Hyperscalers’ Tactics in Telecom — Telco Cloud Deployment Models

How do you deploy Telco Cloud? Karim Rabie shows you three different ways.
What is Telco Cloud and how do you deploy it? Tech expert Karim Rabie fills you in on all the nitty gritty details in this short video.
You’ll learn
What Telco Cloud is and a bit about its reference architecture
The differences between three different deployment models for Telco Cloud
Which Telco Cloud deployment model is best for your business
Who is this for?

0:05 uh
0:05 let me just focus on the therico cloud
0:08 deployment models
0:09 that you may find or you you you might
0:13 find
0:14 in the last few years and then we will
0:16 take it and then we will jump into the
0:18 entry points of the hyperscalers
0:20 so for techo cloud the deployment models
0:22 as i said technocloud is a special
0:24 kind of a private cloud that is usually
0:26 and i'm saying usually not 100
0:28 that sticks to assert the reference
0:30 architecture provided by hc nfv which is
0:32 european telecommunications
0:34 standardization institute
0:36 and nfv that's network function
0:37 virtualization so that's in the right
0:39 that's the reference architecture so
0:41 commonly we
0:42 we witnessed in the last six years three
0:46 different deployment models dcloud the
0:49 first one
0:49 i called it single vendor setup or silo
0:53 and that is usually originating from a
0:56 use case driven rfp what is the use case
0:58 driven rfp
0:59 for example you issue an rfp
1:03 to host ims for example and then
1:07 when you host this when you do the ims
1:10 thing
1:10 you get a certain vendor for example zte
1:13 or huawei
1:14 okay and for sure any respect to all
1:18 vendors
1:19 so to onboard huawei ims then huawei
1:22 brings you the full stack for example
1:24 fusion sphere fusion storage
1:26 and cloud opera so they bring you the
1:28 full cloud stack
1:30 then you get a setup that is actually
1:33 100 percent
1:34 uh tuned and provided by one vendor
1:38 this may may happen also if you are if
1:40 you are like a small operator you don't
1:41 welcome multi-vendor stuff
1:43 for example you get ericsson uh core and
1:45 when you get erickson code you get
1:47 ericsson hardware hds you get ericsson
1:49 cloud execution environment as an open
1:51 stack and you get
1:52 ericsson solution for for containers and
1:54 ericsson vs nfvo
1:56 then you get a full cloud
2:00 stack from one vendor so this has always
2:03 been seen as a vendor lock because
2:05 at the end it's very challenging to
2:07 onboard
2:08 uh external dnfs or or vnf's from
2:12 competitors
2:13 on on a certain teleco vendor cloud
2:16 imagine onboarding
2:17 ericsson on a hawaii cloud and vice
2:20 versa
2:20 it's a bit complicated and it would take
2:22 time but there are examples in the
2:24 market
2:24 are doing that and there are public
2:26 releases appears on that for example
2:29 swisscom they are having a full
2:32 erickson stack some operating in the
2:35 gulf they have a full huawei
2:36 stack there is a second
2:39 deployment model which is which was seen
2:41 by that time that is very aggressive
2:43 we called it a cart model and as you see
2:46 the color code here i hope you can see
2:48 it you can get the hardware from someone
2:50 the virtualization layer from another
2:52 vendor different vns from different
2:54 vendors
2:55 and even generic vfm nfvo and that model
2:59 was adopted by atnt so by that time atnt
3:03 15 were the market leader in that
3:05 direction that adnt had their own
3:08 army of developers they they had a great
3:10 contribution in the in the open source
3:13 initiative leading open source
3:14 initiatives so
3:16 they had this mindset and they went
3:18 through this direction but we will see
3:20 in the coming slides
3:21 how 80 and t were i would say
3:25 how the how their way of thinking
3:27 changed by years but
3:28 for for the time being i'm showing you
3:30 what is the model that was adapted by
3:31 atnt
3:32 and maybe entry document by that time
3:34 that
3:36 we will go for a cart model we will pick
3:38 the best of breed in each
3:40 uh in each in each domain and we will do
3:43 the integration
3:44 by ourselves
3:48 in the middle there was one other choice
3:51 that you as a
3:55 as an operator tried to have some sort
3:57 of a multi-vendor
3:58 open model relying on a system
4:00 integrator
4:02 okay so for example you do an
4:04 infrastructure driven rfp like you do an
4:07 rfp to build the cloud
4:09 you
4:12 address the rfp to system integrators
4:14 that can bring you a multi-vendor stack
4:16 and
4:17 commit to integrate and we we saw that
4:20 uh
4:20 we saw that actually in many many
4:22 operators which resulted in telefonica
4:24 which is not in sdc
4:25 so that was c seen as something in the
4:28 middle
4:29 but one of the negative things about
4:31 that model and we saw that in the market
4:32 that
4:34 uh the vnf onboarding or to onboard the
4:36 new vnf
4:37 that had like uh somehow a bad
4:39 reputation that it
4:40 takes like months is to do an onboarding
4:44 because it's a multi-vendor
4:45 thing but at the end uh
4:48 that was always the first on boarding
4:50 but when you do like
4:51 multiple onboarding for the same vnf it
4:53 it gets on
4:54 onboarded automatically and dynamically
4:57 so these are
4:58 the three telco cloud deployment models
5:00 that have been there in the market for
5:01 the last
5:03 five years