400G & Beyond: Driving NexGen Data Centers

To 400G and beyond! The future of the data center is here.
More and more data center operators are waking up to the idea of moving to 400G products to compensate for the unrelenting uptick in data center traffic. Learn more about this rising trend — one that’s happening across all markets and segments — and discover how you can accelerate 400G adoption in your data center.
You’ll learn
The usage trends that are causing a significant uptick in data center traffic
Various use cases for 400G deployment
How Juniper's 400G data center product portfolio can get your data center where it needs to be
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0:00 [Music]
0:12 the rise of 400g is changing the data
0:15 center landscape
0:17 data center operators driven by cloud
0:20 computing iot and more are accelerating
0:23 the product adoption of 100g to 400 g
0:28 today i have with me rugby bitker to
0:31 discuss the rising trend in data centers
0:34 across all theaters and market segments
0:37 with some a little more aggressive than
0:39 others
0:40 rugby it's nice to have you on the call
0:42 with me thank you arun such a pleasure
0:44 to be here so regulate as i mentioned we
0:47 are seeing growing adoption of 400 g in
0:50 the data centers
0:52 what are some of the motivations behind
0:54 the 100 g to 400 g transition
0:58 absolutely so we have seen a significant
1:01 uptick in the data center traffic due to
1:04 a few trends
1:05 uh first enterprises are moving their
1:08 on-prem services onto cloud
1:10 there's also a significant
1:12 uh amount of application traffic uh or
1:15 apt to have traffic in data centers uh
1:18 and the app services are also being
1:20 broken down into microservices
1:22 they are geographically distributed or
1:25 even sitting on
1:26 different clouds
1:28 another trend we've seen is you know
1:30 multiple new devices are connecting to
1:32 the internet for example iot devices and
1:36 this uptick in network traffic is
1:39 putting a huge strain on the uh data
1:42 center or cloud infrastructure
1:44 which is predominantly 40 gig and 100
1:47 gig
1:48 today
1:49 and that's why more and more data center
1:51 operators are you know waking up to the
1:53 idea of moving to 400 gig products uh to
1:56 compensate for that
1:58 um not just that uh there are there are
2:01 also some physical and mechanical
2:03 advantages of moving to 400 big products
2:08 with 400 gig uh as a choice of interface
2:11 you can get these the uh same form
2:13 factor but you can get four times uh the
2:16 throughput as a 100 gig port
2:19 and with the innovations in the power
2:21 efficiency of 400 gig optics the cost
2:25 per bit uh has gone significantly down
2:28 so that makes sense when you talked
2:30 about the the motivations behind
2:33 the transition
2:34 but can you also throw some light on the
2:36 use cases for 400 deployments in the
2:40 data centers absolutely so apart from
2:42 the physical and mechanical advantages
2:45 of 400 gig that we just talked about the
2:48 need for 400 gig really arises from the
2:51 speed of innovation that we see in tech
2:54 today
2:55 so 400 gig as a choice of interface is
2:58 quite
2:59 well suited for applications in
3:01 artificial intelligence deep learning
3:04 healthcare or even fintech that demand a
3:07 high throughput low latency lossless or
3:10 near lossless performance
3:12 if we talk about positioning uh 400 gig
3:15 platform just in terms of like uh you
3:17 know there was their position in the
3:19 network space or network infrastructure
3:22 they're very well suited for uh the
3:24 spine or super spine uh
3:27 layer where the requirement is fast
3:29 switching or even a border leaf
3:31 where you need that feature richness
3:34 or have a nice demarcation with your
3:36 network boundary
3:38 so can you talk about uh the juniper
3:41 400g data center product portfolio
3:44 that support these uh these use cases
3:46 that we just discussed
3:48 sure we have a robust portfolio uh in
3:51 the qfx product line the first uh i
3:54 wanna highlight is the 50 to 20 product
3:56 line which is optimized for fast
3:58 twitching and we also have the 5130
4:00 product line uh which is optimized to
4:03 host a rich feature set
4:05 to support some of the applications uh
4:08 that we just talked about
4:10 i also want to really highlight uh the
4:12 newest member of the qfx family which is
4:15 the 5700 product line
4:18 uh what's unique to this uh platform is
4:20 that it is the first uh
4:23 single pfe
4:25 uh
4:25 vertical slot qfx chassis that supports
4:29 uh speeds from you know 10 gig all the
4:31 way up to 400 gig with the
4:34 unidirectional throughput of 12.8 uh
4:37 tbps
4:38 this platform is also optimized uh to
4:41 host a number of fabric options uh
4:44 especially evpn vxlan and also storage
4:47 and timing features
4:49 which we are seeing a great uh you know
4:51 growing adoption uh these days so what's
4:54 special about the software running on
4:56 these platforms
4:58 that's a great question so the software
5:00 that's built into these platforms is an
5:03 evolved a newer version of junos
5:06 rightfully named juno's evolved
5:09 and with this software we are targeting
5:10 uh some of the major challenges faced by
5:13 data center operators
5:15 challenges like ease of upgrade ease of
5:18 fault isolation
5:20 maintaining a minimum downtime
5:22 ability to pull various
5:24 statistics and analytics
5:27 via telemetry
5:29 just to make intelligent decisions in
5:31 day-to-day network operations and this
5:33 is all possible because of the
5:35 componentized nature of juno's evolved
5:39 and we are very excited to roll it out
5:42 on some of the newer qfx series
5:44 platforms
5:45 um our platforms will also be integrated
5:48 into
5:49 appstra which is our network management
5:52 and automation offering
5:54 rugby thanks for joining me it's been a
5:56 pleasure talking to you
5:58 thank you arun it was great to share
6:00 some of the exciting things we are doing
6:02 at uh in the data center space at
6:04 juniper great thank you and thank you to
6:07 all our viewers
6:10 [Music]