenario and
06:00 everything but
06:01 at the bottom line yeah
06:03 it's everything that you have everything
06:05 that's running right now
06:07 you can change and keep the same
06:10 topology same layer 3 configurations
06:13 when you finish migrating to another
06:15 vendor okay so i think that's something
06:16 key to talk about is that what you're
06:18 getting with abstra is not just this
06:21 uh sanity check this help with
06:23 configuration this automation lever
06:25 layer but you're also essentially
06:26 ensuring that you've got uh you can run
06:29 a multi-vendor network
06:31 that's correct how are you multiple data
06:33 centers can be connected seamlessly
06:36 really seamlessly i mean i'm telling
06:38 this from my experience that i had
06:41 before with other vendors i was working
06:44 before advani i was working for a global
06:47 integrator so i went through a lot of
06:50 different products based on the for the
06:52 sdn solutions in the data centers and
06:55 appstra is
06:57 maybe the best choice
06:59 if you want to go
07:01 having something nice easy
07:04 uh and managing many manageable
07:07 so it actually works because one of the
07:09 stories i hear a lot is with sdn
07:11 controllers is that people spend an
07:13 awful lot of time keeping the controller
07:15 running or installed or maintained
07:17 and they actually don't have a lot of
07:19 time left over to do other work because
07:21 you're also running an nsx you're
07:23 running a vmware nsx deployment for the
07:25 second part of the networking is there
07:27 an integration between the two what's
07:29 that like with nsx and apps working
07:30 together
07:32 so our current
07:35 network is compromised of three
07:38 different
07:39 key components one of them is nsxt the
07:43 other one is the data center fabric
07:45 that's running on apps and then we have
07:47 that traditional mpls core for
07:51 interconnection with other carriers and
07:53 customers
07:54 so the thing that's appsha giving us uh
07:58 in in the middle is connectivity between
08:01 the data centers
08:03 we're not touching the mpls core in that
08:05 perspective so we can stretch a vlan or
08:07 l3 even through multiple data centers so
08:11 anycast gateway is also there and
08:15 it doesn't even hit the core so the core
08:18 is there just a transport network no
08:20 configuration there
08:22 from the configuration perspective of
08:24 the nsxt so appsha is doing read-only
08:29 queries to the nsxt manager where can
08:32 you where you can see all the vms the
08:34 vlans the
08:36 the vds's the the the
08:38 the port groups and based on that you
08:40 can map out your abstract switches
08:43 vlans uh the policies or whatever you
08:46 want so you what you're actually saying
08:48 there is that you're actually
08:49 integrating the nsx and the abstract
08:50 together it's not a it's not a a a read
08:54 write and everything's coming together
08:56 and you know mystical magic happens it's
08:58 abstract looks at the nsx configuration
09:00 and knows what's happening in the
09:01 overlay and can work to help you with
09:03 that is that right
09:05 correct
09:06 well it gives you information
09:08 it doesn't do the configuration actual
09:10 configuration of the nsxd that's done
09:13 separately right but it's done in nsx
09:16 right yeah right yeah but the everything
09:18 that you configured there on the net on
09:20 the on the the segments on the t ones
09:23 the t zero t one everything is visible
09:26 in yapstra i mean the the the vms to
09:29 which uh uh network adapter is connected
09:32 then you can map out that you can even
09:34 forbid traffic of course that's also
09:36 possible in the nsxt but additional
09:38 security is available for you on the
09:42 aperture level so you can right so you
09:44 can actually integrate the micro
09:45 segmentation policy that you've got from
09:47 nsx with what's in abstract it's not
09:49 that appstore is going to configure the
09:51 nsx but it's aware of what the nsx
09:53 configuration looks like and you can see
09:55 it
09:55 yeah and that means a lot to your
09:57 network guys i mean to see what's what
10:00 they're working with also the telemetry
10:02 of the abstract is fantastic it's a
10:06 the telemetry is way better than
10:08 anything that then you're going to use
10:10 on your nms
10:12 it's a go-to platform for for your
10:14 insights on your fabric you can see
10:17 there everything from the bandwidth to
10:19 the errors to the dropouts to the
10:22 notification to
10:23 even
10:25 even the the the the
10:27 microbursts are seen there
10:29 so what you're actually saying is your
10:31 whole underlay is run by abstract it's
10:33 monitoring the cable performance by
10:34 looking for drops and signal changes
10:37 on the optical because it actually
10:38 watches the optical state of the fiber
10:40 optic connections to see if they're
10:41 working same for copper slightly
10:43 different though depending on the type
10:45 of operating system and so forth but if
10:46 you want to know uh you know is my spine
10:48 running at capacity is there a hot is
10:50 there links
10:51 in the ecmps
10:54 you know leaf spine architecture that
10:55 are running too hot you can find out
10:57 it's all just part of apps you don't
10:58 have to go and find another system to
11:00 watch that
11:01 that's correct i don't know for copper
11:03 though because we don't have anything on
11:05 copper these days
11:07 but yeah for the fiber yeah and there is
11:10 like a really nice graphic
11:12 on appshop for your link you know for
11:14 this for the spinal leaf links and it's
11:17 as your throughput go as your bandwidth
11:19 goes high the that visualization
11:21 visualization of the that link goes
11:23 thicker you know
11:25 so
11:26 you have all the numbers they're
11:29 running but yeah when you see the visual
11:31 capacity what's your limit oh and that's
11:34 that's really nice and really helpful
11:36 the really yeah because you know where
11:38 you are you're like you're mean time to
11:39 innocence like it's not the network and
11:41 you can prove it because you can look at
11:42 everything and go like bandwidth fine
11:44 interfaces
11:46 it evens it even draws out your entire
11:48 topology how your current topology looks
11:51 like all the links are there between the
11:53 spines the leaves and the servers
11:55 everything is there like
11:57 real lines you know i didn't you didn't
11:59 have to draw it or configure it or yeah
12:02 so i mean the only thing that that's
12:04 needed is when you build out your fabric
12:08 so you're gonna click and on a lot of
12:11 stuff uh rename a lot of stuff so that
12:14 initial setup is is a little bit
12:17 nasty as in never so that's like
12:20 mandatory inevitably
12:22 each and every solution but
12:24 the nice thing is that
12:26 it's going the abstract we're going to
12:27 build out your entire fabric just based
12:30 on the lldp
12:31 so that's it you can
12:33 plug in your your spine and leaf links
12:36 to whatever port and don't even
12:39 put an interface number in abstract it's
12:42 going to do it by for you for you and
12:44 then it's going to draw you out how your
12:46 topology looks like
12:48 so doc i wanted to ask you know whenever
12:50 you bring in any kind of automation
12:51 solution that can there's a learning
12:53 curve it might disrupt the way people
12:55 are used to working was there any
12:56 friction with you in the team trying to
12:58 get used to abstract in this new way of
13:00 working well it was
13:02 on my part because when we started
13:04 testing this on puck it was version
13:06 three we were testing version three a
13:09 major abstract gave a lot of changes in
13:12 version four
13:14 so version four is you'll get a separate
13:17 uh a separate
13:20 sections for configuring connectivity
13:22 for external templates uh route maps et
13:25 cetera et cetera so in that's a sense i
13:28 me personally had some hey you were the
13:30 bottom
13:32 yeah yeah yeah yeah but for the rest of
13:35 the guys it was easy because they they
13:37 don't know anything
13:38 for the
13:40 commenting yes
13:41 they're coming in clean they they're not
13:43 thinking of all the configuration that's
13:44 going on under the hood and trying to
13:46 work out yeah so the learning curve is
13:48 not that steep it does have like i said
13:51 with every new solution that you
13:53 came across it does have any
13:56 a little bit
13:57 a hard time to get around it but with
14:00 this it's not that hard so i guess the
14:03 takeaway is that um
14:05 sort of the intent of my question was
14:07 like it sounds like you can get
14:09 a fairly good time to value a time to
14:11 where you're actually using it as
14:12 opposed to just learning it
14:14 like i said from my experience with
14:16 other vendors
14:17 and if you ask me now i would choose
14:20 appshop or any other vendor anytime it's
14:23 really proven that good for you compared
14:25 and you've got experience like you said
14:26 you came from an integrator
14:28 so you've actually had experiences on
14:29 other systems and you're pretty happy
14:30 with this one well the bottom line is
14:32 you don't need an engineer that's that
14:34 knows cisco juniper i don't know uh dell
14:38 uh huawei whatever you don't need that
14:40 kind of engineer right now in your data
14:42 center you need that not for everyday
14:44 work you only need it when you're making
14:46 critical changes yes yeah so you don't
14:49 you you just need a guide that knows to
14:51 click with a mouse
14:52 [Laughter]
14:54 i mean it's trivial comparison but as in
14:57 a nutshell it's like that basically i
15:00 mean when you're running a managed
15:01 service provider like advania is you
15:03 don't want to have high quality
15:06 highly trained high priced engineers
15:08 doing everyday work
15:10 you want to have them doing deep work
15:12 like
15:13 firewall deployments and rollouts and
15:15 reviews of structural fail like root
15:18 cause analysis and that type of stuff
15:20 and as a senior when i was a senior
15:22 engineer i spent way too much time
15:24 doing sculpture config yeah or just
15:26 configuring vlans because nobody else
15:28 could be trusted to do it and it wasn't
15:30 fun right
15:32 no it wasn't i mean like i said
15:34 absolutely is doing a sanity check for
15:36 you so
15:37 the human error is well minimal
15:41 it it really is
15:43 so
15:43 you don't have to i mean you have to
15:45 worry about when you get some errors on
15:47 the fabric itself and then you're going
15:50 to need one engineer or senior engineer
15:52 to t-shoot that but apart from that yeah
15:55 it's everyday provisioning and that's it
15:57 you just put a good foundations in
16:01 in the in the fresco when you build it
16:04 when you're building your fabric and
16:06 just template it
16:08 all right well that does bring us to the
16:09 end of our conversation darko thanks for
16:11 joining us and if you've peaked people's
16:13 interest in app store and they want to
16:14 find out more they can go to
16:17 packet pushers slash appstra that's
16:20 packet pushers dot abstra
16:22 we'll also have that link in the show
16:24 notes that accompany this podcast again
16:25 darko thanks for joining us and thanks
16:27 to juniper for being a sponsor if you
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16:39 last but not least remember that too
16:41 much networking would never be enough